Fixed Star Algorab

Algorab at 13°27′ Libra has an orb of 1°50′
Fixed Star Algorab

Corvus Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Algorab on October 6

Fixed star Algorab, Delta Corvi, is a pale yellow and purple wide double star in the right wing of the Crow, Corvus Constellations. Magnitude (V) +2.96, spectral type A0 IV(n) kB9. The magnitude 9.3 companion has the spectral type K2Ve.

The name traditional Algorab comes from the Arabic word الغراب (al-ghuraab) which means the crow.


Algorab Astrology

Fixed star Algorab is of the nature of Mars and Saturn. It gives destructiveness, malevolence, fiendishness, repulsiveness and lying, and is connected with scavenging. [1]

δ Corvi. A double star, yellow and purple, on the Crow’s right wing. “The Raven.” Spectral class AO. This star gives the native high business preferment, government preferment. The native is self-seeking, can be charming, clever; also repulsive, destructive, or tears down, and misrepresents. [5]

It can indeed show up the more troublesome side of Libra, a variation on the truth when an excuse looks to be safer but is not always found to be so – as the Crow discovered. Not a significant star when well aspected, but it can be a nuisance if aspects or planets involved are hard ones. [2]

Algorab, in The Crow, has a Saturn-Mars nature and is said to be a hindrance, especially when other Saturnian influences are predominant. Delays and restraint are indicated to come about by fiascoes, losses, wrong handling of matters and enmity in general. The cosmogram of Kaiser Franz Joseph I is a good example. He has Algorab on his Ascendant, and his life was full of misfortune. A conjunction with Sun or Moon is not good either, if the lights are afflicted… if Algorab is conjunction the Sun, Moon, or one of the malefics, it has a reputation for accidents or injuries that are difficult to avoid. [3]

Algorab rules the right kidney. [4]

Agrippa1531 alaCorui.png  Algorab is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. Rules stones of the color of black onyx, burr, quadrangles, henbane, comfrey, and the tongue of a frog. [1]

Constellation Corvus

Corvus is like Mars and Saturn. It is said to give craftiness, greediness, ingenuity, patience, vengefulness, passion, selfishness, lying, aggressiveness, and material instincts, and sometimes causes its natives to become agitators. [1]

Algorab Star, Delta Corvi

Delta Corvi, Algorab []

Fixed Star Algorab Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Algorab: Accidents or injuries that are difficult to avoid. [3]

Midheaven conjunct Algorab: Military preferment but final disgrace. [1]

Stormy Daniels 1°37′, Elizabeth Taylor 1°40′.

Descendant conjunct Algorab: James Dean 0°16′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Algorab: Queen Camilla 0°11′, John Travolta 0°46′, Marina Abramović 0°58′. 

Part of Fortune conjunct Algorab: Theodore Roosevelt 0°35′, Manuel Noriega 0°48′, Tom Hanks 1°17′, Cheiro 1°18′, Vespasian 1°18′.

Sun conjunct Algorab: High preferment in government, martial, sports, writings, science and matters dealing with public affairs. Natives with this conjunction make a good impression, they go on and on, continually gaining public favor, if in public view, gaining fame and glory. However, a certain amount of danger lurks in the background, and unless the nativity is very well-aspected, the native falls out of favor. [5]

Accidents or injuries that are difficult to avoid. [3]

Allan Kardec 0°24′ (and Moon), Oliver North 0°25′, Vladimir Putin 1°08′.

Moon conjunct Algorab: The native can gain preferment in affairs dealing with corporations, organizations, lodges, religious groups. Negative nativities will tend to tear down what they should be building up, destroy the good they should do. Most of these natives will be of a reserved type; generally quite suspicious, always looking for ulterior motives. Not really executive types. [5]

Accidents or injuries that are difficult to avoid. [3]

Allan Kardec 0°00′ (and Sun), Josef Mengele 0°13′, Kristen Stewart 1°09′, Jordan Peterson 1°27′.

