Fixed Star Asellus Australis

Asellus Australis at 08°43′ Leo has an orb of 1°30′
Fixed Star Asellus Australis

Cancer Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Asellus Australis on July 30

Fixed star Asellus Australis, Delta Cancri, is a double star located on the Crabs shell in the Cancer Constellation. Its magnitude is 3.94, and its spectral type is K0 III.

The traditional and official name for δ Cancri Asellus Australis, Latin for “southern donkey.”

20002050Fixed StarOrb
07♌3208♌14Asellus Borealis1°00′
08♌4309♌26Asellus Australis1°30′

Asellus Australis Astrology

Fixed star Asellus Borealis has the spectral type K0, indicating a planetary nature like Mars. It makes people pioneers.

ASSELLI. γ and δ Cancri. Two straw-colored stars known as the North Asellus (γ) and the South Asellus (δ) from the Latin asellus, a little ass, situated in the body of the Crab. According to Ptolemy both the Aselli are of the nature of Mars and the Sun, but Alvidas states that the North Asellus is like the Sun and Mars in sextile, and the South Asellus like the Sun and Mars in semisquare. Together they give care and responsibility, with a charitable and fostering nature, but danger of violent death, serious accidents and burns. [1]

South Asellus. Called the Mare Ass, A resting Place, and the Ending or Stop. [1]

SOUTH ASSELLI. δ Cancri. A yellow star situated on the body of the Crab. Spectral class KO. A giant star. Slander, slanderous statements, gains, loses friends, domestic problems, disgraceful actions, authoritive position, reputation loss. NOTE: This star is 4th magnitude and only effective for Sun/Moon conjunctions and not a very important star. Delineate it with caution. [2]

The Asses, Asellus Australis and Asellus Borealis, portend a violent death to such as come under its influence. When they get dim in the sky the indication is for rain. [3]

North Aselli, Gamma Cancri and South Aselli, Delta Cancri. North and South Aselli outflank the stellar cluster Manger. This might be the origin of nativity pictures of the birth of Christ, of the donkey always behind the manger. Both these fixed stars correspond to the effects of Sun and Mars. They are therefore a positive influence if in conjunction Ascendant, Midheaven or stellar bodies of the same character, and especially if with Sun and Mars. These people have an aggressive nature, and will not take insults easily. They may, by their own lack of caution or by being dare-devils, put their life in danger, and will not hesitate to use brutal and violent means. The strong Mars influence, emanating from the Aselli, must not necessarily be thought of as a destructive element. If a person is able to sublimate the Mars energy, then extraordinary output of achievement is possible. [4]

The ‘patient donkey’ is a lovable creature, but it can be very self-willed and uncooperative indeed at times of its own choosing. And the Aselli reflect this to near perfection. They display all the moodiness of Cancer Constellation at its most negative, while in Leo Sign, they can put up a wonderful display of stubbornness and impatience at one and the same time. Both are Mars-Sun stars by Ptolemy, and one can marvel at the utter frustration one suffers in trying to persuade or even just help someone with their own Sun or Mars (or both!!!) on these stars. Mars-Sun stars, along with Mars-Moon and the reverses of both combinations, are generally known as ‘blind stars’, indicative of eyesight problems, and astrologers sometimes warn clients to avoid any surgery on or near the eyes when such stars are activated by the transit of a significant planet (for that particular horoscope) over them. The ‘blind stars’ have another, far more positive quality, which is at least as much importance if the astrologer is trying to help the client to actualize the full potential which the horoscope shows to be there. These stars show up an ability to ‘see’ what other folks cannot. People with the Aselli and Praesepe strong in their horoscopes, favorably aspected, do show a capacity for cooperation with others, the secret of much of their success in life, symbolized by both the regime of a Beehive and by a Stable that is one home for two Donkeys. [5]

North Asellus (Asellus Borealis) and South Asellus (Asellus Australis)  work in a similar manner and are not far enough apart to cause opposition energies. They are to be considered as one star. They rule the top of the heart. [6]

Constellation Cancer

Ptolemy’s observations are as follows: “The two stars in the eyes of Cancer are of the same influence as Mercury, and are also moderately like Mars. Those in the claws are like Saturn and Mercury.” By the Kabalists Cancer is associated with the Hebrew letter Tzaddi and the 18th Tarot Trump “The Moon.” [1]

The Crab presages thunderstorms, famine, and locusts. The stars in the eyes (according to Ptolemy) have a nature similar to that of Mercury and Mars; those in the claws to that of Saturn and Mercury; the nebula to that of Mars and the Moon; and the Asses to that of Mars and the Sun. [3]

Delta Cancri, Asellus Australis

Delta Cancri, Asellus Australis []

Fixed Star Asellus Australis Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Aselli: Burning fevers, bad eyes, blindness of left eye, injuries by beasts, quarrels, slander from low women or vulgar persons, martial preferment (preferment to metal workers, soldiers, surgeons, and other Mars people.) [1] 

Danger by large animals may exist. [4]

Eyesight problems are possible, and surgery on or near the eyes should be avoided when this star is activated by transit. [5]

Ascendant conjunct Asellus Australis: Marilyn Manson 0°34′, George W. Bush 0°51′, M. C. Escher 1°21′, Pablo Picasso 1°26′.

