Leo Next Week

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Leo Next Week Horoscope

September 23 to 29, 2024

Monday to Thursday brings love, tenderness, harmony, and friendship. Your loving and receptive mood will make you popular, and you can easily make new friends. This is an excellent time for dating because your charm and beauty will attract genuine, honest love. Your heightened emotions and sensitivity to touch will make sex more intimate, romantic, and enjoyable.

Friday to Sunday brings communication skills, a desire for harmony and the ability to compromise. You can effectively share messages and ideas, negotiate, speak in public, chair meetings, convince others, sell products, ask for favors and seek advice. You will be more curious, adaptable, eager to improve your prospects and realistic yet intuitive about your goals. This is the perfect time to improve your public image or social media profile.

Leo Next Week Tarot

The Four of Swords is a card that signifies a break or a need for a break from regular life. This can also mean that you or someone in your life may withdraw. This withdrawal is not likely to be permanent. It also occasionally means illness, time in the hospital, or, in extreme cases, jail. It’s a clear signifier of giving people space.  Leo Next Week HoroscopeThe Four of Swords usually means you need time and space to yourself. Others may be pushing too hard for bits of your time and attention. Don’t hesitate to draw boundaries for yourself or to say no. Conversely, when others say no to you, take them at their word. Pushing in this circumstance is asking for trouble.

All Signs for Next Week