Mercury conjunct Algorab: The native can exhibit considerable charm. They are very clever, but can be tactful when it suits their purpose and in general, these natives make use of all the wiles necessary to gain their objectives. The more negative nativities are subject to sorrows brought on by their indiscretions or actions that could have been avoided. They will tend to self-destruct, even resorting to fiendish acts. Outwardly these natives can appear to be calm and of a patient nature, however, they are self-seeking. They tend to be deep thinkers and intensely dislike inharmonious surroundings. Domestic problems are possible. Impulsiveness, a feature of this conjunction, in particular with negative nativities. [5]

Venus conjunct Algorab: Diplomatic and charming, well-liked, makes friends easily, the keynote of this conjunction. However, negatively aspected natives while having the same attributes, can also be subjected to and/or create sorrows, resort to fiendish acts, depending upon the extent of the negativism. Self-destruction possible. [5]

Mark Ruffalo 0°29′, Ivan The Terrible 0°39′, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 0°44′, Joseph Goebbels 1°23′, Bill Clinton 1°34′.

Mars conjunct Algorab: Natives with this conjunction who become involved in disputes, generally emerge unscathed. They gain high public preferment, however, when such natives push their luck too far, and don’t know when to stop, for their own good; then these natives can become involved in legal entanglements, and disruptive disputes. Turbulence or self-destruction is possible. [5]

(No orb): This position causes an imbalance in the right kidney. It affects the muscle action in that there would be an expansion of the kidney without a contraction at times. This causes increased blood flow in the muscle that bursts some of the small veins in the kidney. There is blood in the urine at times and the individual would believe that there is an infection; however, it would not necessarily be a kidney infection but just a physical ache through the area. The body ultimately compensates for this, but these persons do not urinate often. When they do, it takes quite a few minutes in order to fully relieve themselves. They would be the ones who would read while in the bathroom, Relief of this condition can come through peppermint and chamomile tea, mixed together and taken twice a day. The kidney can, therefore, be cooled and balanced at the same time. It does not cure the problem, but it does eliminate the ache that is being experienced. [4]

Elvis Presley 0°16′, Kenneth Copeland 0°45′.

Jupiter conjunct Algorab: These natives can gain preferment, they tend to be industrious, with a well aspected Jupiter, however, while there is not exactly a loss of respect, they do not continue to maintain the full respect they once enjoyed from their friends and public. They develop this void themselves. Natives with neutral Jupiter’s will appear to be constantly striving for acceptance. [5]

Beyoncé 0°47′, George Washington 1°07′.

Saturn conjunct Algorab (0°30′ orb): This is the opposite effect of the Mars placement here. The muscle of the right kidney would contract but not expand at times. This restricts the action of the kidney and slows down the filtering process, thus releasing toxins back into the body. The native would feel tired, and would even feel a loss of vitality in a normal day of activity. Symptoms will appear at the heart for there would be a lack of vitality causing the heart to function sluggishly. Often they are misdiagnosed as having heart trouble by doctors. These individuals should drink a glass of weak ginger root tea three times per day. Papaya juice is also very helpful for this condition as it works well with the kidneys. Papaya has the cleansing and fiber action that is soothing to the kidneys. [4]

Harvey Weinstein 0°13′, J. Paul Getty 0°20′, Lord Acton 0°26′, Francisco Franco 1°09′, Serena Williams 1°28′.

Uranus conjunct Algorab: Jeremy Renner 0°27′, Nero 0°56′, Dolores O’Riordan 1°00′, Peter Dutton 1°09′.

Neptune conjunct Algorab: Michael Richards 0°06′, Alice Cooper 0°08′, Billy Joel 0°09′, Hillary Clinton 1°21′, Charles III 1°23′, David Duke 1°49′.

Pluto conjunct Algorab: Giorgia Meloni 1°03′, Tom Brady 1°13′, Tiger Woods 1°28′, Catherine the Great 1°31′.

North Node conjunct Algorab: William Bligh 0°24′, Louis XVI 0°29′, Isaac Newton 1°08′, John Lennon 1°35′.

