2024 US Election Prediction

2024 US Election Prediction

Astrology for the 2024 US Presidential Election points to an evenly balanced contest. It is extremely difficult to predict a winner from the horoscope for election day and the transits and progression to both candidates’ charts.

Following the predicted assassination attempt on Donald Trump, it was hard to imagine that he could lose the election. However, based on some small differences in their transits and the likelihood of a contested election and violent protests, I predict a very narrow Kamala Harris victory.

2024 Election Astrology

The astrology of the 2024 US election is dominated by Sun trine Saturn. It gives a reserved and conservative outlook favoring the Republicans and Donald Trump. However, it also represents stability and security as opposed to change and uncertainty, which favors incumbency and, therefore, Kamala Harris.

The other significant aspect in the 2024 election horoscopes is Mars opposite Pluto. I don’t believe it favors either side of politics, but it does indicate an intense and ruthless desire for victory, threats, intimidation, coercion, manipulation and extremeness.

This aspect of conflict makes the loser feel unfairly victimized and persecuted by a powerful enemy. It suggests a contested election, subversion, propaganda, aggression, mass violence, male violence, vandalism, destruction, and armed resistance against the government.

2024 US Presidential Election Prediction

2024 US Presidential Election Prediction

The Fixed Stars

Mercury conjunct fixed star Acrab (03♐31): Difficulty obtaining legacy but final success, malevolence, mercilessness, fiendishness, malice, theft and crime (a contested election result).

Venus conjunct fixed star Raslahague (22♐47): Liberality, broad-mindedness, humanitarianism and philosophical ideas (sounds favorable for Kamal Harris, but Trump has Moon conjunct this star).

Jupiter conjunct fixed star Bellatrix (21♊17): Philosophical and religious mind, hypocrisy, fanaticism,  slander, jealousy and enemies (a contested election result).

Uranus conjunct fixed star Algol (26♉31): Extreme misfortune, violence, mob violence, brutality, bigotry. propaganda, vandalism, fanaticism, tragedies, ruthlessness, the masses and death (a contested election result).

Astrology of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

The astrology charts of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump both have the Sun opposite the Moon, which makes them competitive. Harris’s tighter orb (0°09′) gives her an advantage over Trump’s (1°43′). However, Mars rising conjunct Regulus gives Donald Trump a great fighting spirit. He has a strong, militant chart, while Kamala Harris has a more balanced chart. 

Both candidates’ Midheavens are well-aspected to Saturn, indicating a successful career as a leader. On election day, Uranus retrograde conjunct Algol activates their Midheavens: conjunct Jupiter for Harris and conjunct Midheaven for Trump.

As I wrote in the post about Kamala Harris, the numerous similarities in their charts suggest the 2024 US election contest is evenly balanced.


The table below shows the election day transits for both candidates. The precession correction value of 0°50′ has been added to Kamala Harris’s chart and 1°05′ to Donald Trump’s chart. This gives the same results as sidereal (Vedic) astrology and is more accurate than sidereal (Western) astrology.

The election day transits are generally positive for both candidates. I think the main difficulty in predicting a winner is transiting Uranus:

  • Donald Trump: conjunct MC (0°15′) sextile Saturn (0°12′).
  • Kamala Harris: conjunct Jupiter (0°51′).

This is positive for both of them. The Uranus direct transit during the first presidential election debate worked well for Trump. He survived an assassination attempt when Mars joined Uranus on his Midheaven. And Uranus direct conjunct Jupiter transit propelled Kamala Harris to the candidacy.

The aspect orbs are tighter for Trump, but Jupiter is the most fortunate planet in astrology. I am conflicted!

Venus conjunct Trump’s Moon is excellent for public popularity and the support of women. It may give him the edge. However, the Solar Eclipse square Mercury has a tight orb, which makes it difficult for him to get his message across.

Based on the transits alone, I am leaning toward a Donald Trump victory.

TransitKamala HarrisDonald Trump
Solar Eclipsesquare Mercury (0°08′)
Lunar Eclipsesextile Jupiter (0°51′)
square AC (0°26′)
square N. Node (0°21′)
trine Saturn (0°48′)
sextile MC (0°15′)
New Moontrine Mercury (0°21′)
North Nodeopposite Neptune (0°59′)
Neptune Rxtrine Venus (0°35′)
quincunx Mars (0°27′)
Uranus Rxconjunct Jupiter (0°51′)sextile Saturn (0°12′)
conjunct MC (0°15′)
Saturn Rx
Jupiter Rx
Venustrine Mars (0°43′)conjunct Moon (0°24′)
opposite N. Node (0°48′)
Mercurysquare MC (0°51′)
Sunsextile Uranus (0°15′)

Secondary Progressions

The Secondary Pregressed chart is a forecast technique that equates one day after birth to one year of life. It is supposed to reflect your personal evolution over time. The aspect orbs are limited to one degree.

