Fixed Star Acrux

Acrux at 11°52′ Scorpio has an orb of 2°40′
Fixed Star Acrux

Crux Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Acrux on November 4

Fixed star Acrux, Alpha Crucis, is a multiple star system in the Southern Cross, Crux Constellation.

Combined magnitude 0.76 (1.33 + 1.75), spectral type B0.5IV + B1V.

The name Acrux is an “Americanism” for the full Bayer designation Alpha Crucis. Acrux is represented in the flags of Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, and Papua New Guinea as one of five stars that comprise the Southern Cross.


Acrux Astrology

ACRUX. α Crucis. The brightest star in the Southern Cross. It is a triple. It gives religious beneficence, ceremony, justice, magic and mystery, and is frequently prominent in the horoscopes of astrologers and occultists. [1]

ACRUX. α Crucis. A bluish-white, triple star in the Southern Cross. “The Guide of the Southern Cross. Spectral class Bl. This star gives the native a love of justice, a love of ceremonies, occult interests, insatiable interest in education, love of travel, one who loves to see suffering. NOTE: Natives having Acrux in conjunction with their celestial objects will have a deep sense of religiosity in some form or another. This can exhibit itself in any number of ways. One who dislikes injustice, one who is for the disadvantaged, one who turns to religion for salvation. The negative nativities will entertain the same religiosity but could develop into an atheist, or become confused about religion, entertain a belief in reincarnation, even entertain a death wish. [6]

The Southern Cross is a magnificent arrangement of stars. The Jupiter nature of this fixed star is especially impressive if its latitude is the same as that of the Ascendant. Then this star is supposed to be credited with intuition, a grasp for the inner nature of one’s fellow man, a preference for occult studies, the gift of successful investigation of the hidden side of things, an inventive mind, and a deeply religious nature connected with mystical and theosophical interests. Elsbeth Ebertin had the exact conjunction, and the reading given fits perfectly.

This interpretation of the Southern Cross is especially true if the sign Scorpio is in favorable cosmic circumstances in the chart and the negative properties of Scorpio are eliminated thereby. [2]

α Crucis, Acrux, prime star of the Southern Cross, Crux, accorded the appropriate simile Jupiter by Ptolemy. He, by the way, could see it from northern Egypt with an ease not possible now, for precession has carried Centaurus, of which Crux was long an integral part, farther to the south in our skies.

Acrux is significantly conjunct by longitude, all save 12′ of arc, Alphecca, prime star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown which lies close to the Head of Bootes in our more familiar skies. We may not see The Cross from the northern hemisphere but we can see the Crown that comes as the reward carrying it a little of the way. Alphecca’s name comes from the ‘Bright One of the Bowl’ for in fact the Crown is that way up in the sky.

If that sounds a little bit too ‘Christian Establishment’ for some tastes, remember that there is no prophet in history that has not suffered persecution for bringing new light to peoples when many of them felt more comfortable in their familiar half-darkness. [3]

Acrux rules the bottom of the spine. [5]

Constellation Crux

Crux gives perseverance, but many burdens, trials, and responsibilities, together with much suffering and many hardships. [1]

In the new identification of ‘the Cross,’ the theme of sacrifice and stoic resilience has been further emphasized with heightened ecclesiastical connections… a need to sacrifice the animal/ego-driven instincts in pursuit of fortitude in the face of adversity, spiritual advancement, and wounds that can never be healed. [4]

Acrux Star, Alpha Crucis

Acrux Star, Alpha Crucis []

Fixed Star Acrux Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Acrux: Sober, grave, patient, legacies, ecclesiastical preferment. [1]

Mark Twain 0°08′, Jimmy Page 0°12′, Sigmund Freud 0°17′, Vito Genovese 0°38′ (and Venus), Katy Perry 0°52′, Lilly Wachowski 1°02′, Bill Cosby 1°15′, Mata Hari 1°56′, Harvey Weinstein 2°05′

Midheaven conjunct Acrux: Honor, glory, preferment, success in trade and in the Church. [1]

Nero 0°45′, Alexis Arquette 1°04′, Megan Fox 1°11′, Clarence Thomas 2°20′ (and S. Node), Novak Djokovic 2°28′, J. Paul Getty 2°32′

Descendant conjunct Acrux: Camila Cabello 1°18′, Immanuel Kant 1°25′, Boy George 1°34′

Imun Coeli conjunct Acrux: Christopher Reeve 0°43′, Corey Feldman 1°00′, John Maynard Keynes 2°02′ (and N. Node), Margot Robbie 2°09′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Acrux: George W. Bush 1°05′, William Bligh 1°10′, Bruce Lee 1°18′, Ronaldinho 1°45′, Tycho Brahe 1°56′, John Milton 2°05′.

Sun conjunct Acrux: Advanced nativities having this star in conjunction with their natal Sun can become leaders in their professions, they will have the gift of intuition and a grasp for their fellow men’s humanity. These natives have an inner sense of religiosity, a sense of justice towards their fellow men, an understanding of man’s weakness and failures. They can excel and gain high preferment in any field dealing with the nature of mankind. [6]

Charles Bronson 0°04′, Tony Abbott 0°11′ (and N.Node), Nicholas Culpeper 1°05′, Sean Combs 1°09′, Marie Antoinette 1°33′

Moon conjunct Acrux: Natives with this conjunction can gain high preferment in their dealings with the public. They can gain new and influential friends. However, these natives will not exhibit the same attributes as with the Acrux conjunction Sun natives, rather they will tend to be a little more hard headed in their dealings with their fellow men. [6]

Bruce Lee 0°21′, Louis XVI 0°35′, Kylie Jenner 0°40′, Whoopi Goldberg 0°51′ (and Mercury).