South Node conjunct Algorab: Jim Jones 0°03′, Marshall Applewhite 0°06′

Fixed Star Algorab and Terrorist Attacks

Some young Croatian Astrologers I have chatted with noticed that Algorab was activated during the attacks and assassinations of the Croatian War of Independence (1991 to 1995), and also attacks and assassinations on journalists and politicians since that war. They called this star “Kill or be Killed”. Robson says of Corvus that it “sometimes causes its natives to become agitators”. I have looked back at conjunctions to Algorab and there is definitely a link to terrorism:

On 6 October 1981, the president of Egypt, Anwar Sadat was assassinated with Sun on Algorab (0°07′) and Saturn on Algorab (0°20′). A fatwa approving the assassination had been obtained from Omar Abdel-Rahman, a cleric later convicted in the US for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. [6]

When the World Trade Center was bombed on 26 February 1993, Jupiter was conjunct with Algorab by 0°04′.

When the first plane struck the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001, Algorab was rising (0°56′) and Mercury was also conjunct Algorab (0°52′).


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p. 41, 80, 233.
  2. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse,1988, p.175.
  3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.60.
  4. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.81.
  5. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.142-143.
  6. Assassination of Anwar Sadat – Wikipedia.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.

88 thoughts on “Fixed Star Algorab

  1. Caw blimey! What a shiney eyed augery – Sabian symbol for this degree tells us :

    “It is a symbol of IMAGINATIVE PLAY, which foreshadows the idea of “global man,” the man of plenitude.”

    Big thanks once again Jamie – fascinating….

  2. Actually, can you clear up a common error (especially for dough-brians such as myself) – when looking at a particular degree are we not to take the minutes into account and so 13.36 is infact the 14th degree of Libra?

    If so (as I had thought but completely overlooked here – theres the doughy eveidence) then the symbol becomes :

    “The need for recuperation within the social pattern of everyday activity.” with the emphasis on techniques of relaxation

    + what are all those ads below this post??!

  3. @rob

    Perhaps, with respect to the Sabian messages, we need to be careful about getting carried away with our global fantasies and ideals. The Crow is a natural processor of dead matter as well as being considered ‘Keeper of the circle of Law’ in indigenous wisdoms – this bird is not to be messed with lightly!

  4. Thanks Rob. These stars move forward through the zodiac at 5 minutes every 6 years, so by 2030 we will need a new Sabian symbol. But stars themselves evolve just like everything else so it is interesting. I didn’t talk about the prophetic side to this star which has been mentioned in the mythology and symbology, but I do know someone rather well with Moon on Algorab and she does fit that description. Also forgot to mention the story about the ravens or crows in the Tower of London, didn’t get to do that tourist trip when I was over ther, maybe next time.

    Hopefully those adds have gone now. I was experimenting with another plugin for realted sites. I also added a different one for our favourite blogs which shows the latest post.

  5. Wow, even in Australian Aboriginal mythology the Crow is the trickster: “Crow often is a trickster character, in sharp contrast to his more sombre moiety counterpart, Bunjil the eaglehawk. A Koori myth from Victoria tells how Crow stole fire from the seven women guardians. In the Dreamtime only these seven women knew the secret of fire and refused to divulge how it was made. Crow decided that he would get their secret. he made friends with the women and found out that they carried fire at the ends of their digging sticks. He also found out that the women were found of termites, but afraid of snakes. He buried a number of snakes in a termite mound, then told the women he had found a large next of termites. They followed him to the spot and broke open the mound. The snakes attacked them and they defended themselves with their digging sticks. This caused fire to fall from the sticks. Quickly, Crow picked uip the fire between two pieces of bark and ran away. Now Crow in his turn refused to share fire with anyone. every time someone asked him, he mockingly called out, ‘Waa, waa.’ He caused so much strife that even he at last lost his temper and threw coals at some of the men who were pestering him for fire. the coals caused a bushfire in which he supposedly was burnt to death, but the eternal trickster came to life and the survivors heard his mocking ‘Waa, waa’ echoing from a large tree.”

