The New Moon on Monday 27 March, 2017 is at 7 degrees Aries. The New Moon March 2017 astrology is full of contradictions. Venus with the New Moon brings hope of love and money. But Venus retrograde brings risk of loss and a broken heart.
The March 2017 New Moon mixed blessings don’t stop with Venus. Other features of the New Moon horoscope show opportunities for love and success but always with a catch.
The key to handling this complicated New Moon is to choose your options carefully. Taking the moral high ground is the simplest and easiest way to find peace and love in the weeks ahead.
New Moon Meaning
A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28 day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. This is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf or starting any new project.
All possibilities are on the table as you put yourself at the center of plans for your future. Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.
The influence of the March 27 New Moon lasts for four weeks up to the April 26 New Moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this New Moon Cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from March 27 to the April 11 Full Moon.
New Moon March 2017 Astrology
The March 27 New Moon falls at 7°37′ Aries. This is within range of one fixed star and one planet. The fixed star gives an even mix of good and bad qualities. The planet Venus is peaceful and loving, but is retrograde so offers mixed blessings as well.
There are two more aspects of influence in the New Moon March 2017 astrology chart shown below. A definite theme for this New Moon emerges with one of these aspects being harmonious blue while the other is challenging red.
Before looking closer at the star and aspects, my feeling is that the mix of blessings is more positive than negative. I like the friendly blue aspect hugging the New Moon, as if protecting it from the threatening square aspect in the distance.
New Moon March 2017 Star
At 9°23′ Aries, fixed star Algenib is within its 2°00′ orb of influence from the New Moon. But only by 0°14′, so of moderate influence only. The even mix of good and bad qualities include a strong will and determination but also misfortune and dishonor.
A New Moon conjunct Algenib gives a fighting spirit and love of learning [1] but risk of dishonor, scandal or trouble through writings. [2]
Both Sun and Moon with this star can affect the health. If badly aspected or with Mars, Saturn or Uranus, pain or heat would be felt in your head between your nose and upper teeth, including gums and inner ears.
New Moon March 2017 Aspects
New Moon conjunct Venus means your new Moon goals will involve love and money. Sun conjunct Venus together with Moon conjunct Venus is normally a sign of loving relationships, harmony and peace. However, a closer look at the New Moon March 2017 astrology chart above shows a red R symbol next to Venus.
Venus retrograde complicates your new Moon goals. If already in love then an ex lover arriving on the scene may cause problems. Instant attraction and whirlwind romances are possible, whether single or married. Choose your options carefully. Hasty decisions based more on lust than love will only end in sorrow.
You can find true love but some hardship or delay can be expected. These shared burdens are a sign of fated love and the price you must pay to be together. Self love, patience and good timing will increase your chance of a loving and lasting relationship.
Mars sextile Neptune increases your sensual desires making this an ideal time for romance. Your mystic allure will attract people more in tune with your level of spiritual development. You may even find your soul mate. Your strong sense of what is right and true will guide you in your actions.
Jupiter square Pluto makes you want to succeed, and succeed big-time. Success, power and influence are all possible but without some care there will be a price to pay. Ruthless determination, greed and corruption may get you there quicker or make you more money but at what cost? Mars sextile Neptune will provide the moral guidance to stay out of trouble if you so desire.If New Moon March 2017 directly impacts your Sun Sign you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it influences your natal chart see New Moon Transits.
Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon 12 March 2017
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon 11 April 2017
New Moon March 2017 Times and Dates
New York
27 March – 10:57 pm
28 March – 3:57 am
28 March – 9:27 am
28 March – 1:57 pm
1. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.2.
2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.56, 122.
the new moon conjuncts natal venus for me, will my ex and I get back together?
Hi Le. Sun conjunct Venus transit does increase the chance of getting back together or finding a new love.
Hey Jamie, Thank you for your insight, I enjoy reading your insights. This new moon is right on my NN at 9′ 34′ Aries – what themes should I look for?
This will be interesting for me as it quincunx my natal neptune and square mercury, yet also conjunct natal Hekate or the triple goddess in my 6th house of health service and majik, she also is the issuer of “fates” if there be any to be so, via the 3.”desire” or desires in accord with them being heartfelt respectful neccessity of will or merely lust ,wants and can do stuff, both of which of course affects the choices made through the unxonscious/conscious axis, by colour and tone, love & truth of oneself or not, in my understanding, sooo maybe, the potential is better than seems at the moment.
