Todd Akin Horoscope

Todd Akin Horoscope

Todd Akin

Todd Akin is a U.S. politician from the Republican Party. In a TV interview on August 19 2012, he got himself into trouble by making dumb comments about rape and pregnancy. Akin was arguing against allowing rape victims access to abortions, even suggesting that women who are really raped don’t get pregnant, “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down” [wiki]. His opinion is not supported by the medical or scientific community. Todd Akin was born on July 5, 1947 in New York City. We have no time of birth for him but I have rectified his horoscope based on the position of the Moon and some current transits.

Todd Akin Horoscope

Todd Akin Horoscope

Even without the birth time, we see that his Mercury was triggered by Mars conjunct Saturn of August 15. Mercury rules the rational intellect and speech. To state the first sentence from Robert Hand (Planets in Transit, p.335) for the Saturn square Mercury transit, “This can be a time of difficulties in communicating with others and of problems arising from a serious conflict of viewpoints.” Mars also square his Mercury, exact on the day of his interview, August 19, inflamed the negative nature of the Saturn transit, causing him to speak before thinking and causing great anger and hurt to others.

Todd Akin’s Mercury is conjunct the fixed star Procyon. Ebertin said of Procyon, “Rise and success are found with it, but fall from high position later, is indicated.” Robson said that this star with Mercury gives “minor position of management under Government, trouble and scandal through opposite sex”. This scandal through women is exactly what has happened when his Mercury was under stress from the Mars Saturn conjunction.

The reason I rectified the chart for the morning was because it placed his Moon on a star giving the same problems. Robson’s interpretation for the Moon on the star Dabih is: “Successful in business but retires under a cloud, favorable for wealth, influential position but scarcely realizes ambitions, trouble through opposite sex, deserved criticism and censure.”

Further tweaking of the birth time puts the Ascendant with Mercury, also on the star Procyon. The preceding New Moon at 25 Leo fell between his Ascendant and Mercury. Transiting Uranus was also on his Midheaven, causing a major upset to his career and public profile.