  6. @funkastrology on 20th conj in Mansion 13. Venus should put that fire out! bigger delights…

  7. Hello

    There ‘s a nice poem, by Leconte de Lille, about a crow, on the side -kind of you first read at school when you’sisteen, french and waiting for summer (smile)… tricky to translate: ‘Le Cœur de Hialmar’…

    A sort of barbaric & romantic trip, with a crow as the ultimate messenger to carry the still bleeding heart of a dying warrior, up to his beloved one, somewhere in a castle, around, reachable by air…

  8. I will be very interested to see if what happened to me omen-wise will come to a head when Mars and Venus hit the Crow.

    About 2 months ago I was upside down in a yoga pose while thinking about two friends I had recently split up with. At one time we were a three, but they split with each other first and I felt torn between them. I was thinking whether I should get back with one of them when suddenly I heard a thud on my patio doors. I came down from position to in time to see a shocked looking crow on my decking and then two more swoop down and chase it off. They all flew of together making an almighty screeching sound.

    I saw it as an omen, so I decided to keep away…
    Recently the friend I had been thinking about made contact. I had been missing her. She said she just wanted to wish me well. Although I hinted at making contact in the flesh at some point, she said we weren’t really on “hanging out terms.”

    I did a chart for the crow hitting my window and there was a Lilith Yod (triangular relationships) If I remember rightly the moon of one the friends and the mars of the other was conjunct points on this Yod which I though was pretty amazing.

    I’m still unsure as to the message tho!

  9. Great article-would like to publish in my free newsletter for seniors but was wondering if the information applies to Washington residents as well?

  10. Interesting stuff. We had a dark day at yoga last nite and my music classes not going well with enemies of a younger generation, so I thought ah Mercury in stellium. Also noted how I tuned into “Dark Star Astrology” now too. What does the title mean? In the stellium, Moon Saturn interpretation I once read is “Important women leaving your life now and new one’s entering”. and the health asteroid conj. mercury suggests health issues. Mental health. A shock according to one avante guarde health expert supposed to set off illnesses.
    I also read recently that jupiter/uranus supposed to be awakening to abundance. I find that mystifying as in 2000 my situation changed considerable to greater wealth and I felt the abundance. At one point of happiness and beauty surrounding me I would watch the crows. They love to “Play” as Rob said of Sabian symbol. Dropping sticks and swooping underneath to pick them up again. One time I went to investigate their outcry and a falcon had a small bird under it’s claw, which as I approached it let go of and one happy bird got away. They warn of disturbances but I imagine you are all talking mythological terms. In any case, due to bed bugs I lost most of my belonging but not before I had transcended to a much greater understanding or place after climbing mountains for two years. But I’d like to know what happened to the original abundance as the world seems on a down path? I am feeling the need for recuperation within the social patterns of everyday living as Rob then said. I was also reminded of my art class years ago doing an icon with my hands as focal point which teach put up on the wall. So interesting read. thanks. still love this site.

    • This description of the star is very fitting to my ex-mother in law, who’s sun is at Libra 15 degrees. She is one of the most evil people I have ever known of, intigatging a custody battle between her son and me, brainwashing my eldest children. My family and my reputation has been destroyed by her. I even ended up homeless for over two years, and my three youngest children were taken away from me for 18 months.
      My life was so much better before she moved into our city.

      Crafty, plotting,devious,maninpulative,greedy, liar…and al the while playing the role of an innocent victim.

      “Venomous snake” is how I would sum it up.

      • Oh…my relative also has her sun conjunct algorab at Libra 13 degree, and she’s also the most annoying and hateful person I ever known of. She’s sweet but when living with her, whenever there’s a conflict between us she will deal with it by back-stabbing and twisting words while playing the role of a victim …she keenly observes everything, especially others’ psychology, and jumps to take advantage of the weakest link she sees dispite how low the manner is in the circumstances. I treated her like sister in childhood and teenage years, so regardless of some conflicts, I thought we were still family with certain affection, but when I told my Mom about my suspection that I may have had acquired a disease, she was there and was happy!. Many stories, I could tell she’s evil, greedy, has no or very little affection toward other people (but can pretend she has) and can act dirty tricks. But it seems that people gradually sense it from her, because she just has some friends and prefer to be alone.

