Fixed Star Polis

Polis at 03°13′ Capricorn has an orb of 1°30′
Sagittarius Constellation

Sagittarius Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Polis on December 24

Fixed star Polis, Mu Sagittarii, is a multiple star system in the upper part of the Bow of the Archer, Sagittarius Constellation. The system contains five compnents with a combined magnitude from 3.85. The bringhtest compent is a a spectroscopic binary with the spectral type B8Iap.

The traditional and official name for Mu Sagittarii is Polis. Allen says the the Copts knew the stars in the bow of the Archer as Polis, a Foal. [1] But Mu Sagittarii occurs in the lunar station that was given the name πολις polis in a Coptic manuscript list of lunar stations, all of which Crum concluded were of Greek origin, in this case from polis “city”. [2] 

06♑1907♑01Kaus Borealis2°00′

Polis Astrology

Fixed star Polis has the spectral type B8, indicating the planetary nature of Jupiter.

POLIS. μ Sagittarii. A triple star in the upper part of the bow of Sagittarius. From the Coptic Polis, a Foal. Of the nature of Jupiter and Mars. It gives success, high ambition, martial desires, horsemanship, keen perception and domination. [3]

POLIS. μ Sagittarii. A triple star, magnitudes 3.5, 9.5, and 10., color bluish white in the upper part of the bow of Sagittarius. Spectral class B8P. This star gives the native high ambition, success, domination, leadership qualities, pride, adverse criticism, pioneering abilities. Name/fame possible; good or bad. [4]

Polis is a fortunate star portending success, ambition and truthfulness. [5]

This Jupiter-Mars star shows up in a horoscope with almost the regal qualities of mighty Regulus. Only this star, Polis will indicate more of the high office in spiritual life, Pope, Iman, Archbishop, or at least a prominent Theologian, than in the temporal world of kings and statesmen. Unfavorably aspected, however, it may show more the self-styled pretender to dignity, or the one who on gaining appointment fails to meet expectations. If better aspected, but not aided by Sun or 10th, say, then we still have someone whose interest and knowledge of things spiritual may be both keen and profound. [6]

Fixed star Polis star rules the right leg above the knee. [7]

Constellation Sagittarius

Astrologically the constellation was the House of Jupiter, that planet having appeared here at the Creation… although this honor was shared by Aquarius and Leo.. Nor did Jupiter monopolize its possession, for it also was the domicile of Diana… Thus the constellation was known as Dianae Sidus. It inclined to fruitfulness, a character assigned to it as far back as the Babylonian inscriptions.. Yellow was the color attributed to it, or the peculiar green sanguine. [1]

The following are Ptolemy’s remarks: “The stars at the point of the arrow in Sagittarius have influence similar to that of Mars and the Moon: those on the bow, and at the grasp of the hand, act like Jupiter and Mars … those in the waist and in the back resemble Jupiter, and also Mercury moderately: those in the feet, Jupiter and Saturn.” … By the Kabalists Sagittarius is associated with the Hebrew letter Vau and the 6th Tarot Trump “The Lovers.” [3]

It is a fortunate and fruitful constellation indicating events pertaining to kings or a large portion of mankind. [5]

Mu Sagittarii, Polis

Mu Sagittarii, Polis []

Fixed Star Polis Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Polis: Rupert Murdoch 0°10′, Charles Bronson 0°17′, John Belushi 0°43′, Emanuel Swedenborg 1°15′, Jane Roberts 1°23′ (and POF), Michelangelo 1°24′.

Midheaven conjunct Polis: Marshall Applewhite 0°43′, Jeremy Renner 0°47′, Barbara Hutton 1°17′.

Descendant conjunct Polis: Hunter Biden 1°19′. 

Imun Coeli conjunct Polis: Megan Rapinoe 0°38′ (and Neptune), Cab Calloway 1°31′ (and Sun). 

Part of Fortune conjunct Polis: Bob Dylan 0°04′, Jane Roberts 0°08′ (and AC), John Lennon 0°14′, Prince William of Cambridge 0°46′, Pierre-Auguste Renoir 0°48′, Volodymyr Zelenskyy 1°28′.