Mercury conjunct Acrux: If well-aspected, the native is mentally keen, somewhat intuitive. Generally these natives deal with or get involved in what can be termed as out of the ordinary subjects, people or ideas. They seem to fascinate the native, but not to the point where it engulfs them. Many such natives are ceremoniously inclined. Opinions can be caustically expressed.

With challenging aspects, these natives become involved in intrigues, mysterious subjects, people, and places fascinate such natives. The native can easily become involved in matters that can engulf them and incur serious legal entanglement. Violence or chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or serious illness possible. Opinions can be expressed caustically. Possible miser. [6]

Gavin Newsom 0°14′, Katy Perry 0°20′, Mark Ruffalo 0°24′, Johnny Carson 0°40′, Jawaharlal Nehru 0°50′, Sarah, Duchess of York 2°02′, John Lennon 2°29′, Whoopi Goldberg 2°40′ (and Moon). 

Venus conjunct Acrux: This star gives the native an artistic nature that could be developed. Artistically, this can exhibit itself as a musician or a writer, in any case the native will be an innovator and can leave their mark. Religiously the natives so endowed will either be a deeply religious person or at sometime during their lifespan will turn to religion, perhaps for their salvation. Negatively, Venus endows the native with somewhat confused ideas, even religiously confused; some will be endowed with a desire to see or encounter suffering, even endure it. Such natives will be greatly affected by their early training or lack of  it, more so than the average person. [6]

Keith Richards 0°10′, Vladimir Putin 0°29′, Jenna Ortega 0°50′, Agatha Christie 1°26′, Zoë Kravitz 2°00′ (and Pluto), Lucky Luciano 2°02′, Vito Genovese 2°03′ (and AC), Nicolás Maduro 2°40′ (and Neptune). 

Mars conjunct Acrux: These natives have good mental powers, generally very keen. Acrux’s effect extends to natives with a well-aspected nativity, such natives will have a deep religious mind and this can exhibit itself as being generally kind, well-liked, one who is forthright, even outspoken, but dislikes injustice, and is quick to speak out against what they consider or decide is unjust. These natives can be quite determined once their mind is made up. Negatively, they will be daring, even rebellious or considered as radical by nature, radical for the times, they could also be immune to suffering, and if the celestial objects aspecting Mars is totally adverse, such natives would love to see suffering. Can be merciless. [6]

Jon Voight 0°02′, Joe Rogan 0°14′, Khloé Kardashian 0°31′ (and Saturn), Martin Scorsese 0°45′, Joe Biden 1°31′, Leonardo DiCaprio 1°55′

Jupiter conjunct Acrux: High preferment in martial, government, and matters dealing with the public and its affairs. Leadership qualities will be evident or can be developed. Name and fame possible, good or bad. [6]

(0°30′ orb): This is a powerful fixed star and a powerful energy that makes these natives very aware of everything around them. Other planets can bring about this awareness, but not as much as Jupiter can bring. These persons know exactly what to respond to and at the right time. They always have what they want out of life for they take the higher and more positive side of life for the most part. Only a few with this fixed star would stay at the lower level, but even then at the lower level, they have the things they prefer. With Jupiter at this degree, they would always be the eagle – never the scorpion. [5]

Allan Kardec 0°37′, Ilhan Omar 0°43′, Ted Bundy 1°56′.

Saturn conjunct Acrux: Mark Zuckerberg 0°36′, Prince Harry, Malcolm X 1°10′, Duke of Sussex 1°11′, Khloé Kardashian 1°46′ (and Mars), Linda Goodman 1°47′, John Travolta 1°53′, Oprah Winfrey 2°11′

Uranus conjunct Acrux: Giorgia Meloni 0°10′, Nicolaus Copernicus 0°22′, Abraham Lincoln 0°26′ (and N. Node), Charles Darwin 0°26′ (and N. Node), J. Paul Getty 1°12′, Francisco Franco 1°48′

Neptune conjunct Acrux: Jordan Peterson 0°13′, Tom Cruise 0°32′, Mary Shelley 0°38′, Al-Biruni 0°47′, George Clooney 1°32′, Whitney Houston 1°35′, RuPaul 1°49′, Jim Carrey 1°56′, Johnny Depp 2°02′, Prince Andrew, Duke of York 2°12′, Richard Ramirez 2°16′, Boy George 2°27′, Diego Maradona 2°30′, Nicolás Maduro 2°32′ (and Venus). 

Pluto conjunct Acrux: Adele 0°38′, Rihanna 0°51′, Marguerite de Navarre 1°27′, Marquis de Sade 1°50′, Zoë Kravitz 1°51′ (and Venus), Conor McGregor 1°56′, Chris Brown 2°01′, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 2°24′

North Node conjunct Acrux: Alexei Navalny 0°31′, Josemaria Escriva 0°39′, John Maynard Keynes 0°45′ (and IC), Tony Abbott 0°49′ (and Sun), Walt Disney 1°24′, Abraham Lincoln 2°17′ (and Uranus), Charles Darwin 2°19′ (and Uranus).

South Node conjunct Acrux: Josef Mengele 0°06′, Karl Marx 0°32′, Emanuel Swedenborg 0°50′, Cat Stevens 1°28′, Clarence Thomas 1°43′ (and MC), Kurt Cobain 1°50′

  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.41, 116.
  2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.59.
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.165.
  4. Crux: the Southern Cross, Deborah Houlding.
  5. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.91.
  6. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.152-154.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.