Status Update

A brief post to let you all know I am OK. I needed a break from the internet for a few weeks after giving up cigarettes and pain killers. Harder than I thought and have been in bed most of the time. First  goal is to get back to caring for the children properly. I hope to write a few things here and there while catching up on readings. Monthly horoscopes might take longer.

63 thoughts on “Status Update

  1. I was wondering if you were ok. Glad to hear you’re back and healthier.

  2. I have been taking a break from the cyber world also,though not so lucky with the cigs,it’s much harder at 64.So bravo for your accomplishment.Prepping for that Pluto transit to your Asc as Chiron sets it up.

  3. A shame as I relied/love your predictions. Nevermind, you have to “start from the man in mirror” and if part of that is for your kids, totally worth it!. Be very strong. It is going to be hard.

  4. Glad to hear you are ok, have missed all your articles. Get well soon.

  5. Thanks GOD you are O.K.!!!! Take your time (but hurry up!) since we all are waiting for your astrology forecasts. All the best for you and kids!

  6. We can wait..I’m a first decan virgo. We are wading through some s&$t right now. You are my brother a virgo also. So people should read your forecast for YOU. then they would see your under the same sky as we are. This year we take care of ourselves, take a chance for our take care of Jamie …ecigs work for me..ok done.

  7. Best wishes Jamie and I applaud you for giving up the smokes, take your times rest up , do what yo need to do for yourself. Still love your web page and will keep an eye out for updates, Lisa Ireland

  8. Best wishes Jamie! And also for your children. Step by step and little by little (I seem to be in that mode also, though I do not quit smokin´… glup… I feel happy with my smokes).

  9. Glad to hear you’re OK. Hope you had help with the kids while detoxing. Withdrawals from meds like that are awful! Staying in bed (i.e., away from a store) makes giving up cigarettes somewhat easier, but the cravings remain for a while so stay on your guard. It only takes one. Unfortunately.

    Good luck and may the force be with you.

    –Smoke-free since 1987

  10. Greetings from Kansas, Jamie. 🙂 Eating carrots is suppose to help with cigarette cessation. Actually, there are a bunch of natural ways to stave off the cravings… or so “they say.” (to the commenter who used the alternative E-cigarettes… they compromise your health even more than smoking nicotine but, still glad to hear it helped you change your lifestyle.) ~ Yours in the Stars ~

  11. It’s not easy, but congratulations on quitting! Thank you for all you do, take care and be well, health is always most important.

  12. I tried to stop smoking cigarettes numerous times but this time is for good. I am 57 years old and had a brain aneurysm that almost killed me last October. My doctor told me it was mostly due to smoking that I had it happen to me. I was able to quit but only after spending 17 days in the hospital first. I am glad you are quitting. Stopping it and the pain killers will ultimately leave you feeling so much better, just hang in there, it will be worth it. Lastly I have really missed your postings but thank you for the heads up, I truly hope that you are up and feeling better very soon. Best wishes and thank you!

  13. Good job at quiting cigarettes, I have been trying to do that for a long time. Anyway hope you feel better now and will look forward to the updates.

  14. Your post on Hygeia was spot on. A crisis for healing has certainly described my recent life. And apparently yours too. I send love and hope for a healthy future for you and your family.

  15. I’m very sorry for saying that you’d gone. I’m the lowest of low.
    Dear Jamie, you taught us a lot and that was my pay back ?! I’m a complete idiot.
    Old you died and new you was born.

    • Yes YOU were the one that started the rumours. WTF to say somebody’s gone as in insinuating Jamie had died and then oh I’m sorry like it’s no big deal. You’re brave to continue to post as far as I’m concerned.

  16. Not dead! Just had a break for a while guys. I gotta say quitting cigarettes is so taxing on the body. One month and I am still so lethargic. I did quit buprenorphine at the same time but have gone cold turkey of heroin and other types of opiates numerous times over the last 15 years. Cigarettes definitely ranks as the most difficult to eliminate.

    I wish all you smokers the best when you get the motivation to quit. Patches and other gimmicks just prolonged it for a week. The I saw my doc and he gave me Champix, took that for about 7 days. It definitely helped.

    I could not even feed myself let alone the kids. Thanks to mum and dad for taking the kids for a while and making sure they got to school. Today was the first time in a month where I wasn’t in bed most of the day. Have had real bad nausea and the runs the whole time. Surgeon did say a couple of year ago that would happen after he cut half my bowel out. I guess smoking and pain killers settled that down. Thank god for travel sickness tablets!

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement and tips to stay a non smoker. I reckon I have smashed it now. I should post something in the future about timing the quitting of addictions based on Moon phases and other transits.

  17. Good idea, Jamie. When the time comes, I will read with deep interest. I´ve always have been in workshops to quit smoking, though never went because of me. My huband so much wanted me to quit, and trying to please him, I went. I found those workshops futile. When I stopped smoking was while pregnant and breast-feeding. And then again, I started all over. Even, with my second son, I did not quit completly. I smoked here and there.

    Maybe, your guide will be much more useful.

    But then, again, I don´t feel like it is important for me to quit…


    M. del Rin.

  18. Glad you are better Jamie. Congrads on quitting. It takes a big man to face his problems head-on.
    Wishing you health and few ciggy cravings.

  19. Wishing you health, wealth and no nausea! Great job on quitting, they do say its the most addictive substance, so go you!! Taking time for yourself and your kids is priority so we will patiently wait for your articles.

  20. I smoked for almost 30 years and tried several times to quit. Chantix worked for me after only 2 weeks. I took 1 extra week just to make sure. I have been smoke free for 8 years and still have absolutely no desire. You go boy:) Congratulations!!

