New Moon 15 April 2018 – A New Day

New Moon April 2018 AstrologyThe New Moon on Sunday April 15, 2018 at 26° Aries aligns with the planet Uranus. This means the New Moon April 2018 astrology is perfect for making a positive change in your life. The best time to make a fresh start is a following a new moon. The fixed star aligned with the new moon portends determination and final success, so this really is a wonderful time for a positive change.

The April 2018 New Moon is particularly good for making a fresh start in your love life. Whether rejuvenating an existing relationship or finding new love, the planets align in your favor. This is also a spiritual new moon that brings compassion, idealism and access to The Mysteries.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28 day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. This is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

The effects of the April 15 New Moon will last four weeks up to the May 15 New Moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from April 15 to the April 29 Full Moon.

New Moon April 2018 Astrology

The April 15 New Moon at 26°02′ Aries Sign falls within Pisces Constellation (17° Pisces to 2° Taurus). Ruled by Neptune, this Constellation gives spirituality, idealism, empathy, intuition and dreaming; but also illusion, deception, weakness, confusion and vagueness. It rules mirrors, film, fog, mist, gases, anesthetics, drugs, altered states of consciousness, poison, hypnotism, socialism, welfare and communism.

In mundane astrology, Constellation Pisces portends events concerning the sea, especially those that affect the destiny of kings and large numbers of mankind. [1]

Fixed star Al Pherg at 27°03′ Aries Sign is the only star in Pisces Constellation used in astrology. Robson said it gives preparedness, steadiness, determination and final success. [2] This is a terrific star to have with a new moon. It means your fresh start or new project has a great chance of succeeding.

In medical astrology, fixed star Al Pherg rules the pineal gland. It makes sense then, that Dr. Morse said this is a star of mysteries to be revealed to us, about ourselves, our distant origins and our Creator. It gives ready access to, and understanding of, what the Church loves to call ‘The Mysteries’. [3]

New Moon April 2018 Astrology

New Moon April 2018 Astrology

New Moon Conjunct Uranus

Sun conjunct Uranus is an excellent aspect to have with a new moon. It means you will be excited and ready for a change, for something new. You should feel a strong urge to break free from routine, doing something totally different from your normal activities. To avoid restlessness and nervous tension, it is better to be active and look to do something out of the ordinary, and not wait for change to happen to you.

Uranus will open up your consciousness to higher vibrations, perhaps resulting in greater self-awareness or even psychic perception. Remaining flexible and open-minded will certainly increase the chance of more pleasant surprises and thrilling experiences. You could meet new and unconventional types of people, or those from very different cultural or social backgrounds than yourself.

Other Aspects

Venus opposite Jupiter can cause a lack of self-discipline and motivation to work. If you are on vacation then wonderful, you can relax and enjoy life to the fullest and meet new friends or lovers. If you have to work or study you will need to dig deep to find the drive and ambition to get the job done.

Venus trine Pluto adds intensity and passion to relationships and those things which bring you joy and satisfaction. This is a good new moon for intimate relationships due to increased desire for love and affection. A mysterious type of sexual attraction and strong karmic pull increases your odds of finding new romance.

Mars sextile Neptune increases your sensual desires making this an ideal time for romance. You should be more sensitive to the needs of others and enjoy sharing this soothing and healing energy. You can also assert this spiritual energy to defend the mistreated or fight for a just cause. A strong sense of what is right and true will guide you in your actions.

Jupiter sextile Pluto is another perfect aspect to have with a new moon because it brings success through positive change. You do not have to force change or have to react to unexpected change. This is a natural development in your life associated with increased power and influence, spiritual and personal growth, wealth creation and professional advancement.

New Moon Summary

A New Moon gives a burst of energy and initiative for making a fresh start. New Moon April 2018 in Pisces Constellation gives spiritual motivation to your new goals. You can be confident about completing your goal or mission because fixed star Al Pherg makes you ready and determined to succeed.

Uranus gives you the spark and opportunity to make exciting changes in your life. Being open-minded and proactive about change will increase your chance of being pleasantly surprised by the results.

If you want to make a new start in a relationship or find new love, Venus and Mars aspects provide affection, passion and romance. Jupiter sextile Pluto is a driving force for positive change and is perfectly timed to coincide with the new moon. Finally. Mercury stations direct 16 hours before the new moon. Again, perfectly timed for making a fresh start.

The last two moon phases were really challenging so you are probably ready for a new start. New Moon April 2018 presents an exciting opportunity to make profound changes that will improve your life forever.If the New Moon April 2018 astrology chart directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Weekly Horoscope and Monthly Horoscope. For more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon 31 March 2018
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon 29 April 2018

New Moon April 2018 Times and Dates
  • Los Angeles, April 15 at 6:57 pm
  • New York, April 15 at 9:57 pm
  • London, April 16 at 2:57 am
  • Delhi, April 16 at 7:27 am
  • Sydney, April 16 at 11:57 am
  1. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.40.
  2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.134.
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.117.

9 thoughts on “New Moon 15 April 2018 – A New Day

  1. Descendant 26Aries37….? No idea this time, perhaps its a surprise? Hopefully a pleasant one, that will be a good new start lol!

  2. Or go to war.
    With New Moon in Aires conjunct Uranus – square Pluto and Mars at the midpoint of Pluto and Saturn, and Jupiter in Scorpio inconjuncting the new Moon and sextiling Pluto, this is an incredibly dangerous chart, not lovey dovey at all.

    • Hi Aqua. Nearly 5 degrees is a big orb to use for Pluto. I usually reduce orb for the outer planets, especially Pluto. Even though it has dramatic effects only use a 1 degree irb for Pluto transits.

  3. Hi Jamie…
    How r U???
    My dob s 18 Dec 1981…11.15am Bareilly India
    Just wanted to know we will I b stable in life…

  4. My brother is born on April 15, 1951 and he is ready to launch a case against someone who stole from him. It should be being filed this week. I did his solar return and he has Capricorn rising with Pluto, Saturn,mars and the black moon all in the first house. This has been years in the making and involves millions. I am excited for him with good reason. Thank you for your informative article. Bless your work!

  5. Hello, I have been feeling out of sync and upside down for a few weeks and when I woke up on Monday morning I felt like a different person! I couldn’t understand the change and how it could be so ‘radical’- so of course (Google being my best friend) I did a bit of research and there it was! The New moon in Gemini – AT LAST!! I feel re-energised and more balanced than in ages. Thank you for your affirmative article, can’t stop smiling! 🙂

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