Midheaven conjunct Aselli: Preferment in business and in all martial affairs. Disgrace and ruin, often violent death. [1]

Midheaven conjunct Asellus Australis: Uri Geller 0°07′, Dua Lipa 0°16′, Vito Genovese 031°′, Robin Williams 0°52′, Oliver Stone 0°55′, Diego Maradona 0°58′, Vladimir Putin 1°09′ (and S.Node).

Descendant conjunct Asellus Australis: Bruce McLaren 0°34′, Zendaya 1°30′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Asellus Australis: David Bowie 0°05′, Hugh Hefner 0°30′, Dave Chappelle 0°31′, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 0°41′, Mark Ruffalo 1°01′, Helen Keller 1°27′.

Sun conjunct Aselli: Blows, stabs, serious accidents, shooting, shipwreck, beheading, hanging, murderer or murdered, violent fevers, danger of fire, disgrace and imprisonment. [1]

Eyesight problems are possible, and surgery on or near the eyes should be avoided when this star is activated by transit. [5]

Sun conjunct Asellus Australis: Unfavorable for dealing with the public and influential people, trouble in business. [1]

High preferment in government and business, sports matters, connected with the public. Native is energetic, determined, but cautious. Any mistakes made will be greatly amplified and generally not to the natives credit, which will not enhance their standing with the public. [2]

If the Sun be on such a star, and favorably aspected, there will be that intuitive sense which makes one ‘see the possibilities’ where others miss them, and this is very much the case with these two Aselli. [5]

Benito Mussolini 1°04′, Yves Saint Laurent 1°30′.

Moon conjunct Aselli: Inflammatory fever, pains in the head, blindness. [1]

Eyesight problems are possible, and surgery on or near the eyes should be avoided when this star is activated by transit. [5]

Moon conjunct Asellus Australis: Ill-health, defective sight, hearing or speech; bad for business affairs, loss of friends, and trouble through enemies. [1]

The native has the ability and drive to gain an influential position and gain assistance from friends. Natives with this conjunction are generally subject to many problems, this can resolve itself in a number of ways, domestically, politically, and in business. The problems could also result from matters or affairs brought to light, but not of the natives’ doings. Native is subject to loss of friends. Chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or serious illness possible. Actions could be of a questionable nature, open to challenge. [2]

According to Vehlow, the Chinese gave this group of stars the name “the spirit of the ancestors” and were of the opinion that mainly if persons had a conjunction with the Moon, they would have peculiar experiences with the realms of the dead. The same can be said for spiritual seances. The Neptunian influence is shown thereby. [4]

A deeper intuition that will often reveal the poet, painter, musician unusually gifted, composer, psychic ‘medium’ or astrologer. In all cases, too, there is that patience for which the Donkey is respected, a quality necessary for all really reliable psychism. Perhaps when the donkey is being stubborn, he is seeing something in the path which his impatient master cannot or will not see. [4]

Marlene Dietrich 0°14′, James VI and I 0°40′, Paris Hilton 1°05′. 

Mercury conjunct Asellus Australis: Mental affliction. Difficulties brought about by children. Much worry and disappointment. Bad for success in spite of help from friends. Loss by fire of valuable papers. [1]

A conjunction with the Moon, Mercury, Venus or Neptune, well aspected, takes the intuition deeper and will often reveal the poet, painter, musician unusually gifted, composer, psychic ‘medium’ or astrologer. In all cases too, there is that patience for which the Donkey is respected, a quality necessary for all really reliable psychism. Perhaps when the donkey is being stubborn, he is seeing something in the path which his impatient master cannot, or will not see. [5]

Megan Rapinoe 0°08′, Alexander the Great 0°14′, David Koresh 0°17′, Bill Clinton 0°21′, Bonnie Parker 0°22′, Frida Kahlo 1°05′, Yves Saint Laurent 1°09′ (and Venus), Roman Polanski 1°24′.

Venus conjunct Asellus Australis: Trouble through friends, unfavorable for love and marriage, enmity of women, too fond of pleasure and society. [1]

A conjunction with the Moon, Mercury, Venus or Neptune, well aspected, takes the intuition deeper and will often reveal the poet, painter, musician unusually gifted, composer, psychic ‘medium’ or astrologer. In all cases too, there is that patience for which the Donkey is respected, a quality necessary for all really reliable psychism. Perhaps when the donkey is being stubborn, he is seeing something in the path which his impatient master cannot, or will not see. [5]

These individuals are indulgent in matters of love. They have a very great capability of loving others, but not loving humanity in general. They love those around them and those who participate in the joy and pleasure of parties. They are fun to have around and to be with. They love their children but are not disciplinarians. They can live a domestic type of life but would need a spouse who enjoys the party of life, as they are always having parties and many people around them. A spouse who can support this lifestyle would make a fine partner. [6]

Yves Saint Laurent 1°14′ (and Mercury).

