New Moon January 29, 2025 – Good Luck But

New Moon January 2025 Astrology

The New Moon on January 29, 2025, forms a harmonious trine aspect to Jupiter. Thus, the spiritual meaning of the January 2025 new moon is growth, happiness and good fortune.

The new moon January 2025 astrology predicts good luck for those who deserve it. It gives the self-confidence and enthusiasm for starting something new, increasing wealth and overcoming obstacles. However, there is a risk of loss and disappointment for those who have abused power, been lazy or did not earn their wealth and status.

New Moon January 2025 Astrology

The new moon on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, is at 09°51′ Aquarius. The most significant impact comes from the harmonious blue trine aspect to Jupiter. No major fixed stars align with this new moon, but there are with Jupiter and Mercury-Pluto.

New Moon January 2025 Meaning

New Moon January 2025


Sun conjunct Moon represents cyclic renewal as a new 28-day moon phase begins. You can draw a line under the past, turn over a new leaf, and start fresh. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for creative and inventive new ways to grow and prosper.

The monthly alignment of the Sun and Moon reconciles your conscious ego and subconscious feelings to provide balance, focus and perspective. It gives a rejuvenating burst of energy, initiative, and enthusiasm. So, the New Moon January 2025 is excellent for defining your priorities and setting ambitious goals.

Good Luck

New Moon trine Jupiter is a positive aspect that brings optimism, enthusiasm, good fortune, prosperity and happiness. It is excellent for starting new projects and overcoming setbacks and favors politics, philosophy, the law, social welfare, and moral and ethical issues.

Personal growth comes through higher education, long-distance travel, religion, spirituality, and group activities. Material growth comes through investments, business deals, or self-employment. Increased goodwill, tolerance, and generosity should make relationships more harmonious.

Jupiter and the trine aspect are very similar. They bring growth, expansion, abundance, talent, harmony, relaxation, and enjoyment. However, too much of a good thing can cause excess, obsession, oversaturation, and an inability to find satisfaction.

So, this new moon can make you confident and adventurous or arrogant and ignorant. Opportunities for growth and success could be missed by overindulgence or laziness. Devotion to a spiritual mission could become zealous fanaticism.

New Moon January 2025 Constellations

The January 29 new moon is in the Sign of Aquarius. But because of the precession of the equinoxes, it is in the Constellation of Capricornus.

A new moon in Capricornus Constellation gives extreme patience, perseverance, reliability, great self-confidence and self-control, self-reliance, modest tastes, a fondness for old things and ideas, and the ability to organize and direct and take measured deliberate action. 

The Sea-Goat makes you ambitious, serious, conservative, economical, trustworthy, cautiously forceful, industrious, cool-headed, thoughtful of others, and inclined to thrive on hard work and grasp every opportunity. [1]

New Moon January 2025 Spiritual Meaning

New Moon January 2025 [Stellarium]

New Moon Stars

  • 08♒46 – γ Microscopii
  • 09♒51 – New Moon January 2025
  • 09♒52 – θ1 Microscopii
  • 09♒58 – ε Indi
  • 10♒00 – α Tucanae
  • 10♒08 – δ Indi

Constellation Microscopium the Microscope gives a careful, methodical, fastidious, meticulous and scientific nature. [1]

Constellation Indus the Indian gives a quick penetrating mind, deep insight, and interest in orientalism, mysticism and sport. [1]

Constellation Tucana the Toucan gives pride, gentleness, unselfishness, activity, and kindness. [1]

Jupiter Star

Fixed star Aldebaran at 10♊ 08 is associated with war. It brings riches and honor (especially from public or military careers), intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity, courage, ferocity, a responsible position, success in making money, and gain of power and wealth through others, but its benefits seldom prove lasting.

There is the risk of violence, self-destruction and sickness. Aldebaran makes people argumentative, exaggerative, restless, riotous, stressed and anxious, stirring up popular dissent and revolution and madly desiring civil and domestic wars.

