Fixed Star Sinistra

Sinistra at 29°45′ Sagittarius has an orb of 1°40′
Fixed Star Sinistra

Ophiuchus Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Sinistra on December 22

Fixed star Sinistra, Nu Ophiuchi, is a 3.3 magnitude star on the left hand of the Serpent Bearer, Ophiuchus Constellation. The traditional name Sinistra is a Latin word which means left side. Although not a binary star system, Sinistra has two brown dwarf companions. Nu Ophiuchi b was discovered in 2004 and Nu Ophiuchi c was discovered in 2010. An image below shows the star Sinistra with the first brown dwarf.


Sinistra Astrology

SINISTRA. ν Ophiuchi. A small star situated in the left hand of Ophiuchi. Of the nature of Saturn and Venus. It gives an immoral, mean and slovenly nature. [1]

SINISTRA. ν Ophiuchi. A dwarf orange star. Spectral class K in the left hand of Ophiuchi. This star imparts to its natives good business abilities, leadership qualities, a contentious nature, small troubles, dominance, turbulence. [5]

The last important star of Ophiuchus is Sinistra, ν Ophiuchi, and simply the Latin for left (hand), holding the tail of the snake. Sinistra has a Saturn-Venus theme of intelligence and healing. [2]

Sinistra rules the middle of the right thigh. [3]

Constellation Ophiuchus

According to Ptolemy is like Saturn and moderately like Venus. It is said to give a passionate, blindly good-hearted, wasteful and easily seduced nature, together with little happiness, unseen dangers, enmity, strife and slander. Pliny said that it occasioned much mortality by poisoning. This constellation has also been called Aesculapius and held to rule medicines. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Oin and the 16th Tarot Trump “The Lightning Struck Tower”. [1]

Ophiuchus was noted in classical times as the constellation of those who had the power of discovering healing herbs and skill in curing the bites of poisonous serpents. In a genearthical chart the constellation denoted prudence and wisdom. [4]

Sinistra Star, Nu Ophiuchi

Sinistra, Nu Ophiuchi with Companion []

Fixed Star Sinistra Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Sinistra: Jimmy Swaggart 0°03′, Sylvester Stallone 0°27′, Oprah Winfrey 0°34′, Olivia Rodrigo 1°10′, Isambard Kingdom Brunel 1°17′ (and Moon). 

Midheaven conjunct Sinistra:

Descendant conjunct Sinistra: RuPaul 0°02′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Sinistra: Shirley MacLaine 0°13′, Warren Beatty 0°47′, James Croll 1°14′ (and Moon), David Duke 1°23′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Sinistra: .Klaus Barbie 0°04′, James Dean 0°16′.

Sun conjunct Sinistra: High preferment in religion, legal, government and matters dealing with the public. The native has good business ability, an aspiring nature and negatively can be of a contentious nature, a dominant tendency. [5]

Emmanuel Macron 0°01′ (and Mercury), René Jolivet 0°04′ (and Mercury), Kaitlyn Dever 0°20′, Julie Deply 0°32′, Meghan Trainor 1°07′, Uri Geller 1°28′. 

Moon conjunct Sinistra: Lustful, wanton, infamous, scandalous, addicted to sorcery and poisoning. [1]

These natives may gain recognition for their capabilities, and there is the possibility of a name and fame for these natives, be it good or bad. High public preferment. Negatively, always hanging over such natives are losses, this may exhibit itself as health losses, loss of friends, of prestige. [5]

Jim McGreevey 0°05′, Liz Cheney 0°07′, Vanessa Williams 0°11′, Sam Simon 0°12′, Isambard Kingdom Brunel 0°15′ (and AC), Sri Aurobindo 0°23′, Patch Adams 0°24′, Judy Garland 0°29′, Philippe Pétain 0°38′, Jeff Fenech 0°43′, Charles IX of France 0°43′, Amy Winehouse 0°54′, Mary Shelley 0°55′, Prince William of Gloucester 0°56′, Vera Atkins 1°07′, Camila Cabello 1°20′, James Croll 1°20′ (and IC), Jewelle Gomesz 1°30′, Lady Sarah Chatto 1°32′, John Fogerty 1°34′.

