Solar Eclipse 1 September 2016 Fearmonger

Solar Eclipse September 2016 AstrologyThe solar eclipse on Thursday 1 September 2016 at 09°21′ Virgo falls just within Virgo decan 1. The solar eclipse September 2016 astrology highlights the major planetary aspect of the year and a difficult one in Saturn square Neptune.

The September 2016 solar eclipse personalizes the fear and paranoia you have become familiar with on the TV news this year. Politicians will direct their fearmongering at you and all this doom and gloom can really get you down. There is good reason for this fear and the risk of depression needs to be taken seriously.

However, this solar eclipse also marks the beginning of the end to this poisonous worry and fear. Within this eclipse phase there comes a transition to a brighter and safer year ahead.

New Moon Solar Eclipse Meaning

Like any new moon, a solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. The strongest and most important aspect in all of astrology is the Sun conjunct Moon. This means that all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future.

Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start and start writing down a to-do list on a blank sheet of paper. The impulsive and enthusiastic nature of a solar eclipse means that not all new projects will succeed, but through a solar eclipse in not only one point in time.

The horoscope for a new moon or solar eclipse is like a snap shot in time, but like old style photography, it takes time to develop. This solar eclipse will remain active until the next solar eclipse in February 2017. In two weeks time, the September 16 lunar eclipse will add its own influence to this new eclipse cycle.

Solar Eclipse September 2016 Astrology

A quick glimpse of the chart below for the September 1 solar eclipse shows a very distinct T-square aspect pattern. I have filtered out aspects with wider orbs but it really all comes down to this stark red reality of tests, challenges and conflict.

Saturn square Neptune is the major influence on solar eclipse September 2016. This strange, scary aspect has been causing fear and paranoia for nearly one whole year now. The solar eclipse intensifies this major planetary aspect, already potent as it nears is third and final climax on September 10.

The normal action of a T-square configuration is for the stored tension of the opposition (solar eclipse opposite Neptune) to be released through hard work at the focal point (Saturn). In this case, however, the remoteness of Saturn and Neptune compared to the personal focus of the Sun and Moon strongly suggests to me that the eclipse itself is the point of focus.

The global effects of increased terrorism, propaganda and fearmongering over the past year will affect you more personally, influencing your relationships and future plans. Such sustained psychological fear or paranoia may overwhelm you, making it increasingly difficult to see a bright future for you and your loved ones.

To free yourself of fear, guilt and worry you must get back to basics. The new start or new goals represented by this solar eclipse should be practical, simple and defensive. There IS a brighter future ahead with Saturn trine Uranus starting later this year.

That more positive influence will not take full effect until this pessimistic solar eclipse totally wears off early next year. There are positive features in the solar eclipse September 2016 astrology chart below but they are weak in comparison to gloomy stuff. The September 16 lunar eclipse square Mars will add a heightened sense of danger and threat to this fearful eclipse phase.

Solar Eclipse September 2016 Astrology

Solar Eclipse September 2016 Astrology

Solar Eclipse September 2016 Aspects

Sun opposite Neptune makes you more susceptible to confusion and deception which can lead to insecurity and discouragement. If you cannot avoid dealing with the harsh realities of life then you need to take some precautions to avoid loss and disappointment. If it sounds too good to be true then it is. Learn to say no and walk away. Neptune retrograde can make you feel victimized and weak.

Sun square Saturn presents tests and challenges which can lead to pessimism and even depression. You may feel restricted or weighed down by certain duties and responsibilities. This is a test of you character, and you must strive to meet your responsibilities now or they will catch up with you in a bigger way down the track.

Mars conjunct Saturn has a tendency to make you angry, resentful or revengeful. If you channel it early into hard physical work or a creative project then you transmute this energy into positive and productive achievements. This is not the right time to go to war as there is danger when taking risks.

Mars square Neptune increases the mean and aggressive nature of the Mars Saturn conjunction. It is also important to consider the dangerous influence of Sun square Mars and Moon square Mars. Although over four degrees orb for the September 1 solar eclipse, they tighten to just one degree for the September 16 lunar eclipse.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter is a ray of hope in a very gloomy picture. Positive thinking can overcome your fears and insecurities. This brings hope and self belief, a line of sight to the brighter future of Saturn trine Uranus. Mercury retrograde simply supports the theme of not being there yet. It is too early to make definite plans but you can start imagining what may be.

Solar Eclipse Fixed Star

The September 1 solar eclipse is just over of the recommended 2°00′ orb for the star Zosma, currently at 11°32′ Virgo. With a solar eclipses being the most powerful force in astrology, and with the North Node at 11°42′ Virgo, Zosma should still influence this eclipse.

Fixed star Zosma is mainly associated with depression. Exercise, diet and medication need to be addressed if you have a planet in your horoscope conjunct Zosma. You may be susceptible to a build up of toxins. The prophetic ability associated with Zosma can be very strong and persistent but also confusing or deceptive when distorted by Saturn square Neptune.

Solar Eclipse September 2016 Visibility

Solar Eclipse September 2016 Visibility

Solar Eclipse September 2016 Visibility

If this eclipse directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your 2016 horoscope and  monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it effects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: Lunar Eclipse August 2016
Next Moon Phase: Lunar Eclipse September 2016

Solar Eclipse September 2016 Times and Dates

Los Angeles
New York
September 1 – 2:03 am
September 1 – 5:03 am
September 1 – 10:03 am
September 1 – 2:33 pm
September 1 – 7:03 pm