About Fixed Stars in Astrology

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About Fixed Stars Astrology

The influence of the fixed stars differs from that of the planets in being much more dramatic, sudden and violent. As a rule planetary effects are gradual and operate comparatively slowly, one might almost say softly, whereas the stars appear to exercise most of their influence in sudden, hard, vehement bursts, producing tremendous effects for short periods, and, after raising the natives to a great height, dropping them suddenly and bringing a series of dramatic and unexpected disasters. In other words the fixed stars may elevate from poverty to the extreme height of fortune or vice versa, whereas the planets do not do so.

The extent and magnitude of the effects brought about by the stars depend upon several factors, namely,  apparent size, celestial position, nature of planet through which they operate, and general nature of the horoscope. [Robson. p.92-93.]

Only conjuncts are used in fixed stars astrology.

Fixed Star Positions

Fixed stars move ahead compared to the degrees in the horoscope due to the precession of the equinoxes. 

The rate of precession is 1° per 72 years or 0.838′ per year.

Most fixed star positions on this website are listed for the year 2000. You must convert the planetary position in your chart to the year 2000.

If you were born in 1970:
2000 − 1970 = 30
30 × 0.838 = 25
Add 25′ (0°25′) to your planets.

If you were born in 2005:
2005 − 2000 = 5
5 × 0.838 =4
Subtract 4′ (0°04′) from your planets.

Or I can do it for you: Fixed Stars Report $42

Spectra of Fixed Stars

The basic effects of fixed stars are determined by their color. Stars do not have the nature of any of the planets, as provided by information in Ptolemy’s works. This comparison, at best, was very rough and inaccurate. [Rigor, p.241]

Spectral ClassPlanetary NatureColor Range
FMercuryYellowish or yellow-white

SPECTRAL CLASSES W, 0 (Moon), B (Jupiter):
This star generally indicates a fondness for power, great authority, the ability to command, martial honors, kingly preferment, victory over enemies, liberality, and cosmopolitan views. High honors, wealth, and renown are possible. It also suggests a higher spiritual nature, but few can respond. A variable star adds a tendency to be loquacious, changeable, rash, and headstrong.

great honors, artistic appreciation, unexpected gains, good fortune, riches, good judgment, sociableness, creativeness, idealism, and impulsiveness. Challenging aspects cause wantonness, indiscretion, scandals, foolhardiness, destructiveness, cleverness, many anxious moments and self-seeking nature. A variable star adds a tendency to be argumentative, inconstant and unreliable. 

SPECTRAL CLASS F (Mercury), G (Sun):
gives a thoughtful, serious, sincere, hardworking, adventurous, private, demanding and self-centered nature. It brings career and material success, the ability to lead and conquer, mental keenness, determination, endurance, a rise followed by a fall, melancholy, self-destruction and possibly violence. Negatively, impatience, irritability, hostility, excessive drive, and an overly ambitious nature.

SPECTRAL CLASS K (Mars), M (Saturn), R, N:
These orange-red stars impart to its natives the drive to succeed, success, activity, power, calamities, notoriety, violence, self-destruction, brute force, bad morals, demonic power, anxiety, tragedies, boldness, shamelessness, daring, many dangers. Negatively, impatience, irritability, hostility, excessive drive, overly ambitious nature, subject to self-destruction and violence.

G + M: Boldness, headstrong, generous, turbulence, exacting, austere, great determination, and leadership ability.

A + M: Indiscreet, rash, persevering, a liar, one who is quick witted, brave, generous, of a quarreling nature, discreet, violence, self-destruction, leadership ability, chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or possibly serious illness. [Rigor p.245-247.]

Planetary Nature of Fixed Stars

According to Agrippa the natures of the fixed stars are known from the similarity of their colors  to those of the planets, which he describes as follows:

Saturn, blue, leaden and shining; Jupiter, citron near to paleness and clear; Mars, red and fiery Sun, yellow, and when rising red, afterwards glittering; Venus, white and shining, white in morning, reddish in evening; Mercury, glittering; Moon, fair: and to these might perhaps be added Uranus, bright and greenish; and Neptune, also greenish but not so bright. This method, however, does not commend itself as a very scientific one, and it is extremely doubtful if it is that used by Ptolemy.

The general effect of the stars of any given nature in terms of natal astrology is as follows:

URANUS: Interest in occultism, electricity, aviation, antiquities; abrupt. If rising, eccentricity gained by learning. If culminating, learned, eminent in arts and sciences, mechanical and inventive ability.

SATURN: Disgrace, ruin, calamity. It rising, grave, thoughtful, melancholy, liable to disgrace, much care and anxiety, connected with building, mines and minerals. If on 7th cusp and Moon afflicted by Saturn ruler of 7th, a slovenly wife. If culminating, trouble through old people, disgrace, trade losses, deceitful associates, rise followed by fall. With the luminaries, lean and infirm, many miseries. If afflicting Mercury, deafness.

JUPITER: If rising, sober, grave, patient, legacies, ecclesiastical preferment. If culminating, honor, glory, preferment, success in trade and in the Church.

MARS: Violent death, ultimate ruin by folly or pride. If rising, wealth, power, courage, generosity, ingenuity, rise to authority, martial success, subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face, pains in the head and fevers. If culminating, martial eminence, success in trade and in occupations of a Mars nature. If afflicting Mercury, deafness.