  21. Hiya Jamie, having had a chronic pain problem for more than 15 years. I have come off pain meds a few times to give my body a break. I notice you’ve mentioned you have been through through similar experiences in the past and know it can be hard. But stick it out, you will feel better. It takes time and you will get used to how hard it is to have a body again. Now quitting smoking … And at the same time … Well that’s pretty bloody impressive! All the best and thank you for the time and knowledge you have shared with us to date and into the future.

  22. Continued success on quitting smoking. I know miracles exist because if my mother who smoked 2 plus packs a day for fifty years could quit cold turkey and have it stick, than ANYTHING is possible,…

  23. Having a website is a lot of work. If you don’t get money from that work then most times it feels like it’s all for sh$&s and giggles. Soon I’d think you will be able to focus again. I often say it’s not easy being me. It’s like that for all of us I’d think…god bless you, YOU the person who’s reading this right now….

  24. Good Luck Jamie. My Dad gave up smoking 2 weeks back. I hope he stays true and god gives him much needed will power.

  25. All the best Jamie. Well done on your efforts so far. Feel quite selfish for checking the monthly reports daily now I know why they’ve been delayed! 🙂
    EFT is amazing for ridding yourself of addictions, and any sort of emotional / physical discomfort. I would gladly help you via Skype if you want to get in touch.

  26. Get well soon, we all miss you! Blessings! Wish you all the best!

  27. I was worried about you. Glad to hear you’re kinda O.K. You should take vitamins to help your body cope. Also, there are natural things to help with some pain. eg. RAW garlic. Try it. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not so much.

  28. Sorry to hear. I haven’t given up anything, my willpower is not quite as strong as I would like it to be though I do try to eat healthy to compensate.

  29. good for you! — seven years on the other side here, best thing i ever did! — found an underlying core message of mind tools in this video:

  30. Much better thanks everyone but still desperately craving a smoke nearly every day. Getting back on the computer now but just socializing and having a bit of fun.

    • Hey Jamie, I quit smoking cigarettes 33 years ago. I found that chewing gum helped me tremendously as it kept my mouth busy. It is not easy to give them up, I believe, because our behavior around them is rather ritualistic. Once I realized that out of a full pack that I smoked every day that I only really enjoyed the first few puffs of maybe three cigarettes…I knew I had to quit. I enjoyed one with my morning coffee, one after lunch or with a cocktail and one after dinner (or sex…lol). Why was I spending so much money, ruining my health, teeth and gums, smelling up my hair, clothing, house, car, etc. if my enjoyment was severely limited? You really can do this Jamie. You have a very strong mind. Maybe you could take up smoking a little weed now and then (it is medicinal and it might help). Hope you’re feeling better soon. xoxo

  31. Hey there, Jamie, it’s good to know you’re ok. Listen, giving up smoking is one of the hardest things anyone can ever do. I remember when my dad gave up smoking (after smoking up to 5 packs a day most of his life). The key, as far as I understand it, is to determine what your triggers are and then change the behaviors around those triggers. Easier said than done, of course. BTW, I gave up all processed foods and anything made with preservatives, any fake food at all, really, about five years ago. The longing-craving for some of that stuff went on for over a year, but eventually, really slowly, I gradually just did other things instead of having that crap. I don’t know you, obviously, but I’m very proud of anyone who gives up something toxic that’s killing them, so good job. 🙂 Best of luck with it. It’s a hard road, but worth it.

  32. desperately waiting for ur monthly horoscopes as they were so accurate. I have a little suggestion that these horo work will keep u busy and distracted.

  33. Hi Jamie,

    Got to read one of yr articles earlier sometime in April-May and connected instantly as found stuff which I could relate with.. ever since have been keeping track of yr writings.. read yr Gemini Decan 3 outlook for the year and was pretty impressed..all i can say is – Respect.

    All the very best to you and wish you could give up yr smoking ASAP. Just to let u know, I gave it up on just one good day sometime in Dec 2010 and haven’t smoked since then..I am 46.

  34. Please, Jamie, feel better and keep the good work with horoscopes soon. They are so accurate and lot of people is depending on your montly guidance, just like me. Missing you from sunny Florida!

  35. interesting how hooked I got on monthly horoscopes that really did help guide and to see things unfold more clearly … will this every return ? I hope!

  36. Every time you get on an airplane they tell you…
    Put the oxygen mask on yourself before you try to help someone else.
    Simply the best advice ever.
    I hope you are well. Thank you for all you do!

  37. I just found this site. Brilliant. Should support me in my Astro health studies. Take care and I look forward to seeing some updates soon.

  38. Hope u r doing well!! Will we get to see monthly horoscopes?In anticipation, like so many others. Wish you would!!! regards

  39. Hello,
    I noticed you started monthly horoscopes but all were not included. Will all be included for the month of October soon I hope. Why were some left out?

  40. Really like your monthly horoscopes….especially like that you divide them up into decans. One note: Cancer’s logo should be a crab and not a lobster. Wish you the best of health. : 0 )

  41. Hi Jamie, I’m a new subscriber. Sent you a private email inquiry, and also asked how your health was. Perhaps you have addressed it here or in other posts. Very curious if you think the Pluto/Capricorn transit is provoking some of the changes, you’ve made. Be well, friend.

    • Did I respond to your email? I tend not to look at planets in Signs, rather aspects and fixed stars. Longer term influences like Uranus square Pluto.

      • Yes, I have been reading your site and the aspects you have listed. Including the Uranus square Pluto. Good to know that it is beginning to lighten up!

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