Saturn Square Mercury Transit

 Saturn Square Mercury Transit Saturn square Mercury transit can cause confusion, negative thinking and communication problems. Your mind is slower than usual, so you may forget things or make mistakes when adding up or writing. This is not a good time for research and studies or for making important decisions.

You will be tested mentally, so the best approach is to keep it simple and focus on the basics. It will be challenging to see the whole problem or situation, and you cannot get the entire perspective because of a narrow point of view. It is hard for you to think, so people around you may accuse you of being lazy, stubborn or ignorant.

If someone pressures you for an answer to a difficult question, an important decision, or your signature, you should say, “Not now, thanks.” Keep it simple and brief. You do not have to explain yourself. You need extra time because if you rush, you will likely miss an important detail or choose the wrong option.

If you make wrong choices, get lost, confused, or say the wrong thing, the best thing to do is stop in your tracks. Do not go any further; you will only complicate matters and get more confused. Accept your misjudgment and say sorry, and leave it at that.

Rigid thinking and difficulty sharing your thoughts can lead to communication breakdowns. Arguments are possible and more likely with authority figures like parents, bosses, and teachers. You are also more inclined to have differing opinions with siblings, cousins, and neighbors.

You are not open to change or new ideas. It may feel like people are nagging you; you want them to disappear. If you are clinging to old-fashioned, outdated views and opinions, then the nagging or arguments are probably a sign that you must update those old beliefs. Learning to compromise will make Saturn square Mercury transit so much easier.

You are more likely to feel depressed, rejected, and isolated now. You will see the worst of every situation and may dwell on all the bad things that have happened or are happening to you. It is common to fear the death of family members and think everything is going wrong and you have no hope.

If you consciously remember that Saturn negatively influences your thinking, you will cope much better. Things are not that bad, and your negative perception of things makes you think this way.

Saturn Square Mercury Transit Symptoms

Physical symptoms of Saturn square Mercury transit can include nail-biting, lack of coordination and slow reflexes, lethargy, tiredness, lousy mood, and depression. Smokers may feel heaviness, tightness, or pains in the chest.

The symptom that other people will notice the most is negativity and nagging. It is important to stay conscious of Saturn’s depressive influence and stay positive. Think happy thoughts and nice things about yourself and your loved ones.

Ignorance of the effects of this transit can cause relationship problems. Feeling mean and grumpy all the time can result in judgment errors and verbal abuse. Minor judgment errors are expected, but being intentionally nasty to others with insults or abuse would have serious karmic repercussions now or in the future.