With Jupiter (1°11′): Leadership, recognition, honor and glory in public matters, the military or religion. Possible laziness and loss of position if it was not earned.

Mercury and Pluto Star

Fixed star Altair at 02♒07 gives a confident, ambitious, bold, valiant, unyielding and liberal nature, a position of command, legal and military advancement, and great and sudden but ephemeral wealth. Possibility of mischief-making, bloodshed, disgrace, misfortune, ruin and danger from reptiles. 

With Mercury (0°09′): Bad for partnership, many difficulties and misfortunes, strange experiences, disappointment on long journeys, and loss of a relative under strange circumstances.

Constellation Aquila the Eagle gives great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, influence over others, clairvoyance, a keen, penetrating mind and an ability for chemical research. In mundane astrology, it rules the U.S.A., space exploration, bombs, missiles and drones.

New Moon January 2025 Meaning

This is a positive new moon because of the Jupiter trine. The keywords are growth, happiness and good fortune. All new moons favor starting something new, but the January 2025 new moon is about as good as it gets.

You can draw on self-confidence, enthusiasm and optimism to make the most of these exceptionally favorable conditions. People will generally be tolerant, supportive and generous.

There is always a possibility of arrogance, obsession and excess with Jupiter trines. Jupiter with Aldebaran and Mercury and Pluto with Altair bring the risk of violence, riots, revolution, religious war, abuse of power and strained partnerships.

Laziness and recognition not earned could be punished by loss of wealth and status. This new moon could redistribute wealth from the lazy and undeserving to the hard-working and deserving.

The key to success is using the enthusiasm, optimism, tolerance, morality and generosity of Jupiter. Capricornus Constellation provides the patience, self-control, modesty and conservatism to avoid extremes in behavior and belief.

The influence of the new moon January 2025 astrology lasts four weeks up to the February 27 new moon. The best time for starting new projects is during the two-week waxing moon phase from January 29 to the February 12 Full Moon.

If the new moon directly affects your Sign, you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, see Sun Transits for more details about how it affects your natal chart.

New Moon January 2025 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – January 29, 4:36 am
  • New York – January 29, 7:36 am
  • London – January 29, 12:36 pm
  • Delhi – January 29, 6:06 pm
  • Sydney – January 29, 11:36 pm
  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979. p. 319.
  2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.48, 51, 65.

70 thoughts on “New Moon January 29, 2025 – Good Luck But

  1. Mercury Pluto is a trip. I take it Aguila bent toward clairvoyance is part of this experience. Strange experiences. I am auditory by nature so I think I am just hearing things. But then it turns out to be guidance to something in the ol world of “reality.” I know not new moon yet but close.

  2. David Solomon, CEO Goldman Sachs, $39B bonus, 26% raise, two illustrative numbers.

    • Alice weidel, germany, afd party chief, formerly working for goldmann-sachs in china..
      Now she is best friend for elon elohim musk and supports afd. Only by chance or what? Money supports money.

      • C2024G3 (ATLAS) Perihelion January 13, 17:40 Ut, chart set for London, UK, synastry New Moon, Beijing.

        New Moon conjunct comet Part of Fortune, trine Jupiter. Good luck but.. Venus square Jupiter. The comet has lost its head but even two weeks later produced streamers all the way to Venus.

        • Make me laugh. Lost its head but kept going. Why does that reverberate with what’s going on here on the ground. Just funny to me.

          Vaporization of the head. Air head. It now just looks like a cloud with no center. So apropo.

  3. I have one more question Jamie: what about fixed stars so far away from the ecliptic south-or northwards like draco, indus, tucan etc. ? Do they count or not or in the end it has nothing to do with latitude? Yr personal experience/opinion to this plz Jamie? Thx

  4. I am profiting already. Not dollarwise. 😊😊😊😊😊

    There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.

