The First 2024 Presidential Debate

First 2024 Presidential Debate

The astrology of the first 2024 presidential debate gives clues about the tone of the discussion. But more importantly, it may help predict the outcome of the 2024 United States presidential election.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump have long-term transits that affect them now and will still be effective during the election. So, how they perform during this first debate should give us a good idea of how those transits will affect them during the election.

The First Debate Horoscope

The first 2024 presidential debate is scheduled for 9:00 pm at the CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

First 2024 Presidential Debate

First 2024 Presidential Debate

This is a positive chart, technically because the Sun is semisextile Jupiter and generally because of the high proportion of harmonious blue aspects compared to challenging red aspects. The Moon trine Mercury and Mercury trine Saturn are ideal for a formal, structured debate of serious issues. They mean the public to be well-informed about the ideas and plans of each side.

This is supported by the Sun conjunct fixed star Tejat Posterior at 05♋38, which gives success in politics and government matters. It also allows one to gain wide popularity and make favorable impressions upon those they contact and the public if engaged in public affairs.

However, the Moon conjunct fixed star Markab at 23♓49 indicates injuries from enemies and striving for acceptance against seemingly impossible hurdles. Serious problems, harassment and unjust accusations are possible.

Donald Trump’s Astrology

Donald Trump Astrology

Donald Trump 1st Debate Transits

The stand-out feature of Donald Trump’s transits is Uranus conjunct Midheaven transit (0°08′). On election day, the orb is 1°21′. This transit indicates a change in career or status and can have a positive or negative influence. If his popularity rises due to this debate, it will be a good sign for his election prospects.

Joe Biden’s Astrology

Joe Biden Astrology

Joe Biden 1st Debate Transits

There is a lot more happening with Joe Biden’s debate transits. The most significant astrological influence is Pluto square Moon transit (0°41′). On election day, the orb is 1°12′. This most unhelpful transit brings emotional distress and power struggles. Importantly, given his age and questions of cognitive ability, Pluto is exposing his subconscious patterns of behavior, leaving him vulnerable and perhaps scared. Pluto is also impairing his intuition and judgment and harming his public image.

Uranus sextile Jupiter transit (0°42′) is favorable, and he will have this on election day (0°34′). It can bring sudden good fortune and unexpected lucky breaks and good fortune. It makes him more progressive and humanitarian and will help him break through barriers and overcome setbacks.

Mars opposite Mars transit (0°06′) portends a feisty contest more likely to upset Biden than Trump. It is not favorable for a contest because it gives a tendency to self-destruct from a loss of temper and rash, impulsive actions. It suggests that Joe Biden is the one who faces “injuries from enemies.”


The first 2024 presidential debate will be very informative and help people decide which way to vote. For many, Mercury trine Saturn will solidify their opinions.

Joe Biden has some favorable transits, but Pluto square his Moon is a real disadvantage. If he handles this well, it will improve his chances at election time.

Donald Trump has Uranus passing over his Midheaven, which usually has a variable and unpredictable effect. Fixed star Algol conjunct his Midheaven gives the wild hairdo but seems to have worked out well for him throughout his life, so it may not be too significant. However, his Midheaven is generally well-aspected, which gives him an edge in this debate.