Weekly Horoscope and Tarot

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This Week: February 17 to 23

Your weekly horoscope is based on planetary transits to your Sun Sign, not on houses, zones, or sectors.

Weekly Horoscope Aspects

The times below are for New York.

Monday, February 17

07:18 pm – Moon enters Scorpio.

Tuesday, February 18

05:06 am – Sun enters Pisces.

11:01 pm – Mercury semisextile Venus on February 18 and 19 enhances your social and communication skills. You can negotiate, facilitate, and make decisions with sound reasoning ability and common sense. You can develop your artistic and creative potential more easily now, especially with drawing, painting, reading and writing music, playing musical instruments, poetry and singing.

Thursday, February 20

07:54 am – Moon enters Sagittarius.

12:32 pm – 3rd Quarter Moon at 02♐20 conjunct fixed star Yed Prior at 02♐39 brings a quiet persistence and admiration. It favors writing, the law, public relations, sports, fighting, politics and astrology.

03:13 pm – Mercury square Jupiter from February 19 to 21 brings high hopes for the future, which makes this a good time to make plans. But while you may have a broadly positive outlook, focusing on the more minor details is crucial. A lack of concentration or inability to focus may lead to errors of judgment or mistakes. Also, don’t promise too much or overestimate your abilities when planning the future.

08:34 pm – Sun semisextile Pluto from February 19 to 21 gives you the drive to succeed, making you more determined and purposeful than usual to achieve your goals. It also helps you transform psychologically extreme tendencies, like obsession and compulsions, towards a more constructive determination.

Weekly Horoscope

3rd Quarter Moon February 2025

Saturday, February 22

06:08 pm – Moon enters Capricorn.

Sunday, February 23

11:57 am – Mercury trine Mars from February 22 to 24 brings directness and mental alertness to help you express yourself more confidently. It is ideal for negotiations and business dealings. This is also a good time for all mental work, like studying, sitting exams and filling out forms and applications. Local travel and making plans should be rewarding.

08:59 pm – Mars direct at 17♋00.