Sun Conjunct Mercury Natal and Transit

Sun Conjunct Mercury Transit

Sun conjunct Mercury maximum orb 8°00′.

Sun conjunct Mercury natal is the best of all aspects for communication. Interacting with others is most important to you as it stimulates your need to share ideas. With such an active mind, however, you may become easily distracted when listening to others, butting in or letting your mind wander. You are probably a better talker than a listener.

Mercury rules communication, thinking patterns, rationality, and reasoning. Also, primary and secondary education, neighborhood, siblings, cousins, short-distance transport, news, and information. Mercury is fast, lively, adaptable, variable, unemotional and curious.

Self-expression is a really strong point for you. Conveying a message or concept with flair makes you a great communicator. Others will enjoy listening to you and watching you talk as you use gestures and facial expressions to help get your message across. You should be comfortable with public speaking and make a great salesperson, actor or politician. Your chameleon-like ability enhances your talent for acting or choosing a particular persona depending on the situation.

A natural curiosity matches your mental and manual dexterity. This gives ability with arts and crafts, as well as intricate or precise machinery, from watches to engines. Studies should come easy, like reading anything from novels to detailed instructions. There may be a talent for writing stories, and you may be good at interpreting symbols, font design or calligraphy.

You may have to contend with nervous ailments or an inability to relax with this aspect. However, the Sun-Mercury conjunction is generally beneficial in a natal chart.

Sun Conjunct Mercury Transit

Sun conjunct Mercury transit puts the focus on your thinking and communications, and short-distance travel. It brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. Expect increased personal interaction in your neighborhood, with siblings, at schools, and over the internet.

So this will be a busy time with many appointments, correspondence, meetings, social activities, new information to process, and decisions to make. This is a good time for sharing ideas, making plans, buying and selling, negotiating, and meeting new people.

This interpretation for Sun conjunct Mercury transit can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon conjunct Mercury.

Sun Conjunct Mercury Celebrities

Zoë Kravitz 0°00′, Gertrude Stein 0°02′, Archie M. Griffin 0°05′, Heinrich Kleist 0°05′, Princess Alice of the UK 0°05′, Jennifer O’Neill 0°06′, Elizabeth Taylor 0°10′, Bob Dole 0°10′, Immanuel Kant 0°13′, Lilly Wachowski 0°14′, Annie Lennox 0°15′, Tatum O’Neal 0°16′, Johnny Cash 0°17′, Louis XVI 0°18′, Eric Gill 0°18′, Omar Sharif 0°20′, Sonny Bono 0°21′, Giorgio Armani 0°23′, Carole King 0°23′, Heinrich Caro 0°25′, Robert Parry 0°26′, Emmanuel Macron 0°26′, Joseph L. Mankiewicz 0°27′, Benito Mussolini 0°29′, Jimmy Page 0°34′, Oliver Stone 0°34′, Christopher Reeve 0°35′, Marcel Proust 0°37′, Jennifer Jason Leigh 0°40′, Giuseppe Verdi 0°41′, Burl Ives 0°43′, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 0°45′.

Sun Conjunct Mercury Dates

December 22, 2023
February 28, 2024
April 11, 2024
June 14, 2024
August 18, 2024
September 29, 2024
December 5, 2024

90 thoughts on “Sun Conjunct Mercury Natal and Transit

  1. I have grown to love my natal Mercury rx in Cancer 9th, but it is in a grand water trine with Neptune in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces, so its a very sensitive as is a lot of the information I share, so I do need to be careful what I wish for and who I share my philosophy and healing beliefs with. I have been threatened and shamed for doing what I do best, many a time by those who dont want to listen or listen to be able to understand a little more of what I have to offer. I always trust my finely tuned instincts before I trust offering what is private, to any one, partly to protect myself from abuse and partly because, I do understand that telling it to just anyone, actually could scare the living daylights out of some people or confound their own thinking, either way do more harm than good. Not sure why I feel the need to make this comment, here, today, but, I do, so I have 😉

    • Oh My God! Debbie! I have the exact same placements. Please, tell me more about yourself. I’m a Gemini Sun, Scorpio Rising and Scorpio Moon. Born 6-6-1960

  2. 20 Oct 2023 Sun Mercury, superior conjunction
    Composite chart
    11 Nov 2019 Sun Mercury, inferior conjunct, occultation.

