Fixed Star Nashira

Nashira at 21°48′ Aquarius has an orb of 1°40′
Fixed Star Nashira

Capricornus Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Nashira on February 11

Fixed star Nashira, Gamma Capricorni, is a single giant star in the tail of the Sea Goat, Capricornus Constellation. Magnitude 3.67. Spectral type kF0hF1VmF2.

The traditional name Nashira comes from the Arabic word سعد ناشرة (sa’d nashirah) which means the lucky one or bearer of good news.

23♒3324♒15Deneb Algedi2°00′

Nashira Astrology

Fixed star Nashira has the spectral type F0, indicating the planetary nature of Mercury.

NASHIRA. γ Capricorni. Situated in the tail of the Goat. From Al Sa’d al Nashirah, The Fortunate One or Bringer of Good Tidings; or, according to Bullinger, the Record of Cutting Off. According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter; and, to Simmonite, of Saturn. It causes overcoming by evil, which is turned to success, and gives danger from beasts. [1]

NASHIRA. γ Capricorni. Class FOp. A small star in the tail of the Goat. “The Fortunate Bearer of Good Tidings.” The ability to turn adversity to success, a conservative person, pious, and evilness. [2]

The star Nashira presages the bringing of good tidings. In medieval times this star was dubbed “the fortunate one”. [3]

Nashira, γ Capricorni, is from the Arabic Al Sa’ad Al Nashirah, The Bearer of Good News, and is one of those rare stars reckoned as ‘good’, even by the traditional astrologers. They saw it rightly as an indicator of social popularity and political success for the individual blessed with it on the chart. Nashira and Sadalsuud were the focal center of a very good area of the sky which was all about good rulers and successful sheikdoms, Saturn-Jupiter, and good things happened for their people, Saturn-Mercury. And they carried this benefic area onto include the stars Sadalmelik, Good or Lucky King, α Aquarii, and the mighty star of Archangel Gabriel, Fomalhaut, Mouth of the Fish, α Piscis Australis, with its reminiscence of that earlier star Nunki, Edict from the Sea, or freely interpreted, Word of God. [4]

Fixed star Nashira rules the front of the right leg 7 inches below the knee. [5]

NOTE: In Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation by Elsbeth Ebertin on page 74, Gamma Capricorni is called “Deneb Algedi on the Back of the Goat, formerly called Nashire I.” But based on the listed degree and the example charts, it is definitely fixed star Deneb Algedi, Delta Capricorni.

Constellation Capricornus

Capricorn has a great influence over human affairs portending major changes in such areas as climate and political customs. Along with the sign, the constellation is also noted as the “Mansion of Kings”. Unfavorably situated with regards to lunar eclipses, it indicated major storms, especially at sea. [3]

Gamma Capricorni, Nashira

Gamma Capricorni, Nashira []

Fixed Star Nashira Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Nashira: Ivan The Terrible 0°30′, Tycho Brahe 1°01′.

Midheaven conjunct Nashira: Kristen Stewart 0°38′ (and Mars), Volodymyr Zelenskyy 1°08′.

Descendant conjunct Nashira: Marilyn Manson 0°29′, Muhammad Ali 1°26′, Catherine, Princess of Wales 1°32′ (and POF).

Imun Coeli conjunct Nashira: Vito Genovese 0°33′

Part of Fortune conjunct Nashira: Alan Turing 0°15′, Arnold Schwarzenegger 0°37′, Catherine, Princess of Wales 1°01′ (and DC), Ernest Hemingway 1°26′

Sun conjunct Nashira: High preferment in writings, government, and all association with public matters.  Some psychic ability. The native can overcome adverse conditions and become successful, possibility of name and fame forever. [2]

Leontyne Price 0°00′, Edwin Castro 0°03′ (and Mercury), Keith Holyoake 0°09′, Carole King 0°11′ (and Mercury), Mia Farrow 0°20′, John Ruskin 0°28′, Jules Verne 0°36′, Mark Spitz 0°40′, Hans Clemens 0°48′, Manuel Noriega 0°52′, Burt Reynolds 0°55′, Joe Pesci 0°57′, Lana Turner 1°06′, Jacques Corrèze 1°07′, Charles Dickens 1°11′, Anne of Brittany 1°12′, Arsenio Hall 1°25′, Marc Robertson 1°30′.

