Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 – Serendipity

 Solar Eclipse December 2019 Astrology New Moon December 2019The New Moon on Thursday, December 26, 2019, at 4° Capricorn is an annular solar eclipse. The solar eclipse December 2019 astrology is very fortuitous because the Sun and Moon align with Jupiter, the planet of growth, abundance and good luck. A good aspect to Uranus adds positive change and excitement.

The December 2019 Solar Eclipse keyword is serendipity because it activates Jupiter trine Uranus to bring unexpected good luck and happy coincidences when you least expect it. The eclipse is also on a fortunate fixed star to make this the luckiest eclipse I can remember in a very long time.

Solar Eclipse Meaning

A solar eclipse is just like a regular new moon where the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. However, a solar eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun. Solar Eclipse December 2019 is an annular solar eclipse so not all of the Sun will be darkened. In this type of partial eclipse, the apparent diameter of the Moon is smaller than the Sun’s, leaving a ring of light around the eclipsed Sun.

The strongest and most important aspect of astrology is Sun conjunct Moon. It means all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself at the forefront of new plans for the future. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start, so write your new goals on paper. Question your old habits and behaviors as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

Solar Eclipse December 2019 Astrology

The December 26 solar eclipse at 04°06′ Capricorn is conjunct Jupiter as shown in the chart below. So this is going to be a positive solar eclipse because Jupiter is associated with growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune. The Jupiter good fortune is enhanced by the generous blue trine aspect. And it’s made more exciting because the trine is to Uranus.

These aspects are strong too because the orbs are only just over one degree. The addition of a Mars-Jupiter natured fixed star portending success and ambition leaves no doubt the solar eclipse solar December 2019 astrology is extremely fortunate.

Solar Eclipse December 2019 Astrology

Solar Eclipse December 2019 Astrology

Solar Eclipse Aspects

Solar eclipse conjunct Jupiter brings happiness, optimism, generosity and good luck, with opportunities for personal, professional and spiritual growth. It gives an enthusiastic urge to do all you can, to spread your wings and experience life to the fullest. The keyword “expansion” applies to all areas of life, from relationships to wealth.

This is an excellent solar eclipse begin new studies or long-distance travel. But also relationships, investments, business and legal matters started under this influence have a great chance of success. A solar eclipse with Jupiter also promotes spiritual growth and self-understanding.

Solar eclipse trine Uranus brings excitement, pleasant surprises and stimulating encounters. Higher self-awareness comes through increased intuition and flashes of insight. These insights together with increased self-confidence and a sense of adventure allow you to express the more flamboyant, or kinky side of your personality.

Increased personal freedom, creativity and curiosity make this a great eclipse for leaving your comfort zone and trying something new. Chance encounters could lead to stimulating new relationships. This is also a good time for making changes in your life because they should flow smoothly and cause less upset than you might think.

Jupiter trine Uranus brings lucky breaks and exciting encounters. You should feel less restrained, more optimistic and adventurous, and willing to take risks without being rebellious. If you are a shy or conservative person, this aspect helps you loosen up and go with your instincts.

If your life has stagnated, exciting opportunities will offer a new path forward and satisfy your need for positive change. You can learn things quickly through experience, such a new language or style of art, music or dance. Spiritual practices like meditation and astrology can lead to a spiritual growth spurt and expanded awareness.

Solar Eclipse Stars

The December 26 solar eclipse at 04°06′ Capricorn Sign gets its astrological influence from stars in Sagittarius Constellation, as shown in the image below. Due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, the Sun Signs are almost a whole Sign out of alignment with the Constellations from which they were named.

New Moon December 2019 Astrology

New Moon December 2019 [Stellarium]

Fixed star Polis at 03°28′ Capricorn gives success, high ambition, truthfulness, militancy, domination, horsemanship, a keen perception and profound spiritual understanding.

Polis celebrities: Michael Moore (Sun and Mars), Dwayne Johnson (Sun), Arnold Schwarzenegger (Sun) , Anthony Hopkins (Venus), Uri Geller (Mars), Steven Spielberg (Mars), Adele (Saturn), Boris Johnson (South Node), Rupert Murdoch (Ascendant), Prince William of Cambridge (Part of Fortune)

Constellation Sagittarius has always been the House of Jupiter so it truly is lucky to have a solar eclipse conjunct Jupiter in this Constellation. It is a fortunate and fruitful constellation indicating events pertaining to kings or a large portion of mankind.

The 7th Chinese Lunar Mansion, the Basket (01 ♑ 32 to 10 ♑ 26) is a lucky mansion associated with the professional world, especially agriculture. Good for business, changing career path and starting new projects. Great rewards ensue. Official honors come from tasks well presented and carried forward. There will be extraordinary demonstrations of favor. The dead may also be interred with impunity.

Solar Eclipse New Moon December 2019 Summary

The new moon on December 26, 2019, is a partial solar eclipse so its effects last for six months instead of the normal four weeks. That works out very well indeed because this is the best eclipse I can remember. The solar eclipse December 2019 astrology is fortunate because of Jupiter, the most fortunate of planets. The only other planetary aspect involved is a lucky trine to Uranus that brings positive change and excitement.

The solar eclipse also joins the fortunate star Polis to bring high ambition and success. So this is an excellent solar eclipse for starting things, especially new and exciting things. A good keyword for this wonderful December 2019 solar eclipse is serendipity. It means unexpected good luck and happy coincidences. You could find anything from your dream job to your soul mate without even looking.

The December 26 solar eclipse marks the end of the eclipse cycle that began with the solar eclipse on July 2, 2019 . It also marks the beginning of a new cycle lasting about six months until the lunar eclipse on June 5, 2020. The Solar Eclipse December 2019 astrology will compliment themes found in the lunar eclipse on January 10, 2020.If this solar eclipse directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. For more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Solar Eclipse December 2019 Map

The total annular eclipse lasts for 3 minutes and 40 seconds, and will be visible in the Middle East, Southern India, South East Asia some parts of Australia.

Solar Eclipse December 2019 Map

Solar Eclipse December 2019 Map

New Moon December 2019 Times and Dates
  • Los Angeles – December 25 at 10:13 pm
  • New York – December 26 at 0:13 am
  • London – December 26 at 5:13 am
  • Delhi – December 26 at 10:43 am
  • Sydney – December 26 at 4:13 pm