VENUS: If rising, good fortune, happiness, gifts, fortunate for love and marriage, gain by legacies and inheritance. If culminating, honor and success, dealings with and help through women, success in occupations of a Venus nature.

MERCURY: If rising, honor, intellect, great learning. If culminating, business activity, gain through books and intellectual matters.

SATURN-JUPITER: Dignified, pious, conservative, acquisitive, retentive. Honor and preferment if culminating.

SATURN-MARS: Bold, cruel, heartless, adulterous, criminal, liar, loss of estates, poverty, few friends. If of 1st magnitude, rises by usury or unfair means. If culminating, bad name, rise by trade followed by disgrace and ruin.

SATURN-VENUS: Slovenly, very immoral, shameless, revolting, mean, sorrows in love. If rising, good-tempered, healthy, gain by industry and marriage. If culminating, improved health, fame by help of superiors.

SATURN-MERCURY: Profound liar, thief, blackguard, scandal and slander.

JUPITER-SATURN: Legacies, inheritance, fame, especially if rising, but foolish and unfortunate in love affairs. If culminating, honor and preferment.

JUPITER-MARS: High ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view, If rising, military honors. If culminating, high ecclesiastical honor, martial preferment, prosperity in business.

JUPITER-VENUS: Contented, happy disposition, honorable, philosophical mind, legal or ecclesiastical preferment, help through women. If rising or culminating, honor and riches.

JUPITER-MERCURY: Religions mind, thoughtful, philosophical, writer on religious or similar subjects.

MARS-SATURN: Malicious, thieving, merciless, fiendish, repulsive, liar, accidents, violent death. If culminating, military preferment but final disgrace.

MARS-JUPITER: Great pride, grandly liberal, commanding, cosmopolitan views. If rising or culminating, military honor and preferment.

MARS-SUN: Heroic, courageous, defiant, intrepid leader, warlike, danger to the eyes, violent death. If rising, preferment to metal workers, soldiers, surgeons, and other Mars people. If culminating, preferment in business and in all martial affairs.

MARS-VENUS: Strong passions, artistic feeling, gain through women and friends, honor and preferment in martial affairs, especially if rising or culminating.

MARS-MERCURY: High enterprise, combative, destructive. If rising, rash, very obstinate, ruined by headstrong and precipitate conduct. If culminating, changeable in business.

MARS-MOON: Adventurous, perfidious, insolent, wanton, brutal, danger to eyes. If rising, sore eyes, weak sight, trouble and loss through women. If culminating, disgrace and imprisonment.

SUN-MARS: Fearless, in tolerant, warlike skill, over-confident, fierce, cruel, vindictive, energetic organizer, danger to the eyes, accidents, violent death.

VENUS-SATURN: Cunning, bad morals, mercenary, repulsive habits, perverted tastes, unfortunate love affairs, seduction.

VENUS-JUPITER: Refined, good, high morals, vivacious, sincere, pure, healthy, artistic, fortunate in love and marriage, help through relatives.

VENUS-MARS: Shameless, vain, self-indulgent, abandoned, violent passions, danger of seduction, riotous living but often self-respecting and decent.

VENUS-MERCURY: Idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent.

MERCURY-SATURN: Subtle, studious, keen and profound mind, often shameless liar, interested in occult or serious subjects.

MERCURY-JUPITER: Optimistic, cheerful, philosophical, broad mind, religious views, success through influential friends or the Church and law.

MERCURY-MARS: Exaggerative, argumentative, unreliable, unscrupulous, given to invective, mechanical ability, very quick mind, great talker.

MERCURY-VENUS: Courteous, affable, orderly, elegant, sweet-tempered, lovable, refined, artistic, honor and riches, If rising, love of poetry, painting and teaching, quick mind. If culminating, success in literary and legal professions.

MOON-MARS: Changeable, passionate, wanton, liable to accidents especially when travelling, bad eyes, injuries to face.

NEBULAE AND CLUSTERS: Blindness, disease, accidents, fevers, quarrels, rape, murder, banishment and decapitation.[Robson, p.99-103.]

Lunar Mansion

Arabic Lunar Manions
Chinese Lunar Mansions

Fixed Stars Articles

The 13th Zodiac Sign
Fixed Stars For Astrologers
Fixed Stars in Medical Astrology
Precession Astrology
Prophetic Fixed Stars

Fixed Stars Astrology Books

Allen, Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, 1889.
Anonymous, Bright, passionate, harmful and helpful stars, 379.  Italian translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. 194-211. English translation by Daria Dudziak.
Aratus, Phaenomena, @ 250 BC.
Bailey, Alice A., Esoteric Psychology – Volume I, 1962
Bullinger, The Witness of the Stars, 1893.
Ebertin, Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, 1928.
George, Parker, Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalances, 1985.
Houlding, Heavenly Imprints: Development of the Zodiac, 2003.
Hyginus, Astronomica, @ 10 AD.
Kaulins, Stars, Stones and Scholars, 2003.
Kunitzch, Smart, A Dictionary of Modern Star Names, 2006.
Manilius, Astronomica, @ 50 AD.
Maternus Julius Firmicus, Mathesis Book VIII, 336 AD.
Mackey, The Original Design of the Ancient Zodiacal and Extrazodiacal Constellations, 1834.
Morse, The Living Stars, 1988.
Noonan, Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, 1990.
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, Volume II, AD 77.
Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, @ 160 AD.
Ridpath, Star Tales, 1988.
Rigor, Joseph E., The power of the Fixed Stars, 1979.
Robson, Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, 1923.