Tony Abbott Horoscope

Tony Abbott Horoscope

Tony Abbott

Tony Abbott is a religious man, educated at Catholic schools, he has studied at seminary college to be a priest, written for The Catholic Weekly as a journalist, and during his political career has always worn his religion on his sleeve. A quick look at his astrology chart reveals several reasons for his fundamentalist religious views, which have earned him the nick name The Mad Monk.

The Ascendant (AC) represents the physical expression of the soul. The strength of Tony Abbott’s soul comes from the fixed star Vindemiatrix conjunct the AC. This star, on a par with Algol for its evil influence, has earned the common name The Widow Maker. It causes disgrace, falsity, sarcasm, skepticism, polemics, depression and nervous irritability, but good concentration and a powerful mind. It has the Arabic name Al Muredin, meaning  The One Sent Forth in the Faith. So this missionary star, is in part, responsible for Abbott’s strong religious calling.

Tony Abbott Horoscope

Tony Abbott Horoscope

Tony Abbott Horoscope

This nature also comes from his Sun and North Node on the fixed star Acrux giving a deeply religious nature with theosophical interests. The Midveaven (MC) represent the career or calling. MC conjunct the fixed star Sirius gives high office under government.

The Moon at the focal point of a Yod aspect pattern means that Tony is a spiritual warrior with a specific karmic mission to complete. To aid him in this religious task, the Moon conjunct the fixed star Deneb Kaitos makes him reckless and headstrong with a violent temper.

Source for the time of birth in the Tony Abbott horoscope comes via Sydney astrologer Ed Tamplin: “Tony Abbott was born at 4 am in London, on November 4 1957”. World Predictions 2013. Ed Tamplin has explained to me that the time was found by a member of the AANSW, and confirmed to Ed by a student of his who had talked to an immediate family member of Tony Abbott.