  11. Hi thank you for everything on your website during the upcoming solar and lunar eclipses my jupiter will conjunct this star sagittarius is the ruler of my 4th house and cancer is the ruler of my 11th house i’m a cancer sun sign i have the sun,,moon,venus and ceres in my sign what should i accept?

  12. I, have Quoar sitting there. I don´t drink!

    My son has this Jupiter Conj. in Algorab (18°, so brrrr?


  13. Mars retrograde conjunct Algorab from April 18 to 27, 2014, exact on April 22.

    April 20: 79 Killed, 112 Wounded As Iraq Militants Attack Religious College.

    April 20: A shootout at a checkpoint run by pro-Russian militants near the town of Slovyansk left at least three people dead. NY Times

    April 22: Two men, one a local politician, were found “tortured to death” in eastern Ukraine. BBC.

    April 22: Ukraine’s acting president has relaunched military operations against pro-Russian militants. BBC.

    April 22: dozens of suspected militants killed in a series of air strikes in recent days. BBC.

    April 23: An Egyptian police brigadier general has been killed after a bomb exploded under his car, in the fifth such targeted attack in Cairo within a week. Al Jazeera.

    April 24: Ukraine: 5 die as government forces clash with pro-Russians. CNN

    • Uranus is a very impersonal planet so I doubt it would have such an impact. I have seen a strong influence on Sun and Moon and AC. Mars or Saturn will be a bit nasty. With Uranus perhaps an abrupt influence.

  14. Hello Jamie
    Lately , I am reading your posts and that Brilliant Blog you have on the website,
    I said to myself you really deserve to name yourself a king in Astrology. You know I am living in Kuwait and I speak Arabic when I read those explanations and meanings you write in Algorab-Star Delta Corvus and I realized how well you are writing the Arabic interpretation of the words and how good you are to unfold the Star Destiny secrets that happened before 14years in the USA at 9/11/ 2001 when the plane hits the World Trade Center it was when Mercury was conjunct algorab ,it did coincide with now at the falling of the huge POLL that killed over hundreds of people in Saudi Arabia in Mecca just after 2n?days asI read your text. I am really amazed and delighted with your work and your knowledge .
    Many thanks to you , I will keep following and learning from your wisdom.


    • Oh wow, I didn’t even realize that when I saw it on the news. Thanks for bringing it up Meya. Love your compliments too!

  15. Putin and David Cameron have Sun on Algorab…Putin @13 and Cameron @15…any thoughts?

    • Hi Carol, Putin makes sense with his more aggressive style but not Cameron.The orb makes all the difference here. Putin is 1°08′ while Cameron is out of orb at 2°59′. Interesting exercise! Cameron with Sun on Seginus (1°44′) sounds more realistic as it is known for public speaking and guardianship.

  16. I had a vey unpleasant up close and personal experience with Corvus the crow. The Cardinal Grand Cross in April aligned to the angles of my chart. Jupiter and Pluto were applying to my ASC/DSC axis while Uranus opposed Mars RX on Algorab conjunct my progressed Moon on Algorab in my 4th house. Now I already have my moon in Libra and as a Cancer rising the Moon rules my physical body. The left side of my body went paralyzed and I couldn’t see for a few minuets. The neurologists thought it was possibly a TIA (mini stroke) but I was never able to find out since there is no permeant damage with a TIA. Whats interesting is that my pre-natal lunar eclipse point is 13 degrees of Aries – the ruler of Mars on Algorab at the time. My theory is that if my soul entered my body at this 13 degree point, then during the eclipse the portal may have opened back up and Corvus acted as a psychopomp to take me to the underworld. In one myth, I read that when people have strokes or heart attacks that a psychopomp comes and violently rips you from your body to take you to the underworld. If this peeks your interest I would love to pay you for a reading. It hard to come by many astrologer whom use the fixed stars and have a solution.

