New Moon November 15, 2020 – Moral Success

New Moon November 2020 AstrologyThe Scorpio new moon on Sunday, November 15, 2020, is well aspected to the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. So the spiritual meaning of the new moon November 2020 astrology relates to morality and success.

The November 2020 new moon also sits between two very different fixed stars. One brings immorality and misfortune, the other, morality and success. The choice should be easy.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

New Moon November 2020 Astrology

The November 15 new moon at 23°17′ Scorpio is well-aspected to Jupiter conjunct Pluto. The harmony-seeking sextile aspect brings out the best qualities of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction like good fortune and success.

New Moon November 2020 Astrology

New Moon November 2020 [Solar Fire]

New Moon Aspects

New Moon sextile Jupiter brings confidence, optimism, and success. The very tight orb of 0°02′ amplifies the growth and abundance of Jupiter. This makes it easier to reach your goals and also easier to deal with any hardship or obstacles in your life.

Goodwill, generosity, and lucky breaks make this is an excellent new moon to set new goals and start new projects. Opportunities for material and spiritual growth can also come through business, finance, travel, education, and the law. Increasing wealth, prosperity, and happiness are likely.

New Moon sextile Pluto gives an almost compulsive desire to achieve your goals and improve your life. It makes you focused and driven to succeed with single-minded determination and intense motivation.

Increased personal power and a deeper understanding of your inner motivations make this a good time to transform and regenerate. You can eliminate clutter and dead wood from your life. Leaving behind broken relationships and bad habits will give you a renewed sense of purpose and perspective on life.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto is exact just before the new moon on November 12, for the third and last time this cycle. This means its full potential can be harnessed during this moon phase.

When harshly aspect, this conjunction can cause greed, selfishness, and ruthlessness. But as previously mentioned, the harmonious aspect to new moon November 2020 is more likely to manifest as good fortune and success.

A mix of intense effort and good luck gives you the power and influence to make a big difference in your life. Business success, wealth, travel, a promotion at work, or a better career are possible. This could be a time of large-scale achievement and success that makes you happy and content well into the future.

New Moon Stars

  • 22 ♏ 21 – Alpha Serpentis, Unukalhai
  • 23 ♏ 17 – New Moon November 2020
  • 24 ♏ 04 – Beta Centauri, Agena (Hadar)

New Moon November 2020 Astrology

New Moon November 2020 [Stellarium]

Fixed Star Unukalhai is of the nature of Saturn and Mars. It gives immorality, accidents, violence and danger of poison.

  • With Sun: Many quarrels and disappointments, unfortunate life, seriously affected by the death of family or friends.
  • With Moon: Clever, evil environment, hatred of authority, involved in intrigues and plots, banished, imprisoned or hanged for crime probably by poisoning.

Constellation Serpens is said to give wisdom, craft, deceit, malice, a feeble will and danger of poison. 1 It also affects mines and minerals. 2

Fixed star Agena is of the nature of Venus and Jupiter. It gives position, friendship, refinement, morality, health and honor.

  • With Sun: Mental activity, rashness, success, many friendships.
  • With Moon: Sarcasm and bitter speech, strong passions.

Constellation Centaurus is said to give hard-heartedness, an inclination to vengeance, love of arms, strong passion, and an energetic nature. It may be connected with poisons. 1 It also gives wisdom and proficiency in botany, music, astronomy, divination, and medicine. 2

Which Star is the Strongest?

The November 15 new moon sits between these two stars. But Agena (0°47′) is closer than Unukalhai (0°56′). And Agena is a much brighter star with an apparent magnitude of 0.6 compared to the 2.6 of Unukalhai.

However, the new moon has already passed over Unukalai. This means the full potential of Unukalai is unleashed, whereas it takes more effort to manifest the potential of Agena. Given these factors, they probably have about the same influence on the new moon.

But the planetary nature of Agena (Venus-Jupiter) more closely matches the new moon aspects (semisextile Venus, sextile Jupiter). And unlike the immorality and misfortune of Unukalhai, the morality and success of Agena is a perfect match for new moon sextile Jupiter-Pluto.

New Moon November 2020 Summary

The November 15 new moon sextile Jupiter-Pluto has the potential to bring great fortune and success. But the polar opposite influences of the two fixed stars presents a stark choice.

Immorality and deceit may well bring success in evil deeds but disappointment and misfortune will most likely follow. Only moral and ethical goals will bring lasting success, true happiness, and the evolution of the soul.If the new moon directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, for more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

New Moon November 2020 Times and Dates
  • Los Angeles, November 14 at 9:07 pm
  • New York, November 15 at 0:07 am
  • London, November 15 at 5:07 am
  • Delhi, November 15 at 10:37 am
  • Sydney, November 15 at 4:07 pm
  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p. 37, 62, 117, 213.
  2. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p. 23, 72.

6 thoughts on “New Moon November 15, 2020 – Moral Success

  1. Hello Jamie
    I just realized that on November 14th same day of the full moon I have an exact aspect
    Transiting Pluto Square natal Jupiter
    My natal Jupiter in Aries at 22 degrees 53’
    Transiting Pluto in Capricorn at 22 degrees 51’
    I am a Pisces born March 12 1964
    Not sure of time.
    Everyone is talking about the conjunction but how bad is the square?

    • Good question Kathryn. If you have the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction square something in your chart, you need to be aware of the more challenging influences of this alignment. This includes ruthlessness, overzealousness, greed, selfishness, and extremism. This is especially so if it is square natal Jupiter or Pluto.

  2. Thanks Jamie
    Jupiter transit is sextile my sun
    And Jupiter transit is also sextile my natal Mercury
    The only squares are transit Jupiter to natal Jupiter and transit Pluto to natal Jupiter

    Does this mean the same thing?

  3. So Can 22 rising sign It has actually felt like a beneficent time in my major relationships. Work but not grueling. Ars 29 moon and Gem 9: Venus Can 8 Sat Aqu 11 up Pic 11 [the rest of the gran trine in water is Neptune at Scorp 11.] I definitely see the need to not speak of extreme ideas & how discussions of revenge — no matter how lighthearted — can breed a darkness. Mars at Tau 1 so hewing the stone.

  4. I have natal Juno at 23 Scorpio and natal Ceres and 25 Scorpio, both in my 4th house. I also have natal Jupiter at 25 Scorpio in the 10th house. I am working on a new website business/membership program. I am hoping to get lots of members and a steady income so I can work from home. I’ve had interviews but no job offers for a 9-5 to sustain me. I have always hoped to be married and to adopt children. I have no romantic or sex life. The last time I did was the week we got locked down in the pandemic in March 2020. He panicked and suddenly stopped communicating. I have not had any love life since. I am also going to be moving December 1 and have no place to go so I am planning on staying in a motel. I wonder if tonight’s New Moon aspect will bring ANY desired positive change

  5. It is interestingly aspecting Trumps horoscope: On the IC trine saturn, with Pluto-Jupiter trine MC and opposite Saturn. Again pros and cons. More pros than cons I would say. With your title “moral success” in mind he could be the moral winner, but will he be the next president? 🙂

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