  5. I feel like we are facing darker and darker times….. Ha. Only because there is a media and SOCIAL media now to wack our consciousness with real and fake info.. errrrrgh OVERLOAD! WHO HAS TIME to sift through the bombardment ??!?!!!? Oh yeah with AI in the mix too now….. On a front we are supercharging into the future but earth is a limited space… or TIME for a human can b so painstakingly linear(still got to EAT/SHOWER/SLEEP/TAKE CARE SELF/LOVED ONES +emotion+brain nourishments. I feel the arrival of Elon in politics(OUT and OPEN in center STAGE)is making the world flat back into feudal times.ughh.) WE HUMANS continues to fall… back into primitive instincts. FEAR is powerful emo to hog power/hang onto dogma/refuse our deeper humanity to solve issues with clear but irrevocable hard choices… I suddenly have BIG hope for THE DONALD. Weird. WHEN I HEARD Trump IS the “47th” president of US…. my shock is… I AM 47 .. this year. Born 1977. Also…. Forgot this is a return year for my Chinese Zodiac… Year of the Snake.. A YEAR of WISDOM???!!!! (return year are always debt year).. or a faintly disguised misconcept/misleading /misdirected ‘MISS’DOM..???? Truth or Consequences I guess we will find out. Double Edged Sword that life IS. Awareness AND Moderation is key. . LONG LIVE SURVIVAL .

    • Pssst FrancescatLynn. There is no going back. The dumb asses just have not figured it out yet. I mean really have you ever been able to go back. It’s not the same. Genie out of the bottle. Even returning home , it’s not the same. Because I have changed. They behinder. Keep getting more behinder.

    • Well, it is getting worse. Just read Duffy transportation sec approved by senate wants to lower transportation funding to states with lower marriage and birth rates. This is the beginning of unmarried people becoming throwaways as these righteous fanatics don’t stop. It is never enough for them. The cruelty of playing god never ends.

      And yes stupid cuz of interstate travel. Goods and services transport. Like getting rid of air traffic people. It is a wider problem. Air travel mishaps in the U.S. don’t just affect u.s. citizens. Small thinking again.

  6. Mercury-pluto is already towards conjunct selenskys sun.. Hmmm… Will he fall or what new power strategy he has ? Will trump continue delivering like for bibi? Or will he let him down?

    • Well Klaus, there is talk is shipping the Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan. Good for Bibi/Trump real estate development. Saudis might have interest too with Jerod payoff. But wasn’t there some kind of accord for the Palestinians, so I am not sure how or if they can gut it.

      Mr Zelenskyy, he’s an interesting one. And really what does Putin have to offer anymore?

      • So I guess how this winds into what Jamie writes who will be successful and for how long depending on their excessiveness, laziness. Unpreparedness. Could be rack and ruin with lots more collateral damage.

        Fixed stars seem to tell more it seems on these whatever you call ems.

        • Hi Vic again now as paul wrote before jupiter (and uranus, neptune, pluto and mars) need all saturn cuz as you wrote excesses are a problem with all those planets. In german there is the old word “demut” which means not overexaggerate our egos or playing totally crazy but service for collective purposes. Maybe that is the positive saturn factor to turn this all a bit down and setting useful boundaries. Also imperialism in general i am not so much a friend of despite all the cultural, technological and social progress empires can bring too.

          • My mom had a German saying that she said meant something like self pride stinks. Not sure at the moment what self pride is because she always took pride in what she created, but I think it meant something similar to your demut. I don’t know if English has a word like that. Like one word for a condition. Closest I can think is a-hole.

            • Vic if you build up something you can be proud or better hsve somr self-esteem. But arrogance is another thing.

      • Yo Vic that’s called “deportation”
        Ya know now on 27th of january auschwitz and all that were running again and again up and down on all german tv-channels up to nausea. I know all about it what will they teach me anymore? I was NOT taking part what the nazis did and i never justified it. But our so called governments and the jewish organisations want to say us germans that we all are guilty by birth up to the billonsth generation. Why if they do the same s**t too NOW ?