Kamala Harris

  • Moon sextile Uranus (-0°34′)
  • Venus square Saturn (+0°52′)
  • Jupiter trine Pluto (-0°32′)

Donald Trump

  • Moon square Midheaven (+0°06′)
  • Mercury sextile Venus (+0°59′)
  • Mercury sextile Jupiter (–0°17′)
  • Saturn square Ascendant (+0°34′)


From the astrology chart of the 2024 US presidential election, Sun trine Saturn could favor Donald Trump because it represents conservative values. It could also favor Kamal Harris because it represents stability and continuity. Either way, Mars’s opposite Pluto brings the potential for contested election results and mob violence.

The fixed stars reinforce the likelihood of violent protests. I think this is more likely with a Harris victory. The only fixed star that directly supports either candidate is Raslahague. It favors Harris because Venus gives a liberal and humanitarian outlook.

2024 US Election Prediction

I am leaning toward a Kamala Harris victory because I believe the lunar eclipse and Uranus aspecting her Jupiter is more fortunate than their aspects to Trump’s Midheaven.

Kamal Harris also has Sun sextile Uranus transit on election day and progressed Moon sextile Uranus. Both indicate positive change.

The final thing that makes me predict Kamala Harris will win the 2024 US presidential election is Mars opposite Pluto and the fixed stars on election day. They indicate a contested result and mass violence. Given recent history, this seems more likely following a Donald Trump loss.

I am not sure about the result of this election. I changed my mind many times and delayed posting this article more than once. You could just as easily predict a Donald Trump victory based on the same charts, and I am sure to hear all about that in the comment below.

67 thoughts on “2024 US Election Prediction

  1. They’re going to steal it again. The lunacy will end on July 9th 2025. Buckle up America.

    • The election was not stolen. Any “evidence” has been debunked and people are getting prosecuted (see AZ for fake electorate scam) and Fox News had to pay out 787 million dollars for slandering Dominion for saying that the voting machines were “rigged.”

      • Wrong. Read the news. Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania all have court cases in effect now that show clear evidence on corruption and huge spikes in “found” votes for Obiden. You’re obviously a Dimm Lib who believes the pedophile, geriatric basement dummy who never campaigned magically won. If Trump won you would spout the same diatribe against him. He’s a Gemini with with fantastic aspects. Heels up Harris has 3 Saturn squares which even a basic astrologer can see she’s poorly aspected. Let’s see how many 3am ballot harvesting dumps are made this time around.

        • I was reading around on the efforts to discredit voters. There are pretty tight restrictions on taking away a U.S. citizens right to vote. Wisconsin case in point.: Beyond reasonable doubt is needed. Thank goodness, this push for a police state to control people’s personal lives is incomprehensible and is driving pro police state people to violate the rights of fellow citizens by taking their rights away. That could back fire on the very pro police staters. Buyer on beware.

    • Th e election wa snot stolen what alternate universe do you live in. Please study the documented data, jurisprudence . lies, states telling all if you are an American you owe it to yourself your family and your country to know the facts not conspiracy theories

  2. Sun trine Saturn favours Bobby Kennedy Uranus is featured for reason.
    Bobby has Saturn/Moon Cancer/Capricorn aspects that are statistically correlated in past President natal chart reseach data.

    • Yes RFK Jr has a very strong chart too— but his name may be omitted (unfairly) from many state’s ballots!

      • Rebecca, Thank you because there is a real lack of analysis of the harsh blocking of RFK. And as Stargirl states the omission of RFK results in an intended two party choice of the electoral college. MK

      • I looked at his chart and made some mental notes for further study but am not an astrologer. I understand he is an environmental guy but he does not believe in science as he is a conspiracy theory person. Ie. Hypotheses and tested proofs out of his league. That is difficult for credence. And he seems to wear his dark side on his sleeve with his tales. I think those oddities don’t sit well. And then there is the faction of people that were searching for a dead Kennedy to arise and join the election. I think that made a joke out of the kennedy’s. He’s a Capricorn sun with. Mars Saturn in Scorpio, I think, but he does not come off as solid.

  3. I keep looking at the new moon before election chart, and see both/either succeeding ?
    The Algol influence seems very strong this year—and violence could come from any direction. You eloquently state what violence may occur should Harris win both popular vote and electoral college; however as there are certainly world players antagonistic to Trump who would lose too much if he won,
    violence can swiftly enter internationally instead of domestically. And what if one wins the popular vote, but the other wins the electoral college, as in 2000 and 2016? If Trump wins the EC without the popular, it may renew strong, perhaps violent, demands for the elimination of the EC?