Sun conjunct Polis: High preferment in religion, business. The native tends to dominate any activities they are engaged in. Perception is keen, leadership qualities are evident. These natives are endowed with the ability to pioneer. Name/fame possible, good or bad. [4]

(2° orb): This is development of career. There is a blessing here in that they will accomplish their career goals. They have a great talent for accomplishment and are always at the top of the list in career achievements, even though it may be the housewife. Work would be the best in her chosen career. [7]

Connie Mack 0°08′ (and Mercury), Alabama Barker 0°09′, Ed Miliband 0°13′, Ava Gardner 0°17′, Sara Coleridge 0°20′, Gustavus Aldolphus 0°20′, Angelica Garnett 0°23′, Ricky Martin 0°25′, Louise Bourgeois 0°32′ (and Mercury), Larry Csonka 0°35′, Sissy Spacek 0°37′, Marcus Jordan 0°41′ (and Mercury), Vicki Aragon 0°44′, Kenny Everett 0°44′, Fin Wolfhard 0°56′, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve 1°01′, Carlos Castaneda 1°06′, Carol Ann Duffy 1°13′, Benjamin Disraeli 1°14′, Giacomo Puccini 1°16′, Holly Madison 1°20′, Cab Calloway 1°21′ (and IC), Antoine de Paris 1°24′, Paul Hornung 1°27′.

Moon conjunct Polis: High preferment in business, government and association with public affairs. The native has good leadership qualities. Native should exercise caution in dealing and association with friends, acquaintances who could mislead the native. Unless caution is exercised, final loss of respect and position ensues. The native will be disgraced, or the native will become a recluse. [4]

Joseph Goebbels 0°16′, Dwayne Johnson 0°31′, Arnold Schwarzenegger 1°02′, Michael Moore 1°19′.

Mercury conjunct Polis: This conjunction gives the native good writing and speaking ability. The native tends to be dominant and is essentially a private person. Writings, speeches, conversation or decision made by the native could create lasting problems. [4]

Connie Mack 0°01′ (and Sun), Lord Acton 0°24′, Marlene Dietrich 0°26′, Marcus Jordan 1°04′ (and Sun), Louise Bourgeois 1°05′ (and Sun), Ben Shapiro 1°05′, Jake Paul 1°18′, Billie Eilish 1°29′.

Venus conjunct Polis: The native is prideful, attracts friends; negative nativities indicate the native is impersonal, and while they are prideful and attract friends, nevertheless, they are not at all ‘warm,’ but rather are cold in their relationships. [4]

James Dean 0°02′, RuPaul 0°39′, Noor Inayat Khan 1°15′, Anthony Hopkins 1°22′.

Mars conjunct Polis: The native excels in focusing attention to their abilities, accomplishments, which may be many, or odd in nature, some adverse criticism can be expected. [4]

(4 orb): This causes slight chips in the bone just above the knee. There is a fiery energy here that causes the pitting of the bone which increases as the person ages. The damage is irreversible. These persons experience a rheumatic pain throughout this area. A cool, wet towel will keep this heated energy from being too destructive. Small amounts of calcium and consumption of fruits would also be very helpful, as well as almonds and sunflower seeds. Almonds here would be highly recommended. [7]

Uri Geller 0°31′, Michael Moore 1°07′, Meghan Trainor 1°09′, Rajneesh 1°13′, Steven Spielberg 1°19′.

Jupiter conjunct Polis: High preferment in occupations dealing with public associations, possible name and fame forever. [4]

Richard Nixon 0°19′, Ayrton Senna 0°24′, Edgar Cayce 0°32′, Jeffrey Dahmer 0°33′, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 0°34′, Pope Francis I 1°12′, Kenneth Copeland 1°14′, JD Vance 1°17′, Nicholas Culpeper 1°27′.

Saturn conjunct Polis (1°30′ orb): This does not cause a health problem, but creates a very hard worker. They do not have the same talents as the position of the Sun on this degree. They must struggle to work harder to accomplish their goals, but they slowly proceed onward and eventually, will reach a point where they do not proceed further, usually just below the top position where they find their niche and work hard to support those above them. They are well-liked for their work ethic and are very necessary in the positions they have chosen for themselves. [7]

Martin Bormann 0°20′, Pierre-Auguste Renoir 0°25′, Tycho Brahe 0°40′, Sarah, Duchess of York 0°53′, Adele 0°58′, Zoë Kravitz 1°01′.

Uranus conjunct Polis: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 1°15′.

Neptune conjunct Polis: Drake 0°26′, Sam Altman 0°31′, Henry VIII 0°34′, Lana Del Rey 0°43′, Megan Rapinoe 1°05′ (and IC). 

North Node conjunct Polis: Yves Saint Laurent 0°44′, Bruce Willis 1°17′.

South Node conjunct Polis: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 0°36′, Boris Johnson 0°37′, Courtney Love 0°39′.


  1. Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889, p.359.
  2. Station 22 in footnote 12 in Stefan Weinstock, “Lunar Mansions and Early Calendars”, Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 69, November 1949, pp. 48-69.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.60, 185.
  4. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.183-184.
  5. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.36.
  6. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.93-94.
  7. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.121.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.