    • Excellent feedback, thank you! I can see where you would sense this with the Sun at the lunar eclipse on Algorab giving you the direct link at birth.

  17. My boss’s birth chart has North Node conjunct Algorab. What would this indicate?

  18. Ok, thanks for the reply. My impromptu description based on the article you wrote… Algorab conjunct the North Node produces the tendency towards destructiveness, malevolence, fiendishness, repulsiveness and lying. May have a tendency towards agitation and scavenging.

    • Sounds right to me Michelle. This is one star that needs a more modern update. I knew a few people quite well with Algorab on Sun or Moon, can be nasty and bend the truth but I still loved them.

  19. I have mercury conjunct this star and I have to say – the star doesn’t describe my personality at all. I’m very honest and benevolent.

    • I was born 4 days into Mercury Retrogrades shadow period, so maybe that’s got something to do with it..?

      • I have read somewhere that the influence of fixed stars is weaker when the planet is retrograde.

      • Yes, maybe it effects the Moon and Asc more. Some astrologers say that Mercury is the mind and some say it’s the nervous system? I don’t know? I’ll have to check what star is conjunct jupiter, as jupiter is conjunct my ascendent. I’m learning a lot from reading mine and friends/familes charts and you can see if the aspect really does describe their personalities. I found that a certain aspect didn’t describe my sister at all the other day, but it was because the orb was very loose. The orb makes a lot of difference!

        • My Moon star is Al Pherg is the constellation of Pisces. I’ve always found myself very Piscean in nature – my whole life! I’ve always had that Neptunian ‘savior-savee’ syndrome. Always putting others before myself. The star Al Pherg definitely describes me, being quite a determined person.

  20. I just came across this information about Algorab (which I’d never heard of before) and am blown away. I have Sun, Venus and Uranus all at 13 degrees Libra in the 7th house. Does this mean I am a terrible person who is doomed to destructive relationships?

    • I have friends and family with Algorab in their charts and they are not bad people. They do struggle with lying I must admit, more to themselves than anything else. One. instead of stealing, spends huge amounts of time in charity store finding bargains for her friends and family, nice clothes etc.

  21. Sorry, meant to say Sun, Mercury and Uranus. Venus is 23 degrees Libra in 7th house as well.

  22. So I was very happy reading about Sirius being conjunct my MC….however, my smile faded now that I know my ascendant is at 13 libra 🙁
    Does that mean my life will always be full of misfortunes? I mean…I’ve always had an agitated crazy life for which I blame a fixed t square between Mars, moon and Venus. But now it all makes sense…I’m loosing hope ????

    • This depends a lot on the overall chart and any aspects to your Ascendant. So far, I would say the negativity of this star shows mainly through conjunctions to the moon, because of the subconscious, habit-like behaviors. Of course, self awareness of such a star in your chart can be enough to change any associated negative behavior. I have Moon conjunct Zosma which is associated with lying and stealing. Eventually, I stopped stealing but nearly ended up in jail before I stopped. Now I have not even stolen a paper clip in over 10 years.

  23. Well, I definitely have a reputation of cheating and lying with all my ex’s. I really have to make an effort not to lie in my relationships. So I know there’s a mean side to my character, I just have to keep it in check. Isn’t algorab associated with those topics? And as far as the “misfortunes” goes, well I also have Saturn in the first house :-/ but so is Jupiter! And it sextiles my sun…so there are ups and downs…like a rollercoster. Thanks for replying

