Kinky Full Moon May 2015

Sexy Full Moon May 2015 AstrologyThe full moon on Sunday 3 May 2015 occurs at 13 degrees in the sign of Scorpio. It receives an artistic but pleasure-seeking touch from the bright star in the Northern Crown, yet a sexy and kinky influence from the asteroid Lilith. Planetary aspects suggest that these influences will require some self-control in order to avoid excesses in these areas.

Full Moon Meaning

Like all full moons, the major  planetary aspect is Sun opposite Moon. Along with the conjunction, this is the most important of all aspects in astrology. A full moon focuses our attention on relationships of all kind. A Full moon itself has a relationship to the previous new moon. Projects that you started at the previous moon phase two weeks ago can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time.

As the lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon, you can take an objective and balanced look at our personal relationships. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you can clearly see any relationships imbalances causing disharmony.

Full Moon May 2015 Astrology

As mentioned above, this full moon has a direct link to the previous new moon on 18 April 2015. The new moon presented some relationships challenges through misconceptions, delays or separations. Now at the full moon, you have a chance to take a more objective look at any relationships problems which have developed over the past two weeks. If you used the positive energy of the previous new moon to concentrate new goals or turn over a new leaf, you can use the following two weeks finalize or complete your projects.

At 13°22′ Scorpio, the May 3 full moon makes an extremely tight square to Jupiter. With an orb of only 0°11′, Sun square Jupiter is by far the strongest influence in the full moon astrology chart below. This aspect does offer the chance of success but it will be hard-earned. The good fortune associated with Jupiter will not fall in your lap either, it will also have to be earned. There will be a tendency to over-estimate your capabilities, exaggerate or brag.Avoiding a tendency toward an inflated ego requires conscious self-control and moderation.

With Moon square Jupiter, excess and exaggeration may apply to your behaviors or habits. Even though a full moon square Jupiter suggest good cheer and a positive outlook, extravagance and excessive pleasure-seeking can lead to situations getting out of control.

Less than one degree from the full moon is the fixed star Alphecca, at 12°31′ Scorpio. This alpha star of the Northern Crown, constellation Corona Borealis, gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability. Like its near neighbor in longitude, the star Acrux at 12°05′ Scorpio, it gives high spiritual ideals, enthusiasm in pursuit of causes, and self-sacrifice. However, with associated challenging aspects as we have with the full moon square Jupiter, there can be an excess of pleasure-seeking, unorthodox and secret sexual behavior, and going overboard with jewelry or tattoos. With the Moon in particular, Alphecca can cause sufferings through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings, and is a bad omen for love affairs.

Full Moon May 2015 Astrology Chart

Full Moon May 2015 Astrology

Full Moon May 2015 Horoscope

The influence of the moon square Jupiter and the fixed star are very much alike. With the current new moon phase emphasis on relationship problems, this full moon suggest the next two weeks will involve understanding these relationships problems by looking at excessive behaviors, showing off, and controversial or secret sexual activity.

To leave no doubt about this conclusion, less than one degree from the full moon is asteroid Lilith, at 12°27′ Scorpio. 1181 asteroid Lilith represents the dark side of sexuality, she rules red light districts, homosexuality and transgender people and relationships, nudity, vampire bats and abandoned houses, desolate crossroads and feminism, sexual role-playing, leather and latex, whips and netted stockings. Examples of the personification of asteroid Lilith include cross dressing actor Eddie Izzard and the effeminate Quentin Crisp (both asteroid Lilith conjunct AC).

So if in a relationships which has been troubles in the last two weeks, you may realize in yourself, or discover in your partner some secret passion or sexual desire which has remained hidden because of shame or fear of rejection. Or perhaps some excessive behavior or habit such as pornography or masturbation is found to be the root of the problem. In the news we may see stories about gay marriage, models being too thin, pedophilia and sex scandals.

If the last two weeks has seen you try to turn over a new leaf or start some new project, the May 2015 full moon has the potential for lucky breaks and success, so long as you do not over-invest or over-estimate your capabilities.

Adding weight to the chance of positive outcomes with both scenarios from the full moon May 2015 astrology, Sun sextile Neptune gives mutual understanding and compassion plus spiritual insight. The Sun trine Pluto gives greater personal power and influence, with a good chance of positive transformation or elimination of bad habits.

Find Asteroid Lilith in Your Chart

1. Create your chart HERE.
2. Choose “Extended Chart Selection”.
3. In “additional asteroids or hypothetical planets”, add 1181.