Mars conjunct Asellus Australis: Energy, courage, misapplied powers, public disfavor. [1]

(0°30′ orb): This is a difficult aspect as these persons in working with others push their energies to the extreme. Instead of being more serving, they would be meddling as they try to push their own opinions and viewpoints on others; trying to change others over to their way of doing things. They will generally have positions of leadership thereby giving them the opportunity to dominate the personal lives of others. They run their home in the same manner. There are health problems connected with this since their rigidity in their thinking brings extra pressure on the heart. They become overly energized which then disturbs the pumping action of the heart. They should eat food that contains manganese, as manganese helps to keep the pressure from building so that the arteries can expand freely thus expelling the pressure. Niacin in small amounts can also be very helpful. [6]

Heinrich Himmler 1°02′.

Jupiter conjunct Asellus Australis: Legal and ecclesiastical troubles, hypocrisy, dishonesty, false friends, danger of imprisonment. [1]

Saturn conjunct Asellus Australis: Untrustworthy, dishonorable, low morality, bad habits formed early in life. [1]

Betty Ford 0°01′, Spike Milligan 0°03′, Uri Geller 0°07′, Steven Spielberg 0°10′, Larry Csonka 0°10′, Janet Street-Porter 0°16′, Richard Carpenter 0°17′, Edwina Currie 0°22′, Arthur Conan Doyle 0°24′, Johann Heinrich Jung 0°34′, Gianni Versace 0°47′, Stephen Arroyo 0°51′, Ted Bundy 0°53′, Chiang Kai-shek 0°54′, Susan Sarandon 1°02′, William Bonin 1°06′, David Bowie 1°07′, A. E. Housman 1°14′, Xul Solar 1°16′, Salman Rushdie 1°22′, Andre Chouraqui 1°30′.

Uranus conjunct Asellus Australis: Seeks applause, suffers from own mistakes, seldom sees own faults, official positions of short duration, downfall brought about by enemies, self-seeking, or ruin through speculation and domestic matters, danger of accident causing lingering death. [1]

Uranus linked with the Aselli will indicate sudden tragic fate, such as accidents, falls and emotional upsets. [4]

Nancy Spungen 0°18′, Prince 0°37′.

Neptune conjunct Asellus Australis: Ambitious but indolent; if male, handsome, pleasant and affable and a lady’s man; if female, rather masculine in appearance and character; many love affairs causing general suffering, losses through speculation, unmerited favors from friends, advantageous marriage but domestic disharmony, fevers and violent diseases, sometimes causing death in infancy. [1]

A conjunction with the Moon, Mercury, Venus or Neptune, well aspected, takes the intuition deeper and will often reveal the poet, painter, musician unusually gifted, composer, psychic ‘medium’ or astrologer. In all cases too, there is that patience for which the Donkey is respected, a quality necessary for all really reliable psychism. Perhaps when the donkey is being stubborn, he is seeing something in the path which his impatient master cannot, or will not see. [5]

Sidney Gottlieb 0°36′, Eva Perón 0°58′. 

Pluto conjunct Asellus Australis: Jimmy Page 0°05′ (and N. Node), Patch Adams 0°16′, Keith Richards 0°30′ (and N. Node), Oliver North 0°33′, Robert De Niro 0°35′, Martin Scorsese 0°40′, Joe Biden 0°41′, Jimi Hendrix 0°44′, Robert Hand 0°49′, Bob Marley 0°57′, Rudy Giuliani 1°11′, Robin Williams 1°12′, Mick Jagger 1°13′, Sirhan Sirhan 1°20′.

North Node conjunct Asellus Australis: Jimmy Page 0°11′ (and Pluto), Malcolm X 0°20′, Tom Cruise 0°51′, Keith Richards 0°58′ (and Pluto), Mohandas Gandhi 1°13′. 

South Node conjunct Asellus Australis: Margot Robbie 0°14′, Amelia Earhart 1°00′, Vladimir Putin 1°25′ (and MC).


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.141.
  2. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.113.
  3. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.40.
  4. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.41.
  5. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.50.
  6. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.58.
  • Star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.

7 thoughts on “Fixed Star Asellus Australis

    • There are only few fixed stars which have interpretations for Descendant. Perhaps similar to Ascendant but applying to your partners. Are your partners easily offended or overly aggressively?

      • Fortunately, they weren’t aggressive (I’m not married yet), but my two most significant relationships were with Leo born guys with great self confidence.

  1. I. Have my moon here conj Apollo asteroid and Uranian asteroid….I do agree with the description….and I do have many unusual spirit encounters….
    Reading this reminds me…of a time when a small herd of donkeys, saw me and came running and honking to see me. The owner said that she has never seen them so excited to see a stranger

    • Hi Leol. for the Nodes with any fixed stars, you combine the interpretations for the Sun and the Moon.

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