Fixed Star Baten Kaitos

Baten Kaitos at 21°57′ Aries has an orb of 1°30′
Fixed Star Baten Kaitos

Constellation Cetus [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Baten Kaitos on April 11

Fixed Star Baten Kaitos, Zeta Ceti, is a binary star in the Whale, or Sea Monster, Cetus Constellation. Magnitude 3.74, spectral type K0 III Ba0.1.

The traditional name Baten Kaitos comes from the Arabic بطن قيتوس (batn qaytus), which means the belly of the sea monster.

21♈5722♈39Baten Kaitos1°30′

Baten Kaitos Astrology

Baten Kaitos in astrology portended falls and blows. [1]

BATEN KAITOS. ζ Ceti. AQ topaz-yellow star in the body of the Whale. From Al Batn al Kaitos, the Whale’s Belly. Of the nature of Saturn. It gives compulsory transportation, change or emigration, misfortune by force or accident, and shipwreck but also rescue, falls and blows. [2]

BATEN KAITOS. ζ Ceti. An orange star in the body of the whale. The whales belly. Spectral class KO. One who is serious, thoughtful, melancholy, subject to many delays. A hard working person, sincere. A selfish person, one who has deceitful associates. Negatively the star can produce deceit, sexual fantasies or problems, a ‘con artist’, twisted emotions, self destruction, violence. [7]

Baten Kaitos in The Whale has the character of Saturn. The Saturnine properties, such as inhibition, reserve, caution, solitude, and simplicity, are often forced onto such people either by a mundane or higher power. Sometimes ideas are propagated, which make life for the native trying or troublesome for the native. To such persons, their fate is usually one of change. People influenced thus tend to depression or dwell on the thought of death. Life often is full of humiliation, renunciation and obstacles. But the position of the complete chart is always important. [3]

Baten Kaitos, Belly of the Whale, is, of course, associated with the Jonah legend. Likewise, a Saturn star by Ptolemy, it often does mark where someone becomes stuck with a situation for some little while, perhaps from their folly under Deneb Kaitos (Beta Ceti), but aspects all being well, should emerge with some benefit to count for the experience, even honor from it if all is very well in the matter of aspects. [4]

Baten Kaitos is a warlike star that portends falls and blows and other misfortune brought about by force. [5]

Baten Kaitos rules the center point of the head. [6]

Constellation Cetus

The Whale is like Saturn. It is said to cause laziness and idleness but to confer an emotional and charitable nature, with the ability to command, especially in war. Makes one amiable, prudent, happy by sea and land and helps to recover lost goods. [2]

 Baten Kaitos Star Zeta Ceti

Baten Kaitos, Zeta Ceti []

Fixed Star Baten Kaitos Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Baten Kaitos: Valerie Solanas 0°37′ (and Sun), John Lennon 1°13′.

Descendant conjunct Baten Kaitos: John F. Kennedy 0°48′.

Midheaven conjunct Baten Kaitos: Nicolás Maduro 1°00′, Prince Andrew, Duke of York 1°16′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Baten Kaitos: Charles II of England 0°17′, Carl Sagan 0°46′, Marilyn Monroe 0°49′.

Sun conjunct Baten Kaitos: Natives with this conjunction are subject to changing fortunes, changing lifestyles. Just when they feel all is settled, changes will occur. This could exhibit itself as residence changes, traveling, many ‘ups and downs’ in the natives life. [7]

Anton LaVey 0°12′, Leopold II of Belgium 1°09′, Eric Harris 1°31′ (and Venus), Valerie Solanas 1°39′ (and AC).

Moon conjunct Baten Kaitos: (+) The native is subject to many problems, not necessarily of their own making, but there will be occasions when the native is drawn into problems. At sometime during the life of the native something or someone of importance will affect their lives.

(–) Natives with this conjunction can be overly sensitive. They can be subject to misfortune by accident, not necessarily of their own creation, but as a victim of circumstances. Native can feel unnecessarily hurt or offended, or harbor fancied injury, or feel humiliated under conditions or circumstances that would not affect the average person. Violence possible [7]

Ellen DeGeneres 1°22′, Jeffrey Dahmer 1°28′, Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1°24′ (and Pluto).

Mercury conjunct Baten Kaitos: The native has a keen mind, can be very outspoken, even ‘blunt’ and may develop an abrasive attitude. The inherent drive these natives have may carry them far in life, make them leaders of their professions. Negatively, these natives can ride ‘rough shod’ over others with complete insensitivity, and unless early trained will exhibit a total’ lack of tact. [7]

Robert Downey Jr. 0°15′, Catherine the Great 0°39′, Ulysses S. Grant 0°57′, Eva Perón 1°27′. 

Venus conjunct Baten Kaitos: The native is introspective and although they may give the impression they are very sociable, actually they are a private person. Domestic and romantic problems possible under this conjunction. Negatively the native can become ‘withdrawn,’ be of a deceitful nature, entertain sexual fantasies, twisted emotions, become engaged in poor health habits, self destruction. [7]

This position affects the left ear causing an imbalance of the fluids in the inner ear. The person would use the left ear more frequently than the right ear as this energy would be working through the left ear. [6]

Rolf Harris 0°01′, Josef Mengele 0°04′, Jimmy Swaggart 0°15′, Jim Jones 0°40′, J. P. Morgan 0°49′, Jane Roberts 0°49′, Eric Harris 0°50′ (and Sun). 

Venus and Mars conjunct Baten Kaitos: These individuals would experience a loss of hearing at the left ear, and they should not attempt to correct this through surgery for the reason that it would only create more blockage due to scar tissue. [6]

Venus and Saturn conjunct Baten Kaitos: There would be a restriction of energy flow that would work back and forth from the left ear to the right ear. This would not be a continuous action but would occur from time to time. [6]

Mars conjunct Baten Kaitos: These natives may exhibit a quiet determination, they are determined to ‘push forward’, get their ideas across, have it their way’; generally without becoming offensive. [7]

Margot Robbie 0°50′, Patch Adams 1°14′, Monica Lewinsky 1°26′.

Mars and Saturn conjunct Baten Kaitos: This causes the loss of hearing on the right side, which cannot be corrected through surgery. These persons must live with this throughout their life. [6]

Jupiter conjunct Baten Kaitos: Preferment in martial, government and matters dealing with the public. The native may be subject to many activity changes. [7]

Mary Shelley 0°05′, Harvey Weinstein 0°46′.

Saturn conjunct Baten Kaitos: This affects the right ear causing a decrease in energy on the right side. This is not a condition that involves disease but merely a flow of energy at this point. These persons notice more restriction on the right side of the head. [6]

Uranus conjunct Baten Kaitos: Yoko Ono 0°27′, Bernardo Provenzano 1°05′.

Pluto conjunct Baten Kaitos: Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1°15′ (and Moon).

North Node conjunct Baten Kaitos: Nikola Tesla 0°07′, Michael Richards 1°04′, Queen Victoria 1°11′.

South Node conjunct Baten Kaitos: Nancy Pelosi 0°05′, Michelangelo 0°36′, Andrea Bocelli 1°09′. 


  1. Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889.
  2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.38, 145.
  3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.3.
  4. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.123.
  5. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.57.
  6. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.12.
  7. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.53-55.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.