    • Hi Stargirl. I did not look at the new moon or the eclipses before the election, only at how they aspected the candidates charts. I wish I had looked at them now.

      • Jamie, I am thankful for your study here of these charts together and individually, and ESPECIALLY thankful for your insight and depth of knowledge on the fixed stars in these charts!!! From what I can tell, the new moon chart is a mixed bag: Uranus on the descendant (which I cannot decipher), and an inkling of a hint the challenger will win. But exactly WHO is the challenger here? Harris challenges a form president (and has usurped a sitting one), Trump is the challenger from the opposing party, and RFK Jr challenges them both! I would LOVE your interpretation of it, if you get a chance .

      • JAMIE … I’m SHOCKED! Shocked, I tell you! To think that there’s gambling going on in this establishment, that you would EVER give your nod to the Conservative.

      • Jamie,

        I would suggest you to look at the “US birth chart” as well.
        Exact Sun square Sun transit – I think the Mars opposite Pluto will not be just violence.


    • Stargirl, the only problem w/ your alternative forms of violence & contested election is that the only people who have been threatening such things are Trump & his followers. I see Trump representing the past & Kamala representing the future. I feel like the overall energy we are in supports moving toward the future. Whoever wins will either show us how much we’ve evolved or how much further we have to go. I’m hoping we’ve evolved enough to see a Kamala Harris presidency.

      • Harris has communicated very well the past vs future idea. And she has an upswelling of positive vibes emanating from her, which is in sync with what Jamie says about her moon. However, I am seeing multiple indications something sinister is afoot, and it is not necessarily concentrated in one candidate or the other. Can’t help it, I listen to all sides, having grown up in the DC area, and knowing people with different perspectives all my life. Evil is not the birthright of either candidate. If one is inclined to think so, there is surely hoodwinking occurring. But I agree that forward and evolutionary movement is necessary. Embracing the future over the past is a given; we are embarking on a renaissance of humanity. In the next few years, in all corners, much that has been hidden will be revealed, as President Biden’s aging was this year. A beautiful, tumultuous time is ahead! It’s up to each of us to lean into it.

      • The Black community is just capable of violence as any of Trump’s supporters if they (BLM) feel their agenda has been sidelined…

  4. Remember the 2000 election and the U.S. Supreme Court has a conservative majority. Sun trine Saturn could represnt the Supreme Court deciding the winner.

    • Uranus conjunct fixed star Algol (26♉31): Extreme misfortune, violence, mob violence, brutality, bigotry. propaganda, vandalism, fanaticism, tragedies, ruthlessness, the masses and death (a contested election result).

      What I see is Trump winning and the media and dems proceeding to gaslights everyone into thinking it’s the end of democracy, the rise of a new hitler and the end to all human rights all rolled into one and the entire left rioting.

      Also, why would you expect the victor in a divided nation and likely contested election to have a “harmonious” chart? I would expect the exact opposite. Whoever wins is gonna see a lot of conflict and tension in some form and I would expect to see that reflected in the chart.

      Look at 2016 for example Trumps chart on election day was a complete sh** show and Hilary’s very harmonious which had us all predicting a Hilary victory.

  5. So, The Ancestors have spoken, Change is HERE we welcome… What’s for the People not Power or Might

  6. Jamie, when I look at planetary strength I look at the sign the planet is in. If you think that Sun trine Saturn is good for trump you are ignoring his Saturn is in Cancer which is its detriment. It does not function to its best even though it is conjunct Venus. I think most women (Venus) do not like trump, or the conservative position generally. If you look at past actions between trump and women, it may tell you something about his Venus/Saturn: Convicted sex abuser, multiple wives, cheating on spouses. His track record should inform us. Harris has a very powerful Saturn. It is in rulership and trine Sun and I think the transit favors her. Trump’s 10th is not as good as some believe. Uranus is a malefic and made more so by Algol and that was activated with the attempt on his life. His Mars conjunct the favorable star does not really help him. Look at his actions.
    In terms of the assassination attempt, I will go with Yogi Bera here; It ain’t over till it’s over. There will probably be another attempt. I agree with a lot of what you said about the contested results. That is a given. Political violence has come out of the dark corners and is commonplace in trump’s rhetoric. So much for a good Mars. He is no hero. Look at behaviors and speech. Vote accordingly. Predict accordingly. He may not even make it to Nov. 5th.

