The first Mercury retrograde of 2025 lasts from March 15 to April 7, from 9° Aries to 26° Pisces.
Mercury retrograde causes problems with thinking and communication, which can negatively impact relationships and even travel. The astrology of Mercury retrograde in March 2025 is particularly challenging because it can cause overly emotion or irrational thinking, leading to poor decision-making. It may also exacerbate the current cost of living crisis and stock market falls.
Mercury Retrograde Meaning
Mercury retrograde is generally problematic, affecting your thinking and communication. The most common effects include confusion, anxiety, disagreement, technology breakdowns, lousy news, travel delays and lost items.
Business negotiations may be in flux. Some crucial details may not yet be available, and others may be unreliable or dishonest. However, there are also positives, such as recalling fond memories or unexpectedly meeting up with people from your past.Â
The most critical point in the Mercury retrograde cycle is when Mercury stations retrograde. The few days around the exact retrograde and direct stations are the riskiest for decision-making, negotiations, communication, and transport. For more information, see Mercury Retrograde Natal and Transit.
Mercury Retrograde March 2025
Mercury stations retrograde on March 15, 2025, at 09°35′ Aries. The opposition to the Moon has a moderate orb of 3°42′, but its negative impact is heightened because Venus is also opposite the Moon.
The retrograde degree is highly sensitive. It is directly opposite the October 2024 solar eclipse degree of 10°03′ Libra, which remains active until the March 29 solar eclipse at 9°00′ Aries. Venus stationed retrograde on March 1 at 10°50′ Aries. And the Mercury-Venus conjunction on March 11 was at 08°47′ Aries.
Moon opposite Mercury makes it harder to understand your feelings and to share them. Confusion and irritability can make it challenging to find inner balance and relax, making it harder to understand everyday problems.
You may become overly analytical one moment, then over-emotional and irrational the next. This can result in arguments caused by emotional bias or a simple lack of understanding. Other symptoms include anxiety, incessant talking, prejudice, racism, and addiction. Extra care needs to be taken with negotiations, critical decisions, and sensitive discussion topics.
Spending some quiet time in reflection may help you understand your feelings and relax. You could also talk with a counselor or mentor about any feelings or attitudes holding you back. Otherwise, try to keep yourself busy and productive.
The Constellation
Mercury retrograde 2025 is in the Sign of Aries. But because of the precession of the equinoxes, it is in the Constellation of Pisces.
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces Constellation can cause distressing thoughts and ideas, fantasizing, constant and needless worrying, domestic and/or romantic problems, and exhibitionism to cover up secret bad habits or bad thoughts. You may become highly impressionable, overly sentimental, carping, critical, melancholic, and so gloomy that others turn against you. [1]
The Winged Horse
Mercury retrograde in March 2025 aligns with Gamma Pegasi, Algenib. The Sun and Saturn with Alpha Pegasi, Markab, and Neptune with Beta Pegasi, Scheat.
Pegasus gives ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice and poor judgment. [2] It is associated with ships, the ocean, changes in the weather, drowning, accidents, catastrophes, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, falling accidents, shooting down, horses, jockeys, transportation, communications, space travel, exploration, pioneering, science, invention and heroism.
Fixed star Algenib at 09♈30 gives strong will, determination, penetrating mind, decisiveness, impressive speaking, and a gift for oratory, but also over-enthusiasm or combative, obstinate and headstrong conduct can lead to misfortune, notoriety, dishonor, violence or poverty.
With Mercury (0°05′): Success in legal and other disputes but a quick temper, mental disturbances, [1] arguments, immorality, and lack of conviction. [2]
The Stock Market
Algenib is associated with misfortune and poverty, and it appears to have a negative influence on the stock market:
- When the markets crashed 23% in October 1929, Uranus was conjunct Algenib (0°22′).
- When the markets crashed 20% in September 2008, the Moon was conjunct Algenib (0°07′).
- Since February 21, 2025, the Dow Jones is down 10% and the Nasdaq 13%. Venus was conjunct Algenib (0°01′).
- Since Venus retrograde on March 1, the Dow Jones has fallen 7%, and the Nasdaq 8%. Algenib conjunct Venus (1°20′) and Moon (0°24′).
The percentages above are as of March 13, 2025. And next, we have:
- March 15: Mercury retrograde conjunct Algenib (0°05′)
- March 29: Solar Eclipse conjunct Algenib (0°30′)
Mercury Retrograde March 2025 Summary
Mercury Retrograde March 2025 opposite the Moon can cause overly emotional or irrational thinking. Mercury conjunct Venus means this adversely affects relationships and finances. Constellation Pegasus is associated with poor judgment, and fixed star Algenib is associated with misfortune and poverty.
Mercury retrograde usually requires extra care when making decisions. This becomes critical for Mercury retrograde March 2025. So, avoid making spur-of-the-moment decisions. Take your time, talk it over with others, get second opinions and seek professional advice for business and legal matters. Be especially careful about financial matters and relationship issues.
Mercury stations direct on April 7, 2025, at 26°49′ Pisces [see chart]
Mercury Retrograde March 2025 Times
- Los Angeles – March 15, 2:46 am
- New York – March 15, 2:46 am
- London – March 15, 2:46 am
- Delhi – March 15, 2:46 am
- Sydney – March 15, 2:46 am
Mercury Retrograde 2025 Dates
- Nov 25 to Dec 15, 2024 – 22° to 6° Sagittarius.
- March 15 to April 7, 2025 – 9° Aries to 26° Pisces.
- July 18 to August 11, 2025 – 15° to 4° Leo.
- The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.174-175, 327.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.54, 196.