Hi Jamie,
I think you’re right about this being a real mixed bag. But I think it’s more than that, it’s about real polarisation that gives the definition and contrast that shows us how things really are. The things that are great will look brilliant against the those things that just look truly unpleasant. It’s a real sort out, so let’s hope that everyone gets what they need to move forward.
I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.
It conjuncts exactly my Jupiter in 9th house (7 dgr Aries) and squares my Neptun (7 dgr Capricorn) It conjuncts my Sun (12 dgr Aries) and North Node (11 dgr Aries), too! I am writing my final thesis now,I hope it helps!
Hi Jamie
Lately my life resembles an obstacle course. This new moon conjuncts my part fortune in the 6th house, 7 degrees Aries. Is this good or bad?
Whatever the Part Of Fortune touches it’s energies are enhanced. This would mean new opportunities in your 6th house
Thank you so much, I’ll breath a little easier now.
The New Moon & Venus Rx will conjunct my Mercury and is within 4 degrees of conjunction to my Juno (my Venus is also in Aries but at 19 degrees, so way too far too feel any effects from the New Moon); will the New Moon-Venus Rx conjunction on my 10th house Aries Mercury and 4 degrees from my 10th house Aries Juno possibly cause my ex to reach out to me and want to get back together? I don’t know if you’re familiar with Arabic Parts, but my Arabic Part of Marriage happens to be at the same degree as my Mercury, the the New Moon-Venus Rx will conjunct that as well. The New Moon-Venus Rx conjunction will also semisextile (a degree from exact) my Pisces Sun/Moon midpoint in my 9th house which I also associated with possibly being beneficial for me in getting my ex back. Could this happen or am I just hoping for too much?
Hi Sims. You could be right and yes I have spent time using the Arabic Parts. AT the very least it should good news regarding your love life. And with Venus Rx you are right to hope for contact with ex partner. Good luck.
Trine with neptune and AC.Square jupiter,sextile saturn. And wide conjunction with sun,mercury and chiron – 7-8 degree.
ah, just realised this New Moon is exact on my Sun/Moon mid-point in the 5th House… should be interesting ….
Hey Jamie, thanks for this. This new moon is on my north node. Sun at 0.54Aries and NN at 7 degrees. Sun square Uranus(02Cancer) opposite Mars 02 Libra. Hope something happens as feel stuck in mud at the moment. Thanks for your insight. Xx
Hi Jamie –
This NM is sextile my AQ Sun & Moon both @6 degrees. Hoping very, VERY much for a job offer soon.
Thanks again for this valued interpretation, it is helping to have a little hope for the good potential, in working with its good offering. For me its been like many around are caught up in a quite heavy mundane storm whirling around while I and it seems are some others, standing still, in limbo, yet seeing metaphoric rainbows beginning to appear overhead and at heart, it feels like the worste of it can be over now, if just let past & bygones, of a bygone era, be gone and left behind. The proof as they say as will the truth, out eventually. And it seems it is becoming clear now, finally…phew…
Oh and I love the idea of a soul mate of truly loving intent to be possible, as a highly eccentric spiritual creative being, I accept I am not at all easy to share life with, it will just simply need to be a good man who understands that it is equally challenging for me to share life with those who arent…who will listen to understand me enough to acquire the taste? I do, do that, and that is all I have ever asked for from others, being a matter of taste…good thing jupiter is in libra just now 😉
very good site, thanks for info
During my natal Libra Uranus opposition at 5dgs 5yrs ago I purchased a classic car.Now during this Aries NM it is being assessed for severe damages to the upholstery by rodents/rats.Its not looking good as far as the repair goes, or a replacement.More like an insurance payout.I will know more as the FM gets closer in 2wks..praying for a miracle.Also happens to be shadow Merc retro phase at this time..Im hopeful transiting Uranus/Merc conj will be helpful here too.
Dear Jamie,
What a new moon coming up !!!
Just a question regarding this one as Jupiter Rx will conjunct my natal South node at 19° Libra.
Didn t find any definition about this transit online can you give me your insight?
Thank you
DOB: 24 Nov 1986, 2.20pm at Saumur, France
hi jamie.i have a lot bad dreams.i dont know what bday 8-27-1963.