    • The sins of the fathers visited on the sons. It sucks. Does that read a Plutonian thing in charts because it is a generational affliction.

      Stupid reporters had the audacity to try and raid Native American reservation. What is their problem. They were here first. Those drums are the heartbeat of America. Far be it from those idiots to hear it.

      • It is not only pluto but also algol as i wrote here with hitler/trump/israel and palestine. I come to the conclusion that algol is the most karmic star in heavens. Maybe.

        • This is where I get confused Klaus. With the precession stuff. Is Uranus in Algol territory now or what? Anyone?

            • Oh boy, Jamie. A short look at the sidereal chart planetary transits makes more sense in what is going on down on the ground in my life. Natally, it’s a mind bender to be born under Leo Sun. No wonder I could not really get my sun in Virgo. And when I thought I did, it’s been fleeting. Natal mercury falls there though. Predictively,it is very helpful, makes sense. But natally I have to get over the natal Gemini moon. Cancer moon thinking was a pain in the butt anyway.

    • Senator thing so interesting. In u.s. anyway as presidential orders are under scrutiny as to their lawfulness. Even grassely raised his ugly head on the IG thing as to its constitutionality. Friggin old man McConnell actually voted against the drunken sexual assaulter to lead defense. Not that it did any good. It’s like a senatorial test.

      I wonder if the natal charts of the senator in relationship to this new moon is a teller of the strugglers as opposed to the ones playing Simon says.

  7. Paul and Vic i ask you for WHAT charts is this asterioid senator important? The us-chart? Trump or inauguration? This new moon? Australia? I don’t get it…

    • if the country is looking for Senators Im putting out my name.

      Dec 21, 2020 prog composite, with Jupiter-Saturn transits, is an era chart with various updated configurations, including a prog Moon at cusp of oscillation.

      • Not looking for senators, just looking for them to do right thing instead of whatever Simon says. Had to chuckle at microscopii. In one way the thinking is way out there in bizaaro land. And in another way things are not being thought through. There are obvious examples happening every day. But let’s say the drones over NJ and the attention hungry congress people are all over conspiracy and aliens. But I got a pal on the ground there. Do dry city parks catching fire. Maybe related? So why don’t they just tell us. They probably got a job to do and don’t want to have to fight attention seeking peanut gallery to do it. so the PG goes to far out conspiracy thinking. So will Saturn make sense.

    • Mostly I find it amusingly interesting when transits line up with asteroids. As I have limited knowledge, when I hear Senator is in play and I read what is going on in the u.s. senators, well I find that interesting is all.

      • And mostly it’s about staffing the u.s. cabinet and senate hearings. And funding. Like one guy following Simon says if kids can’t afford school lunch, they should get a job. Or the firing of the aviation safety committee last week and the effects of that didn’t take long. Constitutionally, Simon can’t do it, it is u.s. congress which includes senators that must approve all budget stuff. The majority are being lazy and giving over their power to Simon so they don’t have to their jobs, take responsibility.

        • Pluto opp Mercury in u.s. natal chart I looked at? Mercury rules commerce. In house astrology Pluto’s house is 8, joint resources. So why is Pluto house joint resources. The destructive forces of Pluto are but what about Pluto is shared resources? Unless it is the destruction people cause to control resources.

      • As i wrote here as a consequence that it obviously doesn’t have a meaning if a stellar body, asteroid or a black hole or anything else is small or wide away you can say every particle in the whole universe is filled with information. So the whole thing we all are living in is a gigantic bank of information and thus meaning.. Like shown to us in film “interstellar” So in the end astrology as an esoteric discipline says exactly the same as science with quantum theory etc. Is is complety the same thing. And thus the whole amount of information we can never fully understand.

        • Speaking of banks of info, sites containing us health and climate science are all being wiped. Like the us constitution was wiped from White House, or as some call it the Big Top, site.

