Capricornus is one of the 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy in the 2nd century and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. It spans 25 degrees of the zodiac in the Sign of Aquarius.
Capricornus Constellation Stars
2000 | 2050 | Star | Name | Sp. Class | Mag | Orb | |
03♒46 | 04♒28 | α1 Cap | Giedi Prima | G3 | 4.30 | 1°10′ | |
03♒51 | 04♒33 | α2 Cap | Giedi Secunda | G6 | 3.58 | 1°40′ | |
04♒03 | 04♒45 | β1 Cap | Dabih | A5 | 3.05 | 1°50′ | |
04♒26 | 05♒08 | ν Cap | Alshat | B9 | 4.77 | 1°00′ | |
04♒43 | 05♒25 | π Cap | Oculus | B4 | 5.08 | 1°00′ | |
05♒10 | 05♒52 | ρ Cap | Bos | F3 | 4.77 | 1°00′ | |
07♒09 | 07♒51 | ψ Cap | Yue | F5 | 4.13 | 1°20′ | |
07♒57 | 08♒39 | ω Cap | Baten Algiedi | K4 | 4.12 | 1°20′ | |
12♒44 | 13♒26 | η Cap | Armus | A5 | 4.82 | 1°00′ | |
13♒50 | 14♒33 | θ Cap | Dorsum | A1 | 4.08 | 1°20′ | |
16♒56 | 17♒38 | ζ Cap | Yen | G4 | 3.77 | 1°30′ | |
17♒35 | 18♒17 | b Cap | Jin | K0 | 4.50 | 1°10′ | |
17♒41 | 18♒23 | ι Cap | Dai | G8 | 4.27 | 1°20′ | |
20♒12 | 20♒54 | ε Cap | Castra | B2 | 4.51 | 1°10′ | |
21♒47 | 22♒29 | γ Cap | Nashira | A7 | 3.69 | 1°40′ | |
23♒32 | 24♒15 | δ Cap | Deneb Algiedi | A5 | 2.85 | 2°00′ | |
25♒50 | 26♒32 | μ Cap | Kuh | F3 | 5.07 | 1°00′ |
Ascendant in Constellation Capricornus
CAPRICORN is endowed with an aspiring, determined, serious mind, considerable reserve and self-control and greatly interested in acquisition. They have the ability to scale the heights, the ability to manage and direct others and for others, but when under bad directions, many pitfalls await the Capricornian. They are careful, cautious, and farseeing as far as they are concerned, inclined to be serious, have the ability to command and direct, and command the respect of friends, yet fail to hold their respect and benevolent feelings. Sudden and unexpected losses while under adverse conditions may be experienced, but equally good fortune awaits under good directions.
NEGATIVELY: Capricorns waste time being moody and have a tendency towards being indecisive; they tend to take advantage of others, they can be downright greedy and selfish, and at times, they are carried away by their own thriftiness. They tend to be severe with themselves and others, and people generally think of them as being cold and aloof. They can be hard to please and tend to have a calculating nature.
Positive Keywords: Self-reliant, independent, ambitious, conservative, persevering, practical, grave and sober, determined, disciplinarian, indefatigable.
Negative Keywords: Uncompromising, schemer, abrasive, proud, selfish, ultra-conservative, ruthless, vindictive, intolerant, Severe.
Sun in Constellation Capricornus
Positive: Endows its natives with extreme patience, perseverance and reliability. One who is modest in their tastes, one who is trustworthy and has a serious cautiously forceful nature. One who is economical, conservative. Fond of ‘old things’, old ideas. Has the ability to exercise great control over themselves. One who is thoughtful of others, is very industrious and thrives on hard work. Native has great self-confidence, is of a very ambitious nature, grasps at every opportunity, has the ability to organize and direct. One who is self-reliant, cool-headed and able to take measured deliberate action.
Negative: The native is prone to take advantage of others, a very rigid outlook, one who develops greed, becomes too selfish, too moody at times, somewhat pessimistic and carried away by being too thrifty. Native may become severe in their dealings and be standoffish. They are capable of ignoring friends, being entirely too materialistic and unable to see anyone’s viewpoint but their own. One who is too exacting, mean.