  24. my natal Moon at 14Libra54, thus in just range of this fixed star conjunction, also in 12th house ho hum, so yes my life has been very much a battle to nullify inner demons and etheric ones alike however due to the crushing affect of the cardinal cross at one point plus the recent, almost done, square from pluto, a current sextile from transit Saturn and a soon to be conjunction from transit Jupiter, that right kidney of mine has really taken a bashing and yes it took a while to figure out what the constant discomfort in my right side was because its not pain and not really a strong ache, simply severe discomfort, thank goodness that moon is not quite in the conjunction range with Seginus also, I dread to think. So I am currently looking to understand how to make good use of the 8 month Jupiter conjunction from the 20th, without ignoring the negative potential so that Mr Saturn doesn’t add insult to injury lol! Being a Cancer Sun gives the moon a fair bit of power in my chart and with a Libra ascendant, my venus ruled chart has my 12th house moon quincunx my 7th house Venus, the challenges from unseen enemies and open enemies, especially character assassination bordering libelous levels at time, have threatened ruin and almost achieved it, given my situation of poverty, homelessness and almost alone, since the end of 2011 as a grand finale… need to expand to good new home horizons and hope to catch the expansive Jupiter wave to do so lol! What do you think Jamie, is there hope? it didn’t kill me so….. 🙂

  25. Algorab gives the power to drive out demons, you say. Strangely enough, that is one of my ambitions in life. My north node is conjunct Algorab. I also have Jupiter conjunct Yed Prior and Venus conjunct Alrisha, which also confer healing powers on those with these conjunctions in their charts. How do you think i could best access these latent abilities for the spiritual healing of others? Thanks.

  26. I’m curious.. What would be a small interpretation of Venus Conjunct Algorab? my Venus is in Libra at 12 56′ Degrees and trines my Moon in Aquarius at 13 58′ Degrees.

  27. I have Algorab conjunct Jupiter 13°. I have never been naturally a liar or prone to the other most wicked tendencies of this crow, but perhaps it does relate to my attraction to the shadowy side of life and to dark/occult mysteries? I did also for some time in my youth become obsessed by ideologies of the extreme/far-right; I think this might connect with it as well. I should add that I have completely exorcised such ideological demons. Speaking of demons, I became very aware of such influences through my conflict with adepts of the left-hand path, driving me to find Christ. It seems that Algorab influence—granted that it is mastered—might become useful in such encounters, as my highly unusual lifepath may lead to many more battles with the darker side before the end.

    By the way: Oslo, 27th Feb. ‘93, 06:30 am

  28. My Sun is at 12°44′ Libra and one of my main passions is removing darkness from people. I don’t cheat and lie though.

  29. well..i’m croatian wanna-be astrologer with sun on Algorab 😀 my twin brother and mother also have it. and yesterday we had full moon with mercury aries over it… today is Easter day and April Fools’ Day 🙂
    warlike tensions last few days and great diplomacy skills needed… feels like being tested about patience and maturity…from above…

    • forgot to add.. mars and saturn are conjoining tomorrow.. close to making sqaure to Algorab, but not exact, on 8 capricorn…

  30. How about the natal USA 10th house Saturn at 14 Lib 48 conjunct Algorab and the machinations of the Department of Justice? “…destructiveness, malevolence, fiendishness, repulsiveness, lying and connected with scavenging”, indeed! I’d say here is a fine example of Algorab showcasing the “more troublesome side of Libra”.

  31. my sun and moon and jupiter are all conjunct algorab in a stellium that also includes mercury pluto venus and uranus. All square my ascendent conjunct with mars in my 12th house capricorn. Now I feel like a bad bad beyonce.

  32. ^^^ honestly, these days, i am surprised i am alive. For 1: i think uranus in aries really fckd me up… neptune went into pisces, then saturn drug over my stellium for 2.5 years in 2011- or something all while pluto running me, over back and forth, fwd retrodrade, 12 house over mars and my ascendant. Am i exaggerating?

  33. ahhh 20111, fell on my head, got my neck stepped on by a cop (still hurts). In one year, that kicked off by being stuck in solitary confinement after getting pissed b/c my ass was fractured trying to tackle one of 3 sharpie-pitbulls attacking my dog, i got cuffed 7x and arrested 4.

