Saturn opposite Midheaven maximum orb 6°30′.
Saturn opposite Midheaven natal can cause loneliness and insecurity early in life. A severe event, illness, or issue with your parents made you grow up quickly. You may have taken on too much responsibility for a young person. Perhaps the expectations of your parents made you feel pressured or guilty. You need a great deal of emotional support when you are growing up.
If your parents were supportive and gave you the nourishment and encouragement you needed, you would cope better with this challenging aspect. If one of your parents were very strict, emotionally distant, ill or absent, you would have lacked a solid foundation. Perhaps you moved town and never really felt settled.
Natal Saturn opposite Midheaven means you must take responsibility for your past and family. Significant past life experiences can result in many tests and trials before your Saturn returns at 29. Your upbringing can be seen as an initiation. Before succeeding in the outer world, you must look inside and face the childhood issues that cause fear, sadness or loneliness. Studying history and genealogy can be helpful.
Saturn is a late bloomer, but you will come to terms with your early difficulties. Gradually you will build a solid foundation and start your own family. If your early home environment was Spartan, you might prefer surrounding yourself with material possessions. This will give you a good sense of security and stability. Or you may find that fewer possessions make your life less complicated. This neatness and cleanliness will give you a good sense of order and predictability. Whatever the case, you must have a solid base to succeed in your career and meet your personal goals.
Some people with this aspect try to make up for feelings of emptiness or inadequacy by becoming very active socially. Developing a solid public profile or excelling in your profession is essential. However, you will find more fulfillment and contentment by confronting your past and building your concrete foundation.
With natal Saturn opposite Midheaven (0°58′), Jessica Savitch was haunted by her father’s untimely death and pursued a career partly to compensate for the loss. Savitch was a driven perfectionist who constantly battled insecurities about her appearance and ability, suffered from social anxiety, and tended to isolate herself from network colleagues, including other female broadcasters whom she viewed as competition. [1]
Saturn Opposite Midheaven Transit
Saturn opposite Midheaven transit represents the beginning of a significant new phase of life. Changes in your life will have important consequences in the years to come. Previous years may have been a struggle, but now you have reached a turning point and are on the way up. You are heading toward professional success but still need a safe and secure foundation.
You could have felt held back recently. If so, Saturn delayed your progress because the timing was not right. You probably needed more preparation work to prepare yourself and ensure you had the necessary resources and skills to advance and succeed. You will likely reach the peak of this phase in about fourteen years during your Saturn conjunct Midheaven transit.
Transiting Saturn on your Nadir also tells you not to neglect your home responsibilities for family, parents or children. Your home may need repairs or renovations, so ensure your taxes and other debts are in order. Also, take practical steps to ensure your family has the basics to make them feel safe and secure. A new relationship may start if you have experienced a breakup in recent years.
Saturn Opposite Midheaven Celebrities
William S. Burroughs 0°01′, Michael Moore 0°10′, Martin Luther 0°26′, Priyanka Chopra 0°51′, Jessica Savitch 0°58′, James Thomas Flexner 0°59′, David Koresh 1°13′, Liza Minnelli 1°21′, Janis Joplin 1°23′, Eileen Brennan 1°23′, Kathleen Battle 1°37′, Alan Whicker 1°42′, Ivan The Terrible 1°51′, Alexis Arquette 1°53′.
Best description I’ve seen yet of my natal Saturn opp. Midheaven. In my case, Saturn is also in exact square to my moon and chiron in the 6th.
Tom Cruise has Saturn exactly on his IC in his birth chart.
this sucks i hate this ascepect and i hate that i have it
Hi Jamie Transiting Saturn crossed my IC beginning of April this year will to back first week August and revisit going direct end December. Yes I do feel like a new foundation is being laid in my prof life only in 1; years I will be nearly 84. In my case Pluto is exactly on my MC so this passage of Saturn involves an opppsition from Pluto… any thoughts?
Took a few moments to look at this aspect at the Ferndale, CA earthqake the other day because my personal Saturn conjunct the IC.
My familly is so huge now, can hardly fit it on the internet.