          Is that some kind of Pluto purging Mercury or what?

  8. Horoscope Kim Jong Un.


    1-Feb-2025 017°,29’15 Pisces Sat 45 Merc

    Progressive aspect,

    2-Feb-2025 024°,42’15 Vissen Mars 45 C-12

    Horoscope Vladimir Putin.

    Progressive aspect.

    1-Feb-2025 019°,44’50 Aquarius Mars 90 Jup


    1-Feb-2025 -06°,44’12 Sat // C-12

    • Nice horoscope Paul… Pluto in 3rd house as ruler: it is a demonstration of power regarding trade.
      4th house cusp in the midpoint of sun – pluto with sun as ruler over midheaven: “my country is and acts as world-power no. 1” = “america first”.
      But what about the venus-neptune-nodes stellium all conjunct scheat? And what about uranus as ruler of the 4th house on capulus/algol?

      • Then mighty Pluto is square ascendant axis and also square moon: the relationship to other world gets spoiled and poisoned, with moon – pluto creating hate. Moon is on mira where hitler’sun once was and pluto is very powerful with altair..

        • I am surprised Klaus, that you didn’t hit on U.S. treasury being opened up to musk. Watch it drain into his pockets.

          And Simon’s announcement that millions of families will suffer but it will be for the better.

          I might have to change Simon’s name to Says or something. I think it is out of Simon’s hands. He needs more like a puppet name. He is doing the playbook created for him. He is playing his role in the show.

          I understand simon’s pathology and how the playbook cast the right character. And with the sidereal thing I can see how truth was eroded with Pluto in sag. And now structure and government being eroded with Pluto in Capricorn. More exacting.

          • I don’t wonder bout nuttin Vic. See above what i posted about abolishing the german pseudo-constitution “grundgesetz” in 1990.. It was only an instrument for the allies and mostly uncle sam to administer germany as an economic zone but as i wrote NEVER an independant country again after ww2. Since 1990 even this puppet state no longer really exists and we live in a total illusion.
            If you look at the horoscopes i posted you can see neptune and uranus in capricorn on ascendant or midheaven symbolizing the abolishment of a whole country as some kind of late morgentau-plan. Germans becoming also a minority in their own country etc..
            If pluto really only erodes things i wonder. My impression is that is has concentrated power in the hands of some.
            The elon elohim thing taking over us-treasuries ok now maybe the new techno-elite takes over the old elite. But in the end will they be ethical better than the old ones ? Now the money is created by the aquarian elite like musk but in the end supposedly even more powerful than the old ones by establishing a digital dictatorship. Uranus and pluto can work this way together with pluto in aquarius and power and rulership doesn’t end but can get in deed frankensteinian…

        • Tariffs paused but not ended. How will the failed state mexico (we had it here!) ever succeed in preventing all those who want a better life in usa to invade there? Just think – it is the same thing with so called european union: they give failes states in northern africa like tunesia all the money to prevent africans and others to invade europe. So that money does not help tunesia or the people from there but only for military forces to do europe a favour. It is the same kind of deal like with mexico and usa but does it solve any problem in the end? All the money spent for prevention of invasion could be spended to help states like mexico or tunesia for their own development. Maybe that would be better? Just a thought…

          • World needs to get its reproduction rate lower, y’know they’re trying, but .. battling with a number of Moon sq Pluto aspects, and with a Moon sq Uranus coming up at full moon, doesn’t get easier. Astrologyking artwork not a popular message on Earth or heaven.

            • That was an idea already in the 60s…now maybe they’ve tried that throug corona and vaccination both ? Anyway i wonder they have nuttin but 10 children or more…hmmm..

            • Demographic transition in the 60s, we talked about the JFK, MLK, RFK connection, and there was Vietnam (war) too, which was reprised some where else 2022 and 2023. And there’s evidence at Astrologyking, pandemic. Got the big ones covered, CIA retiring.

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