Lynx Constellation

Lynx Constellation

Lynx Constellation [Stellarium]

Constellation Lynx is a northern constellation bordering Gemini, Cancer, Leo Minor, Ursa Major, Camelopardalis and Auriga. It was introduced by Johannes Hevelius in 1690 and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. Lynx spans 39 degrees of the zodiac in the Signs of Cancer and Leo.

Lynx Constellation Stars

20002050StarNameSp. ClassMag.Orb
03♋0703♋492 LynA24.441°10′
09♋0909♋5115 LynG54.351°10′
15♋4316♋2521 LynA14.611°00′
22♋3623♋1827 LynA24.781°00′
27♋3428♋1631 LynAlsciaukatK44.251°20′
05♌1605♌5910 UMaF53.961°30′
07♌3308♌15HD 77912G84.561°10′
10♌3511♌1738 LynMaculosaA13.821°30′
11♌5112♌33α LynElvashakK73.141°50′

Lynx Astrology


History. Added by Hevelius, 1690, and sometimes called Tigris, the Tiger.

Influence. It is said to give stealthiness and cunning, many changes in life, and an adventurous career. [1]

Lynx Constellation Urania’s Mirror

Lynx Constellation [Urania’s Mirror]


Lynx sive Tigris, the Lynx or Tiger. Its stars may have been those intended by Aratos where he mentioned, in our motto, some in front of the Greater Bear; but for the modern figure we are indebted to Hevelius. He used in it nineteen stars, and in explaining the title said that those who would examine the Lynx ought to be lynx-eyed, in which he acknowledged the insignificance of the components. Of these Argelander has catalogued 42, and Heis 87; but the boundaries are not accurately determined.

The alternative name, now in disuse, came from the fancied resemblance of the many little stars to spots on the tiger; and the same word was applied by Bartschius in 1624, although as the river Tigris, to some stars that subsequently were made into the Polish Bull and the Little Fox with the Goose.

38, or ρ Lyncis; Mags. 4, 7.5; Pos. 240°; Dist. 2″.9; white and lilac. This is the northern one of a pair of stars which closely resemble the three pairs that mark the paws of Ursa Major. This pair makes nearly an isosceles triangle with the two pairs λ μ and ι κ Ursa Majoris.

Baily thought Fl. 44 Lyncis the original 18th of Ursa Major in early catalogues.

Fl. 31 Lyncis, of 4.4 magnitude, the 8th of Ptolemy’s ἀμόρφοτοι of Ursa Major, is given by Assemani as the Arabic Alsciaukat, a Thorn (Al‑Shaukah), and Masbuthat (Mabsūṭah), Expanded. [2]


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.50.
  2. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.279-280.

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