Astrologers have always known that Saturn rules the passing of time, aging and old age. We now have scientific proof:
Scientists have found that human beings age at a molecular level in two accelerated bursts – first at the age of 44, and then again at 60. [CNN]
- Age 44 is your second Saturn opposition (Saturn opposite Saturn transit).
- Age 60 is your second Saturn return (Saturn conjunct Saturn transit).
Just like clockwork!
Jamie … it is almost humorous that various branches of “science’ keep discovering more facts which Astrologers have always been aware of for centuries … I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read about results of this or that psychological study which took years or even a decade or more & have shown such & such … after which the first thought I have IS, had they only asked a competent Astrologer, they could have easily known this in mere days or weeks. The same is true with contemporary events, example being last night the first evening of the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Of course we Astrologers knew about the Full Moon yesterday with all of it’s accompanying transits which I won’t list here now … & yet it was almost as IF the scenario presented at the DNC convention was scripted by the event charts for the day … all about the advancement of women & their future in American politics to begin with, as Uranus was not only squaring the Sun & Moon, but also EXACTLY in square to the natal Moon of the USA Sibly chart within one second of one degree – that’s pretty damn tight on that scale as
things go – while transiting Saturn the time keeper as you mention here was opposing Venus & squaring Mars conjunct Jupiter which in my view is “also about” the same concept … the female side of humanity finally squaring off against the male leaders.
Although by now it is beginning to be fairly obvious that Kamala will win, after all Uranus still has two more squares to Moon in the USA chart while making corresponding aspects to her chart in the next year, yet the MSM IS STILL DISCOVERING IT.
Well, ya know, with so much air space to fill, newsies do a lot of opinionating. Where in the past, they just reported what happened and what was happening at the time. Mere mortals live in the present, not the future. More timey stuff.
I find that even astrologers tend to put a little wishful thinking behind their astrology when they predict a winner.
Yes, it is nearly impossible to be 100% unbias. As soon as I posted this I thought I was wrong.
Stop that! That doubt stuff! You said it, it’s interesting and well worth discussion. I always learn from you. A round of applause.👏 👏👏👏👏👏
Haha. I do my best with Mercury opposite Saturn. But as I mentioned in the post, you could argue for either candidate given their transits. It really is an extemely tight race. The betting sites have them at exactly the same odds at the moment, and they have been pretty much the same for weeks.
Meg Moonbeam did a show on Rumble talking about how Kamala’s chart has horrific aspects to the star Algol and other malefics, as does Biden’s, so I wouldn’t count on her getting too far.
Aelred, as long as people desire a loud, center of attention figurehead, I think you are right. Both Dems are worker bees and in today’s media blitz, they do not offer that to the masses.
She did not look comfortable with all the accolades by speakers at convention. She’d rather be working. Really working. That’s what she does, as does her predecessor. But first woman vp is not too shabby as far as status. It’s a door opener and went pretty smoothly. But yeah, the crap will fly in her direction. I am not sure about the Algol aspects for worker bee. Thankless, perhaps.
Lindsay Holt, you. I am so glad now that you posted. Been mulling. Then omg omg omg, I woke up to an msnbc headline about her vp pick. I didn’t read article yet, I want to let the capture sink in fist. Need time. Thank you Saturn. He is redefining masculinity contrasting with the regressive characterization. This is huge. The characterization is out of step with time. What a gift to the male gender. A gift to all of us. Time. Saturn. Change. It’s not a trick, it happens. And what a great ‘re’ for this mercury rx. Time goes on.
I was thinking the same! I just passed my 44th and by the whole cosmos, just looking the mirror. There is something funny about this.
Didn’t notice physical stuff at 44. Mostly brain growth. Wake up. First crook I worked for. Never would have thunk such stuff existed outside the TV set.
60 was the first time I acknowleged aging. Just felt like everything changed. Physically subtle, but it was noticed.
I was diagnosed with cancer at 44, so this does not surprise me. Another interesting thing about this is the “accelerated bursts.” Like many things being discovered in science, it’s not a gradual, linear process. And it again supports what we find in astrology with major transits.
At 60, I lost my job of 25 years and embarked on a whole new path.
I’ve always looked and felt youthful for my age, but I did notice these turning points, especially 60. For me, 44 was minimal except for some female problems, but 60 – that was more significant. Like Vic noted, everything changed, even though I was/am physically fit.
Hi Anaa. This could be because the Saturn return is more powerful than the opposition.
Coincido. La oposición es un desafío externo : ver en lo demás temas de Saturno y sobre sí mismo: ocuparse de esos asuntos sobre la casa que tenés en tu carta natal.
Translation: I agree. The opposition is an external challenge: see issues about Saturn and about yourself in the rest: take care of those issues about the house you have in your birth chart.
Wow, my first saturn opposition was a rape
the 2nd was nothing, good time in my life, but my boyfriend at 44 died suddenly
I was 44 when I lost a building project and 4 years architectural work, just a few days after 9/11. WTC Bldg No 7 fell on it as it collapsed. It being a 16 story renovation for a business school. I was in Texas at the time watching on TV. I certainly did age several years at once. Married for the 2nd time at 60. Much gentler
Interesting. You correlated with external events. 44 was the new millennium for me. I have always stated that’s when the world went nutty with the rise of the criminal, like biz criminal. My sister always said you just have risen in your job area and first seeing what really goes on
Saturn sq Pluto mh? Dunno. Had to walk from jobs several times. Not paying me enough to go to jail for them. Like really, would any amount be enough to be their fall guy!
I’ve gotten Sun opposite Saturn, so no matter which negative angle one transiting planet makes, by default it makes a hard aspect to the other. The square is loads of fun. When young, this manifested as physical violence against me. By age 44 indeed the health problems kicked in. I’m not yet 60 so we’ll see how this goes.
It seems like the “accelerated bursts” would be a kick in the pants from Uranus. But I guess ol Saturn has a few tricks up the sleeve. Oh dear, have to stop thinking about this, I feel like I am time travelling. Get a grip. Pull some weeds, do some laundry, take a cold shower. Stay present! 🤣
Without change, there is no evidence of time?
Hello General Partridge 🫡
For us rookies:
*Age 44 is your second Saturn opposition (Saturn opposite Saturn transit).
*Age 60 is your second Saturn return (Saturn conjunct Saturn transit).
Can you please kindly elaborate on what those mean?
Saturn takes 29.5 yearsw to go around the Sun. So age 30, Saturn has returned to the same place it was when you were born.
This recent (Norwegian) article says that “Previous studies have shown that a similar change also occurs at the age of 78” –
Would there by chance be any Saturn explanation for this third accelerated burst at the age of 78? – Would be pleased to hear.
NO, how disappointing. The third Saturn Opposition is age 74. 🙁
So what does it mean when you don’t look your age ? I’m 35 but I’m often said I look way younger. Last year when ordering a drink in NYC I got asked for my passport. Cheers Jamie 😉
Hi Jamie, I have north node 8 degrees virgo & Saturn 13 degrees virgo – would you consider this a conjunction? Thanks, Helen
Yes Helen, not a strong conjunction but there will still be some effect, especially as the Nodes and Saturn share similarities.
Thank you, Jamie!
Years ago I’ve read that natal retrograte Saturn makes people look older when they young and younger when they get older
Saturn is the cheater. Look at it’s natal position and of Capricorn. Here you will be likely be cheated or be a cheater. The classic Capricorn cycle, getting ahead by elbowing and stepping on others to reach some lofty goal, then crashing into a deep pit, as the cheating catches up, mitigated by libra (Saturn exalted) balancing these extremes. Consider this when looking at the presidential candidates natals.