PISCES: Last Week | This Week | Next Week | Monthly | Yearly
March 31 to April 6, 2025
Monday and Tuesday bring positive change and excitement that spices up your life. Opportunities for new and stimulating adventures, work, and relationships will exist. You can confidently follow your passionate desires and act on your instincts. You can express your kinky side now and have some fun with it. You may wear crazy clothes or try something different in the bedroom. Flashes of insight or experimentation could lead to unique new opportunities.
Wednesday to Sunday is ideal for making a positive change because it should be a smooth transition. You can find new ways of doing old things without rocking the boat. Change will not be as upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can be. You will stay calm and patient, planning every step methodically, and you can break down complex tasks into ordered segments to instruct others effectively. Group activity is favored. You can bring people from different backgrounds together and keep them focused on a common long-term goal.
Pisces Next Week Tarot
The Tower is a card about change. The Tower is less frightening or ominous than most decks’ pictorial representations. Trying to hold too tightly to the status quo can be disastrous now. Roll with the changes. It is likely that some people or situations that you have counted on as being there for you may no longer be there in quite the same way. This doesn’t have to be dire; change is the nature of life, and trying to prevent it is like rowing upstream without a paddle. If you have been building castles in the air, this may be when some of them come crashing down to earth. That’s only a problem if you let it be.
If some fantasies fall apart this week, you can replace them with more realistic and reachable dreams and goals. Dreaming is essential, but it’s also important to live in reality. You will get through this time just fine, particularly if you remember that you have all the resources you need already inside you to deal with life and to do what you need to do.