    • The term you use ‘conservative’. Just struck me as confusing. What is termed conservative rings rabidly cray cray in my ears. Word meanings turned upside down . Is that a Gemini twinny thing I am experiencing. Or just some fogged out Neptune thing? Is it all gone too far? Is Saturn the energy to rein it in? Dt may get gone but the faction will still seek to control other’s personal choices? Male dominance.

      • Hi Vic. I had though about the gender influencce of Sun trine Saturn on election day. But it can also represent authoritative women. It must help kamal Harris because she has the same aspect in her natal chart.

        • Yeah, words are hard for me now. I now think about standing my own ground versus dominating others. That still feels steely Saturn like. Not a lot makes sense now with transiting Uranus opp natal Saturn. So Uranus will retrograde, maybe a reprieve, but not for long.

          • Ha, natal mercury sextiles Uranus. I will have to pay attention to mercury’s movement. Oh yeah, it’s retro.

    • Yes, “it ain’t over till it’s over” for Trump is a real possibility here, either positively or negatively. However, Mar-a-Lago is a better manifestation of Venus/Saturn in Cancer in 11th (reserved, elaborate home open to the public “friends”) square Libra Jupiter (showy, over the top—“Bigly”, with an eye to impressing everyone) and quincunx Sag moon (adventuring but emotionally frictional parent? child?). That sums up what drives him, perhaps even to have three wives, five kids and lots of grandkids.

  7. Does DT’s chart show any signs of a relocation? He said if he loses, he will relocate to Venezuela. It must be the truth, because he said it, right?

    • Vic, With Mars in his 12th, jail could be possible but I don’t think trump will permit himself to go to jail. Unless he gets a favorable deal he will flee. I think Saudi Arabia or Russia is possible although I did not do his astrocartography chart. Several astrologers are predicting he will not make it to the election.

  8. I did a chart for Election Eve, but used the time of 10 pm, which is generally when we either hear who won or at least get a clue. That time has Leo on the Ascendant with Mars. We know which candidate has that in their chart. And then of course Pluto opposing that. All I can think is “violence.”

  9. I’m a Chinese astrologer and I have already written my prediction. Harris wins. You can check out my forecast on Linked in under Enki Feng Shui Consulting.

  10. This is the year of women power. Leaving Roe vs Wade to the states and JD Vance demonizing and demeaning women will be the death of the Republican party. Also chinese and Vedic astrology show Harris and Walz winning by a landslide plus i would not be surprised if the congress and senate is won by the democratsby a small margin.

    And I doubt the Supreme Court will overturn the election results. The FBI and Justice Dept are following the voting and electorial votes very closely as well as the Supreme Court.

    • Hi Anne, I was searching about for more info on Algol since it is getting a lot of talk. Ran across Forever Conscience site with an article about re-defining Algol. All about the empowered feminine. It felt like old home week digging into mythology. Helped me reconnect. Good to feel the feminine power again. Ps not equated with gender at all. Doing that is all twisted up.

      A good revisit for this mercury retrograde. Roar!!!

  11. Trump is no conservative. Looking at it that way gives a false reading. According to many pundits the major issue in the election will be abortion rights. Women in this country are furious about the removal of a popular law. Here is where I think Pluto weighs in. Return to Roe v Wade and Capricorn law. Mars may be angry, but is outgunned. Algol/Medusa with Jupiter is also about women controlling their own bodies. Harris is a clear winner

  12. My other thought is Kamala won’t be the Democrat candidate at all, I’m almost expecting another switcheroo. The astrology for the DNC is interesting but that’s another chart of course.

  13. I suspect thepotential Vice Presidents are more significant than the aspiring POTUS candidates?

  14. Thank you very much for interesting post.
    All in all it will not matter much who will become president. The real power is not with presidents, it is with the rich, they are the powerful force behind the politicians. They create conflicts, poverty, crises, wars. They know how to stay in power, they are the masters of mass manipulation. And as long people do not wakeup this will continue till the end of time.

    • This is just it- in other words- the politician is just the Muppet of the puppeteer we the sheep, never see in these elections. I’m worried about the sheep (us) and how many are fed up with this charade, and what is too come from the restless behavior that is growing. If they aren’t fed up, they are either just defeated/submissive, or in denial altogether.

  15. Davison Relationship charts

    Kamala and Donald
    Walz and Vance


    The first pairing is talked about at Kamala Harris thread. An impressive Leo-Virgo stellium, where the two would give considerable value to an analysis of an artwork or model created by ‘royal jelly’, right in front of their eyes, backed up by the best intelligence service on the planet.