Moon conjunct Nashira: Natives with this conjunction will be successful in all matters associated with the public. This can be in government, religious affairs, and social matters. These natives can turn adversity to success, overcoming many obstacles. Negative nativities subject to disaster and many obstacles. [2]

William Butler Yeats 0°07′, Richard Nixon 0°26′, Billy Bob Thornton 1°16′

Mercury conjunct Nashira: These natives will be ingenious, this ingenuity can resolve itself in a very constructive way or in a very destructive manner, much depends upon the natives early training and environment. [2]

Carole King 0°35′ (and Sun), Edwin Castro 0°49′ (and Sun), John Belushi 0°53′, James Stirling 1°19′ (and Mars, Pluto), Robert Parry 1°23′

Venus conjunct Nashira: Likable, best describes natives born with this conjunction. They are able to ‘turn on’ their charm, regardless of their station in life. These natives can present themselves, give the impression that they are ‘pious’, but can be marked by sham and hypocrisy. [2]

Marlene Dietrich 0°00′, Garth Brooks 0°01′, Muhammad Ali 0°18′, Heinrich Caro 1°15′, Nero 1°25′

Mars conjunct Nashira (2° orb): Similar to Mars at the fixed star Castra. This position affects the health. This point causes damage to the bone structure of the right leg. There is pressure at this point that also brings about a chemical change which dissolves the bone, thus causing a ripple effect on the bone structure through the loss of calcium. Later in life, the leg can be shortened somewhat; however, the real problem to the individual is the hot, flashing pain they experience when walking. The pain is sporadic and directly related to the anxieties of the person. Impatience and anxiety are keywords here. The high energy factor at this point can not only affect the bone structure, but also the muscle tissue next to the bone. They can become quite impatient and irrational because of the pain they experience so that the head is affected. Sharp pains can be felt from the leg to the head. Temper tantrums and irrational behavior is often the result, along with shouting and hostility towards others. These individuals need to apply cool packs to the leg four times per day. Cool teas, such as spearmint and peppermint should be consumed, as well as cool packs consisting of these herbs. Parsley should be taken daily as it will help soothe the area. The diet must include calcium, or calcium taken in small doses every day. Biofeedback would be an excellent therapy for these natives as it will help slow the deterioration of the bone structure through the mental process. Stressful pain is often felt by these natives by the time they reach the age of thirty-five. [5]

Kristen Stewart 0°03′ (and MC), Lilly Wachowski 0°03′, Elizabeth II 0°06′, Rudolf Hess 0°06′, Julian Assange 0°09′, Corey Feldman 0°22′, Elon Musk 0°29′, Jeane Dixon 1°18′, James Stirling 1°27′ (and Sun, Pluto).

Jupiter conjunct Nashira: Salvador Dali 0°12′, Charles, Duke of Orléans 0°15′, Carl Sagan 0°47′, Charles Manson 0°52′, Whitney Houston 1°17′.

Saturn conjunct Nashira: Pablo Neruda 0°48′, Charles Manson 0°52′, Yuri Gagarin 1°19′.

Uranus conjunct Nashira: Billie Eilish 0°05′, Jeb Stuart 0°56′.

Neptune conjunct Nashira: Friedrich Nietzsche 1°23′.

Pluto conjunct Nashira: James Stirling 1°00′ (and Sun, Mars).

North Node conjunct Nashira: Christopher Reeve 0°27′, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 1°00′.

South Node conjunct Nashira: Jimmy Carter 0°15′, Emperor Puyi 0°40′.


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.179.
  2. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.203-204.
  3. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.51.
  4. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.104.
  5. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.152.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.