Moon in Constellation Capricornus
Positive: Endows its natives with social and public preferment. Native subject to honors, may attain some prominence, gain the ability to inspire confidence, become a good organizer, develop a cautious and reserved nature. Have an interest in material things. Practical and materialistic. Native is generally ambitious, seeks after money and power. Ability to lead and direct.
Negative: Native is overly cautious, may be subject to scandals, or engage in scandalous actions. Entertains a great fear of poverty, may become avaricious and even miserly, generally expresses little feeling for others. Native may be gloomy, have a vague and rather indeterminate mentality; they seem to attract emnity. Native is generally shy and insecure, overly sensitive. Native may develop a carping attitude, claculate to gain power at all costs.
Mercury in Constellation Capricornus
Positive: Endows its natives with a critical, dextrous, penetrating mentality. One who may be honest and trustworthy, diplomatic and cautious. One who is economical with a rational serious mind. A cool, calculating person. One who is discriminative and a wavering attitude. Lacks tact and subject to unfaithfulness, inclination for thrift. A reasonable person. Methodical in decision-making. A sound grasp for logic and a good memory.
Negative: The native may be fickle, inconstant, miserly, restless, malicious, vindictive and spiteful. One who is narrow-minded and a tendency to be cruel and hard. An inconsiderate person.
Venus in Constellation Capricornus
Positive: Endows its natives with the tendency towards being melancholy, but great faithfulness. One who never feels secure. It augurs a high social standing. Natives nature is cautious, but ambitious and diplomatic. Losses through treachery or their own bad judgment is possible. Generally marriage is a source of some sorrows and disappointments. These natives instinctively do the ‘right thing’ and their emotional responses may be self-repressed.
Negative: Native develops a cold, hard approach in their dealings. They may be cold and stern. Difficult to express affections. Unions may be for convenience or social pleasures. Liable to losses, treachery, petty annoyances, small troubles. Native may be too demanding.
Mars in Constellation Capricornus
Positive: Endows its natives with ambition, self-reliance, a bold and enterprising nature. One who is brave and faithful. Has indomitable courage and an inexhaustible energy. One with plenty of patience and perseverance, overcomes all obstacles. An interest in disciplines and with a constructive and thrifty mentality. One capable of assuming responsibility, a good organizer. Mentally subtle, somewhat intuitive.
Negative: Native tends to be too dominant, too irritable. One who easily experiences conflict with family and/or authorities. Native entertains great ambition to excell and succeed. One who is rash, impulsive and headstrong, lacks persistence and perseverance. Native is quick to anger, arouses opposition, can suffer from dishonour. A cold person. [1]
In her shrine Vesta tends your fires, Capricorn: and from her you derive your skills and callings. For whatever needs fire to function and demands a renewal of flame for its work must be counted as of your domain. To pry for hidden metals, to smelt out riches deposited in the veins of the earth, to fold sure-handed the malleable mass—these skills will come from you, as will aught which is fashioned of silver or gold. That hot furnaces melt iron and bronze, and ovens give to the wheat its final form, will come as gifts from you. You also give a fondness for clothes and wares which dispel the cold, since your lot falls for all time in winter’s season, wherein you shorten the nights you have brought to their greatest length and give birth to a new year by enlarging the daylight hours. Hence comes a restless quality in their lives and a mind which is often changed and floats this way and that; the first half of the sign is the slave of Venus, and that with guilt involved, but a more virtuous old age is promised by the conjoined fish below. [2]
Legend. During their war with the giants, the Gods were driven into Egypt and pursued by Typhon. In order to escape, each was forced to change his shape, and Pan, leaping into the Nile, turned the upper part of his body into a goat and the lower part into a fish, a shape considered by Jupiter worthy of commemoration in the heavens.