    Walz and Vance, in their Davison Relationship chart, are tasked with with practical considerations, ‘the mechanics’ in making the model run.

  16. Big bro Jamie you’ll have to offer me a beer if it’s not Harris 😉

  17. Zodiacal releasing says it will be Harris. Whine all you want, Rs, it’s Harris.

  18. My prediction.

    There is a 100% guarantee that no matter who wins or loses the election (aka/ the illusion of choice), the Central Banksters will win, and what’s left of the middle class will lose… again.

    • You got that right! Who is the force behind the chaos we all have witnessed in the past decade or so. World bank? WEF, Oligarchs? NATO, United Nations? Are our reps corrupt , is there blackmail going on? Are we seeing the end of America as we know it today for globalization. Either way I think there’s more here than meets the eye? If we only focus only on the words, we miss the actions of the play. What does astrology say about this. Is it the worst or the best of times? Daily life: Young families are working at least 3 jobs with a college degree & are having a tough time making ends meet. How many families do you know have lost a loved one to drugs? I heard yesterday there’s a new cotton candy colored drug new on the market in the news? Is the U.S. becoming a lawless nation. Do the mayhem, have no consequence?
      What is in the stars, asteroids & 🪐 The way we were.Trump.. tale of two cities.. Harris?

      • More bots. Political election threads have a budget, especially at lucrative astrology sites with a rich narrative. Lots of pounceable opportunities to blip pop polls, a marketers delight,

        As far as Larrys bank question goes, there is recent astrology here regarding the Magna Carta libertatum, natal and progressed, and follow up charts covering Regulus precession, and an addendum, factoring for profection (12), which appears to be bot driven or AI, as collaborating on a chart in real time, while gleeful for the techie, bragging of his professionalism at looting all the while not having passed the artwork test. A rambling sentence to be sure, but the main point is a new standard has appeared, and all anyone knows is to rip it off, and use it for cover. The homeless aristocracy.

        Kamala and Donald, Davison relation chart, posted earlier, but today the Sun’s align.

  19. Election day is one thing, but who has the best chart on inauguration day? Wouldn’t that give a better indication of the winner?

    • The inauguration chart happens to reside in my database. Cosmogenesis* outer wheel.


      Note inauguration Taurus sign Ascendant aligns with Cosmogenesis Taurus sign mid heaven. True Node in both charts, Gemini sign: You value a thinking persons approach to a spiritual Venus (9th) solution to a future age. Conquistadors have had their era Sun-Moon, since Cortez, and Venus now in ascendancy matches with Moon-Uranus nunchakus.

      (*The precession of the equinoxes end of the Mayan calendar).

      • ‘Nunchaku’ first chart in gallery, Uranus eye pattern focus, Moon-Venus at Kusari. This chart is a Davison Relationship chart between two significant Taiwan earthquakes, 24.5 years apart

        The other two charts, at 19 August full Moon, are like the nunchuck battle between eras, Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn; 1517 AD versus 2020 AD, (Sun-Moon verses Moon-Venus Uranus)

  20. For the short sighted viewers: If you look into future planet influences, no matter who will win because Pluto In Aqua and Neptune in Aries sure will stir up some really negative influences. Pluto in Aqua will bring up all the dirt and shite (literally Pluto rules that as well), so people will be crazy as hell!) SO Kamala rooters…Good luck….You will need it! 😂 (It will be entertaining to see how quickly opinions will change…if we even survive these times LOL) Regardless, insane groups and mislead crowds and individuals (thanks Neptune) will be out of their mind….. God help us all!

    • Gosh, and I was hoping Neptune in Aries would mellow out the aggressive mars thing. So my choice is vote for the known crazy or the maybe crazy. Hmmm. A chance I have to take.

      Sio like Uranus and Neptune will be squaring in the near future. I guess that could be nuts. Will have to seek a different take.

  21. Bobby Kennedy is dropping out of the race on Friday and throwing his support behind Trump

    That seals the deal for Trump because they can’t cheat their way out of that one.

    So, I won’t be surprised at all if they pull off some sort of manufactured Black Swan event in September-October to postpone the election.

  22. You got it almost right Jamie. Almost. Trump will win and the left will riot. How come? Given recent history.

  23. For 2025 to be better than 2024, as Jamie’s horoscope predicted, Trump has to win.

    Dear Trump-hating “friends”, please come from under rocks, look at people begging on the corner, go to the supermarket and look at prices, watch news about Israel hostages murdered, and Ukrainian cites bummed . That didn’t happened when Trump was a president.

  24. Venus and Moon are women’s issue in this election.
    Trump sided with moon which relates for conservative value of motherhood while Kamala with venus, as it pertains for women herself

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