HOROSCOPES: Last Week | This Week | Next Week | Monthly | Yearly
Next Week: March 31 to April 6, 2025
Next Week Horoscope
The times below are for New York.
Tuesday, April 1
04:25 pm – Moon enters Gemini.
Thursday, April 3
06:49 pm – Moon enters Cancer.
Friday, April 4
12:20 pm – Saturn sextile Uranus from March 16 to April 30 is ideal for making a significant change. Common sense blended with creative flair allows you to take calculated risks that increase the likelihood of success. Unexpected repercussions are less likely than at other times. You can bring order out of chaos and make others feel safe and secure during times of upheaval. This could be a good time to commit to someone or something new that you were once unsure or hesitant about. You can work well as part of a team because of the ability to unite people for a common purpose.
07:04 pm – Mars sextile Uranus from March 30 to April 9 is perfect for making changes because they will happen quickly and relatively smoothly. The extra initiative, inspiration, and motivation are ideal for creating a start on complex tasks or things you have put off. You will also have the daring and sex appeal to make the first move with someone special. Trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid to take a risk. Fortune favors the brave.
09:08 pm – Mars trine Saturn from March 25 to April 12 brings the passion, courage, dedication, and endurance to achieve long-term success. Your relentless hard work and self-discipline earn you respect and support. The perfect mix of caution and courage makes this a good time to take risks. Strong self-confidence and primal sex appeal are excellent omens for dating. This is also a good time to formalize or commit to a long-term relationship.
10:14 pm – 1st Quarter Moon at 15♋33
Sunday, April 6
00:34 am – Moon enters Leo.
05:44 am – Sun sextile Jupiter from April 4 to 8 should be a time of happiness and optimism when good things come more quickly. You should be sociable and can expect good relations with loved ones and people at work and in group activities. This is a good time for wealth creation, studies, travel, business, and legal matters. You may be more interested in religion/spirituality, politics, social issues and philosophy.
08:13 am – Venus Rx trine Mars from April 3 to 9 brings a strong desire for pleasure and adventure. Your harmonious balance between flirty sexuality and affectionate love makes you especially attractive. This is an excellent time to find the perfect match and improve existing relationships. You also have great energy and courage and focus on pouring your energy into anything related to creativity, beauty, making money, and initiating new projects.