Influence. Ptolemy’s observations are as follows “The stars in the horns of Capricorn have efficacy similar to that of Venus, and partly to that of Mars. The stars in the mouth are like Saturn, and partly like Venus: those in the feet and in the belly act in the same manner as Mars and Mercury: those in the tail are like Saturn and Jupiter.” By the Kabalists this constellation is associated with the Hebrew letter Yod and the 10th Tarot Trump “The Wheel of Fortune.” [3]
Capricorn (Cap), the constellation, has a great influence over human affairs portending major changes in such areas as climate and political customs. Along with the sign, the constellation is also noted as the “Mansion of Kings.” Unfavorably situated with regards to lunar eclipses, it indicates major storms, especially at sea. [4]
Very frequent mention was made of this constellation in early days, for the Platonists held that the souls of men, when released from corporeity, ascended to heaven through its stars, whence it was called the Gate of the Gods; their road of descent having been through Cancer. But some of the Orientals knew it as the Southern Gate of the Sun, as did the Latins in their altera Solis Porta. Berossos (the Babylonian historian Berossos, about 200 BC) is reported by Seneca to have learned from the old books of Sargon that the world would be destroyed by a great conflagration when all the planets met in this sign.
In astrology, with Taurus and Virgo, it was the Earthly Trigon, and black, russet, or a swarthy brown, was the color assigned to it; while, with Aquarius, it was the House of Saturn, as that planet was created in this constellation, and whenever here had great influence over human affairs; as Alchabitus asserted, in the Ysagogicus of 1485, caput et pedes habet; and it always governed the thighs and knees. It also was regarded as under the care of the goddess Vesta, and hence Vestae Sidus. Ampelius singularly associated it with the burning south wind Auster, and Manilius said that it reigned over France, Germany, and Spain; in later times it ruled Greece, India, Macedonia, and Thrace, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg, Saxony and Wilna, Mexico and Oxford.
The almanac of 1386 has: “Whoso is borne in Capcorn schal be ryche and wel lufyd”; in 1542 the Doctor, as Arcandum was called, showed that a man born under it would be a great gallant, would have eight special illnesses, and would die at sixty; and according to Smyth it was “the very pet of all constellations with astrologers, having been the fortunate sign under which Augustus and Vespasian were born,” although elsewhere, in somewhat uncourtly style, he quotes: “prosperous in dull and heavy beasts.” It also appears to have been much and favorably regarded by the Arabians, as may be seen in their names for its chief stars, and in the character assigned by them to its lunar mansions. But these benign qualities were only occasional, caused probably by some lucky combination with a fortunate sign, as is known only to the initiated, for its general reputation was the reverse; and, in classical days, when coincident with the sun, it was thought a harbinger of storms and so ruler of the waters. [5]
It is most noteworthy that this Second Book opens with the Goat, and closes with the Ram: two animals of sacrifice; while the two middlechapters are both connected with fishes.
In all the ancient Zodiacs, or Planispheres, we find a goat with a fish’s tail. In the Zodiacs of Denderah and Esneh, in Egypt, it is half-goat and half-fish, and it is there called Hu-penius, which means the place of the sacrifice.
In the Indian Zodiac it is a goat passant traversed by a fish.
There can be no doubt as to the significance of this sign.
In the Goat we have the Atoning Sacrifice, in the Fish we have the people for whom the atonement is made. When we come to the sign “Pisces” we shall see more clearly that it points to the multitudes of the redeemed host.
The Goat is bowing its head as though falling down in death. The right leg is folded underneath the body, and he seems unable to rise with the left. The tail of the fish, on the other hand, seems to be full of vigour and life.
The Hebrew name of the sign is Gedi, the kid or cut off, the same as the Arabic Al Gedi. Capricornus is merely the modern (Latin) name of the sign, and means goat.
There are 51 stars in the sign, three of which are of the 3rd magnitude, three of the 4th, etc. Five are remarkable stars, α and β in the horn and head, and the remaining three, γ, δ, and ε, in the fishy tail. The star α is named Al Gedi, the kid or goat, while the star δ is called Deneb Al Gedi, the sacrifice cometh.
Other star-names in the sign, not identified, are Dabih (Syriac), the sacrifice slain; Al Dabik and Al Dehabeh (Arabic) have the same meaning; Ma’asad, the slaying; Sa’ad al Naschira, the record of the cutting off. [6]
- The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979. p.181-182, 319, 324, 328-329, 333, 338.
- Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 4, p.241.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.35-dfc 36.
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.51.
- Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.135-138.
- The Witness of the Stars, E. W. Bullinger, 1893, CAPRICORNUS (The Sea Goat).