Essam Sharaf Horoscope

Essam Sharaf Horoscope

Essam Sharaf

Essam Sharaf became Prime Minister of Egypt on March 3, 2011. On March 4 he addressed the pro-democracy activists at Tahrir Square alongside Mohamed Beltagy, a Muslim Brotherhood leader. Sharaf strongly opposes normalization of ties with Israel.

His chart show Sun conjunct Uranus which indicates his appeal with the rebellious protesters. The chart is set for noon because we don’t have his birth time. Unless Saturn is strong in aspect to one of the angles, he would be more progressive or radical than conservative. Sun is in constellation Gemini, fixed star Castor, which when Robson says give prominence in “government work dealing with foreign affairs” [1].

Sun conjunct Venus will give him the charm and appeal to make a good leader. Venus is in Canis Minor on the fixed star Proyon, “associated with the Church” [1].  So here we get the possibility of ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.155, 192.