Prophetic Stars

We all have some degree of psychic ability, whether it be the in the form of dreams, visions or just a gut feeling about people or situations. There are many indicators in the natal horoscope for psychic ability.

Aspects between the Moon and Neptune seem to be accepted among astrologers as giving a talent in this area, but the are many more aspects and configurations. Conjunctions to the Vertex Axis or Parts of Fortune and Spirit may also indicate psychic talent.

The fixed stars and constellations offer another way of determining potential for psychic ability. Porrima in constellation Virgo is named after the Roman Goddess of the Future. In ancient Sumeria, Zosma and Coxa in constellation Leo were named after the God Kua, “the Oracle”.

Below is a list of fixed stars and constellation which have been associated with psychic-ism*. You need to use precession correction to work out the position of the stars in your natal chart, these are the longitudes for 2000 AD. They move forwards at about 5 minutes every 6 years. So if you were born in 1982, take off 15’ from those star positions. Allow about one degree orb.

01ari03 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
09ari09 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
14ari18 – Fixed Star Alpheratz – Uranus – Psychic
07tau40 – Fixed Star Hamal – Uranus – Mediumistic
05gem48 – Fixed Star Hyadum I – Uranus, Neptune – Psychic
06gem52 – Fixed Star Hyadum II – Uranus, Neptune – Psychic
09gem47 – Fixed Star Alderbaran – Neptune – Mediumistic
22gem10 – Fixed Star Phact – General – Mediumistic
22gem24 – Fixed Star Mintaka – Saturn – Psychic
24gem27 – Fixed Star Al Hecka – Neptune – Psychic
28gem45 – Fixed Star Betelgeuse – Uranus – Hypnotic, thought reader
09can06 – Fixed Star Alhena – Uranus – Psychic
09can06 – Fixed Star Alhena – Neptune – Mediumistic
20can14 – Fixed Star Castor – Moon, Mercury – Psychic
23can13 – Fixed Star Pollux – Uranus – Psychic
25can47 – Fixed Star Procyon – Neptune – Mediumistic
11vir01 – Antlia Constellation – General – Psychic
11vir19 – Fixed Star Zosma – General – Prophetic
13vir25 – Fixed Star Coxa – General – Prophetic
22vir37 – Antlia Constellation – General – Psychic
26vir41 – Fixed Star Labrum – General – Psychic
03lib03 – Antlia Constellation – General – Psychic
04lib31 – Fixed Star Zaniah – Uranus – Psychic
10lib08 – Fixed Star Porrima – General – Prophetic
23lib50 – Fixed Star Spica – Uranus – Mediumistic
05sco40 – Constellation Crux – General – Divination
06sco44 – Constellation Crux – General – Divination
11sco39 – Constellation Crux – General – Divination
11sco52 – Constellation Crux – General – Divination
12sco18 – Fixed Star Alphecca – Uranus – Psychic
19sco22 – Zubeneschamali Star Psychic.
29sco29 – Fixed Star Toliman – Neptune – Psychic or Mediumistic
17sag58 – Fixed Star Sabik – Neptune – Psychic
20sag54 – Fixed Star Atria – General – Spiritual powers
05cap04 – Telescopium Constallation – General – Prophetic
05cap14 – Telescopium Constallation – General – Prophetic
16cap03 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
17cap20 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
18cap16 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
19cap48 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
23cap38 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
25cap50 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
00aqu26 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
00aqu56 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
01aqu47 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
01aqu25 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
03aqu46 – Fixed Star Giedi Prima – Mercury, Neptune – Psychic
04aqu55 – Aquila Constellation – General – Clairvoyance
23aqu24 – Fixed Star Sadalsuud – Sun – Psychic
23aqu24 – Fixed Star Sadalsuud – Neptune – Mediumistic
23aqu33 – Fixed Star Deneb Algedi – Neptune – Psychic
01pis53 – Pegasus Constellation – General – Intuition
03pis46 – Fixed Star Saladmelik – Saturn, Uranus, Neptune – Psychic
06pis50 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
08pis52 – Fixed Star Skat – Sun – Mediumistic, Psychic
08pis52 – Fixed Star Skat – Mercury, Venus, Neptune – Psychic
08pis56 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
14pis25 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
16pis09 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
19pis22 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
23pis04 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
23pis29 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
24pis23 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
25pis43 – Constellation Pegasus – General – Intuition
29pis22 – Fixed Star Scheat – General – Intuition
29pis22 – Fixed Star Scheat – Uranus, Neptune – Psychic

*Source – Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923.