  34. there must be another interpretation than only trrorism or accidents seriously. I have sun uranus conj. in 7 and do not see any of this in my life. Maybe astrology is stuck on 1 bad aspect only and overexaggerating while be blind for other aspects of this planet .But I had grudge, malevolence in my life. No major accident. But I couldn’t avoid misfortune and lack of support. Nevertheless I am strong and spiritual. More sort of Crow.
    I like joking also, so was considered always funny even the sutuation was bad I took it with dignity.I war times I would run away because I know people are evil. I am friendly to everybody. I like flowers. 🙂
    When I was young I was sexually assaulted.
    Think of how many people have aspects in libra they are normal poeple and typical libra types. One bad person with this conjunction is not “all” are this. Really wheird
    I have back problems, but hey I have seen worse. I am no cry baby.

    • I have no placement in Libra but will agree with you based on the negativity that has been written about Mars conjunct Antares,I have this aspect and I’m not violent or destructive, on the contrary and my experience is that this conjunct is good for me, I can sense evil (Antares) from a distance and take action (Mars) to protect myself or fight back. It’s best to unpack the nature and effect of the star based on one’s personal experiences. I’d recommend the same with retrogrades. These articles are based on outdated research that was based on a very small sample if it was not merely the observation of what was happening with close friends, family and that one celebrity.

  35. I have Moon at 13º Libra in the 12th house. I was born 2 hours before the maximum phase of the first total lunar eclipse of 1996, visible in my home town. But I actually see all of those themes (about destructiveness, malevolence, fiendishness, repulsiveness and especially lying) in the partners I choose, not in myself. I had them coming up and hurting me a LOT during my 12th house profection year. It was pretty much the worst year of my life. As an Aries I tend to be brutally honest sometimes and honesty was what defined me to my ex, in contrast to his craziness and lying tendencies. Could this be because Venus rules my 7th?

  36. Blatant racism and total disrespect to the astrologers of African descent who support you. Seeing all the comments for this post, I KNOW you see NEGRO written… the associations attributed to the star, with the inclusion of the word NEGRO! I will never support you again. I will tell every astrologer of color that I know and I will show receipts! Yours, is the only site with this definition attributed to this star… and after hours of searching neither me or anyone in my office can locate a ‘negro’ image associated with this star. I bet you’ll delete this comment won’t you Jamie.

    • “Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black.” Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p. 232.

    • Hi Mia. Probably only in the description of the constellation. Gienah is not really used in astrology and has not been researched.

  37. Crow is very often an agitator, as seen here, too… do no go there, peace 2 U 🙂

  38. Some of the astrology books I’ve read seem to say Algorab is not a significant fixed star on the chart. The examples you’ve given here seem to suggest otherwise. Thank you for a different perspective. What are your thoughts on Algorab conjuncting Part of Fortune? What about conjuncting Imum Coeli?

    • Hi Tac. Morse says ” Not a significant star when well aspected”. It also seems to depend on the planet inolved. Seems more of a problem conjunct Moon than the Sun.

  39. Thank you for this info, my sun has it. Tesla had moon. About croatian astrologers, if we use date when Croatia was said to be internationally recognized for the first time, June 7, 879, when Pope John VIII. sent a message to the then Croatian Prince Branimir, the clergy and the Croatian people at a solemn mass in Rome, at noon, then Algol has the moon. That chart is rarely used and could explain a lot… 2021 sun meets Algol and it is new moon with mars conjunction… hope all goes well…

  40. algorab is fascinating, as i dig into more astrology and karma especially found out that my south node is conjuct algorab… how would you interpret this? sending much love and gratitude from istanbul!

    • Hello. Here is maybe one clue – research the Theosophical Society, prominent members natal charts and dates of the constitution, name of their headquarters in India, and go deeper into their teachings, maybe you find something relatable to you, or not, but worth the try as it was for me. 🙂

  41. My natal Pluto at 15°45 conjunct natal Algorabo at 13°08 both is in 12th house.

  42. Al Ghuraab doesn’t actually mean raven. It means the answer/reply, giving an account either in defense of something you have said or done and its why it falls in the sign of Libra – the sign of scales and justice.

  43. Age of Aquarius Progressed chart, Tina

    Moon conj. Algorab

    Jordon Peterson in the news, has this aspect. “bureaucrats-will-rue-the-day-they-tried-to-shut-me-up”
    Gonzalo Lira, journalist, recently deceased, Jan 12

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