Lunar Eclipse 18 August 2016 Special Mission

Lunar Eclipse August 2016 AstrologyThe Lunar Eclipse on Thursday 18 August 2016 is at 26 degrees Aquarius. The lunar eclipse August 2016 astrology is very positive and exciting for a change. New discoveries and relationships will send you on a special mission to find plans for a brighter future.

Lunar eclipse August 2016 will not produce any shadow over the moon so is going to act more like a normal full moon lasting 14 days. This is just long enough to finish tying up the loose ends of the last six months and start preparing for a brand new eclipse cycle starting on September 1.

Lunar Eclipse Meaning

Like all full moons, the major planetary aspect of a lunar eclipse is Sun opposite Moon. This focuses your attention on your home, family and relationships of all kind. As the lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon, you can take an objective and balanced look at your personal relationships. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you can clearly see any relationship imbalances causing disharmony.

Lunar eclipse August 2016 will bring balance to, and compliment the August 2 new moon. Projects you started two weeks ago can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. This is also the final moon phase in an eclipse cycle which began with the March 6, 2016 solar eclipse. Any major themes or goals in your life over the previous six months will be seeking finalization before the September 1 solar eclipse clears the slate and begins a whole new eclipse cycle.

Lunar Eclipse August 2016 Astrology

The August 18 lunar eclipse at 25°51′ Aquarius does not come under the influence any major fixed stars or asteroids. As I do not use Sun Signs for interpretation, it is a fortunate thing there are some interesting planetary aspects to talk about.

Moon sextile Uranus acts in unison with Sun trine Uranus to bring two weeks of stimulating experiences, surprising events and exciting change. Relationship imbalances and polarities in life can be reconciled using higher awareness, originality and experimentation.

Increased intuition and flashes of insight lead to self-discovery and revelations. Combined with increased self-confidence this allows you to express the more unique or quirky side of your personality. You will feel like trying sometime new, so leave your comfort zone and widen your social circle with some extra ordinary people.

Stale relationships can be rejuvenated by allowing for greater individual freedoms. Old relationships can be renewed through unexpected meetings or contact on the Internet. Chance encounters may lead to instant attraction and new friendships or romances.

Lunar Eclipse August 2016 Astrology

Lunar Eclipse August 2016 Astrology

Lunar Eclipse August 2016 Special Mission

A Yod aspect pattern contains a blue sextile aspect with two green quincunx aspects. This forms a long triangle shape which in the chart above points to Mercury and Jupiter. A Yod signifies a special karmic mission you need to complete in order for your soul to evolve.

The changes, new relationships, higher self-awareness and insights of Moon sextile Uranus create a heightened state of anxiety and tension. The quincunx aspects focus this neurotic and unstable energy on the action point of the Yod. It is through Mercury and Jupiter that you manifest all that crazy energy in a stable and useful form.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter brings good news, optimism and a happy frame of mind. You should feel broad-minded, generous and sociable. This is the ideal time to start a new course of study and to sit exams. Journeys and holidays can be booked or started.

Social charm, tact and diplomacy make this the right time to settle disputes. Buying and selling should turn a profit and you can negotiate a better deal in any area of life. Making plans for the future is favored but don’t forget to have some fun. Catching up for a chat with friends and making new friends will be easy because of your positive energy.

The mission of this lunar eclipse Yod is to take the exciting changes and new discoveries in your life and turn them into optimistic plans for a brighter future. Saturn square Neptune has brought so much fear and anxiety recently so it is about time you had some fun and used positive thinking to make the most of new opportunities.

Venus trine Pluto is the strongest aspect in the lunar eclipse August 2016 astrology chart apart from the eclipse itself. Perhaps the good news coming out of your special mission has something to do with big improvements in your love life and finances.

If Lunar Eclipse August 2016 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope.

Previous Moon Phase: New Moon August 2, 2016
Next Moon Phase: Solar Eclipse September 1, 2016

Lunar Eclipse August 2016 Times and Dates
Los Angeles
New York
18 August – 2:26 am
18 August – 5:26 am
18 August – 10:26 am
18 August – 2:56 pm
18 August – 7:26 pm