    Transits 1 Nov 2023

    Asteroid 454 Child in the Natal conjunct Moon, so I see a theme for children, adolescents, teenagers. Asteroid 454 Mathesis is prominent in the 11 Nov 2019 chart, studied at the time on this thread, pseudonym Gerald.

        • Alternately, the chart is presented to young people and their parents/mentors/teachers to liven up a traditional activity that celebrates the scientific thinness between realms, while staying true to Artwork notions.

          • Using the data points provided, the oft used phrase ‘composite chart being compost’ finds a grave at midpoint Sun-Mercury Halloween. But if that seems dark, c’est la vie.

  3. Compost chart, Midpoint Sun-Mercury conjunction, Halloween 31 Oct 2023 with natal asteroid costume ideas…

    384 Semiramus,
    1000 Piazzia
    1071 Brita
    1304 Arosa
    1467 Mashona

    Will Frankenstein dance the monster Mashona with Brita and Arosa? Will Semiramus wear his horns, stand off to the side, and be watchful of overcrowding sheep? And will Piazzia the chef, discovered of Ceres, cater his new crusty bread invention?

    • There’s been some feedback.

      I’m looking at the Part of Fortune conjunct North Node, 9th house Gemini:

      A reasonable interpretation of seasonal religious behaviour using unorthodox methodology. It’s a tricked out motorcycle, that leaves an orthodox Sagittarius shaking their heads.

      Chart with costume asteroids, note 3rd house Cerus, Brita and Mashon.

      • With Sagittarius and Gemini flipped, POF-NNode Gemini, two afterthoughts to consider among many:

        Beauty and the Beast, a Halloween dichotomy

        The expression Bullshit or Horseshit. Taurus the Bull of fecund matter 8th house, and Sagittarius the horse of perception but few words, 3rd house.

        • My favorite english word now – bullshit – thats so smart and Handy haha 🤣😉🤟😎

          • we’re moving into mundane orb, Moon sextile Mercury transit … “good for socializing because it puts you in the mood for talking. You don’t have to think about what to say because you are in tune with other people’s feelings. This is a time for chit-chat and idle gossip more than formal discussions.”


            I have this aspect natal and Moon quintile Mercury in heliocentric.

            Some astrologers call it the aforementioned, but it’s the best aspect to have at the tavern.

  4. Thank you Jamie for having this important events marked up on the top of your website.

    I just thought I may add that I think Mercury is retrograde at this conjunction with the Sun on April 11 2024 in the sign of Aries, and I’ve read that its not really a good time for decisions, because of the retrograde, but a good time to review.

    I hope you don’t mind me adding a few things that I can see about this conjunction today, going by what I am experiencing… There may be memories from the past that resurface to review and overcome any negative thinking that may have set us back from that time, especially for Aries people or Aries may want to review how they think and the decisions they subsequently make, especially about values, monies, resources etc, since Venus is in Aries too at this time. Venus in Aries is said to be in her detriment in this sign, so it could be a good time to review rather then act, as any decisions that have to do with finances/income etc may not be good financially at this time. Venus is also the sign of Love and Relationships so situations or people surrounding these things, especially that may have felt challenging may also resurface. Venus may also enter the life of Aries people, as woman, who may want to help Aries as they see they may be needing guidance and help, especially as Mars and Saturn are conjuncting in Pisces, Mars’ 12th house of self undoing and isolation, and where Mars may not be seeing something, perhaps caught up in all that glitters, but is not gold as they say, especially as Saturn can block Mars from seeing the details and Mercury is retrograding, which can lead to restrictions, limitations, being down and fatigue in the long term of what seemed ‘opportunity’ but end up becoming hardship and slavery. For other signs its still just as valid but related to the house Aries is in for us and worth checking the house from our Sun, Rising and Moon and also our Part of Fortune placement. Just my thoughts…

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