Mercury conjunct Sinistra: Natives with this conjunction are mentally keen, and can ‘leave their mark’. These natives are subject to unjustified acts, to or by them. Problematic actions. [5]

Francisco Franco 0°15′, Emmanuel Macron 0°25′ (and Sun), Jacob Schiff 0°42′, Vespasian 1°05′, Richard Nixon 1°28′ (and Mars), Noor Inayat Khan 1°32′, René Jolivet 1°38′ (and Sun).

Venus conjunct Sinistra: The native may become brash, using a rough cover to conceal their true emotions; they are not the warmest people in the zodiac. Their rough exterior may create enmity. Some of these natives have, a tendency to ride ‘rough shod’ over their acquaintances, friends. The native can develop a tendency towards self destruction, unusual emotional involvement, and there is the possibility of turbulence with this conjunction. [5]

This is not a health problem but it is concerned with the joviality of a person. It is the jovial type individual who overindulges in many things. They would be considered the happy-go-lucky person who does not particularly care what others think or say about them. They do not care what type of situation they are in. They are plain, simple and happy type beings who are very uncomplicated. They would just as likely sit in a pig sty to eat their dinner with their dog out of the same plate. They prefer to eat in a slovenly manner that others find totally unacceptable. Karmically, these individuals were tied to strict social circumstances in a prior life and were now given this break in order to fully relax from social amenities in this life. These persons are likable beings, but others are unable to take them to any social events as it would prove to be quite embarrassing. [3]

Tony Abbott 1°07′.

Mars conjunct Sinistra: The native will tend to be dominant, very aggressive, some oratorical ability and an independent attitude. [5]

Rihanna 0°51′, Johannes Vehlow 0°29′, Richard Nixon 1°12′ (and Mercury).

Jupiter conjunct Sinistra: Charles Cullen 0°19′, Ben Shapiro 0°19′ (and Neptune), Richard Ramirez 0°30′, Prince Andrew, Duke of York 0°48′, Charles III 0°51′, Diego Maradona 1°32′.

Saturn conjunct Sinistra: This is a restriction of happiness. It is the opposite to Venus at this degree. These persons are usually very serious beings and experience difficult personal problems. They are very structured and self-righteous, but not from a religious standpoint. They are simply very serious with anything they attempt. There is no laughter in their system. Seriousness extends to the simple task of preparing a small meal. Others who try to be jovial around these individuals are doomed to failure as those with this planetary position cannot feel a sense of joviality within themselves. There is no serious health problem here except that they do have weak thighs and therefore do not go into any type of sports but stay at home and ponder over the serious situations manifesting around the world. [3]

Rihanna 0°56′, Heinrich Himmler 1°02′, Jane Roberts 1°03′, Anne Frank 1°03′, Audrey Hepburn 1°16′, David Koresh 1°32′.

Uranus conjunct Sinistra: Zoë Kravitz 0°20′, Rihanna 0°37′, Salvador Dali 0°58′, Adele 1°04′, Pablo Neruda 1°22′, Conor McGregor 1°28′, Jeane Dixon 1°31′.

Neptune conjunct Sinistra: Katy Perry 0°18′, Khloé Kardashian 0°19′, Ben Shapiro 0°22′ (and Jupiter), JD Vance 0°30′, Walt Whitman 0°34′, Queen Victoria 0°45′, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 0°52′, Karl Marx 1°04′.

Pluto conjunct Sinistra: Columba 1°09′.

North Node conjunct Sinistra: George Washington 0°45′, Ernest Hemingway 0°55′.

South Node conjunct Sinistra: Sara Aldrete 0°17′.


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.54, 208.
  2. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.157.
  3. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.116.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.22.
  5. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.179-180.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.

4 thoughts on “Fixed Star Sinistra

  1. Lustful, wanton, infamous, scandalous, addicted to sorcery -fair comment in all cases, but poisoning no- although I did give food poisoning to my best friend and the object of my lust with a slovenly germ infested fridge cake – so spot on there.

  2. El Chapo..has Narcisuss R 37117. (29 SAG10 (with Sinestra)..conj his MC 29 Sag 20
    I USE a pendulum to get the time…

  3. Well, I have Saturn conjunct Sinistra and Venus explanation fit me better. I’m very humorous, to the point of being silly. Maybe because of a trine to Leo – Regulus Moon?

    Or perhaps I judge myself silly by my inner critic.

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