Alexis Tsipras Horoscope

Alexis Tsipras HoroscopeAlexis Tsipras has been Prime Minister of Greece since 26 January 2015. In this article, I will interpret the Alexis Tsipras horoscope, then compare it to the Greece horoscope to show how this outstanding man is such a good representative for his country. This will also show yet again why the Greece Democracy horoscope is the most accurate of a number of possible mundane horoscopes for the Greek nation.

I stated above that Alexis Tsipras was an outstanding man. I say this because of the number of major fixed stars in his horoscope. There are the two brightest fixed stars, plus two of the four royal fixed stars in prominent positions in his chart.

In 2015 he was voted by TIME magazine as one of the 100 most influential people globally.

The heading from the quote above is Alexis Tsipras – Greece’s rising star. His rising star at 9°26′ Gemini is one of the four royal stars Aldebaran, representing the archangel Michael. This star rising makes Alexis eminently fortunate and honorable.

With no major aspects to the Ascendant, the positive attributes of the major fixed star in the Bulls Eye are unimpeded. Such positives include intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity and courage. Sometimes called The Follower, Eric Morse suggests a prominently placed Aldebaran can imply following in the steps of the celestial general, Michael.

Along with two other royal stars, Aldebaran is associated with success in war. Today, with the major reason Alexis has risen to power being the Greek economy, we can say that the war is on of economics, with The European Union headed by Germany using money as a weapon against the Greek people.

His enemies are shown by the setting star which is Antares, an equally powerful military star in the Heart of the Scorpion. Without help in his chart from other factors, this would imply a stalemate or even victory to the European Union, if Alexis were to launch an attack on them.

The enemy represented by Antares is very strong. The European Union is dominated by the Christian Democrats, the political arm of the Roman Catholic Church. In astrology, Antares relates to right-wing politics while Aldebaran represent The Left.

Fortunately for Alexis Tsipras, Mars on the royal star Regulus gives him the upper hand. This star in the Heart of the Lion adds to his rising stars attributes of courage, honor and fame. Like the Ascendant, Mars is unimpeded due to a lack of negative aspects.
Alexis Tsipras Horoscope
Aldebaran by nature is rebellious, associated with stirring up popular dissent and revolution. Sun sextile Pluto however, gives Alexis a great amount of self-control as well as personal power and influence. It helps turn the destructive side of rebellion into positive transformation.

Pluto itself is on the level-headed star Zaniah in constellation Virgo. Acting like Mercury sextile Venus, it refines his personality and gives excellent negotiation skills. With Pluto comes powerful persuasion.

Perhaps more fortunate in harnessing the revolutionary nature of this rising star is the three-point stellium of Mercury, Venus and Saturn. How he manifests and communicated his ideas and love of country are moderated and strengthened by Saturn.

Mercury is on the second brightest star in heaven, Canopus. In general, this star in the Ship gives piety, conservatism, a wide and comprehensive knowledge, voyages and educational work, and changes evil to good. With Mercury in particular is does make him rash and headstrong, but also kindhearted and criticism of his statements.

Venus on Alhena in the Twins gives a spiritual inclination but is not a very strong influence when compared to Saturn on the brightest star of all.

Sirius gives honor, renown and wealth just like Aldebaran and Regulus. However, it also brings faithfulness and devotion, so ideal in a political leader. This Sirius is known to produce custodians, curators and guardians. With Saturn this brilliant star makes Alexis more steady, reserved, diplomatic, just and persevering. It has great influence over Mercury and Venus making him trustworthy and honest.

This the horoscope of Alexis Tsipras describes an honest and passionate man with strong ideals. He feels a great responsibility for the welfare of those he leads, and has the energy and courage to stand up and fight those who threaten their well-being.
Alexis Tsipras Horoscope

Alexis Tsipras and the Greek Horoscope

It is easy to see why Alexis Tsipras is such a fine representative of the Greek people when comparing his horoscope to that of Greece Democracy. Being born only four days after the formation of Greek Democracy, nearly all planets are conjunct in synastry.

Alexis feels a big part of the destiny of Greece, and he is. The Vertex Point in the Greece horoscope is conjunct his Moon. His Moon trine the Greek Midheaven suggests a very positive influence by Tsipras on the Greek presidency.

I mentioned above in that Sun sextile Pluto in his chart gives great power and persuasion plus good negotiation skills. You can see below that this ties into the Greek public as Alexis’ Pluto is conjunct the Greek Moon.

The steadying influence of Saturn in his chart comes to the fore in representing Greece, with the Greek Ascendant in the middle of this Mercury, Venus, Saturn stellium.

Altogether, this suggests that Alexis Tsipras not only feel at one with the Greek nation, but he is also an ideal representative for the feeling of the Greek and well-being of the Greek people.
Alexis Tsipras - Greece Democracy Synastry


1. Alexis Tsipras – Greece’s rising star, Time Magazine.