Full Moon February 12, 2025 – Disruptive Change

Full Moon February 2025 AstrologyThe Leo full moon on February 12, 2025, makes a challenging aspect to Uranus. So, the spiritual meaning of the full moon February 2025 astrology is adapting to change with open-mindedness, flexibility and a progressive outlook.

Uranus brings sudden changes and unexpected events. Mercury and Ceres’s opposition to the February 2025 full moon means that communications and relationships will be subject to change, uncertainty and tension. The media, agreements, women’s rights and food supply may also be affected.

Full Moon February 2025 Astrology

The full moon on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, is at 24°06′ Leo. The challenging red aspect lines in the chart below show the full moon opposite Mercury and Ceres, square Uranus. The T-square formation focuses the tense energy on Uranus, which will manifest as unexpected, sudden changes.

Full Moon February 2025 Spiritual Meaning

Full Moon February 2025

Full Moon Polarity

Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This polarization can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

However, heightened feelings and intuition make you more receptive and aware of relationship dynamics. Greater clarity and objectivity help you find emotional balance and security. Modifying your behavior and reactions can relieve tension and resolve relationship problems.

Disruptive Change

Full Moon square Uranus creates a need for change, stimulation, excitement, and the freedom to express yourself without restriction. A buildup of electric energy can cause tension, stress, uncertainty and an unsettling feeling or anticipation of impending change or something new, making it difficult to relax.

This highly charged spontaneous energy can make you irritable, touchy, abrupt, impatient, impulsive, erratic, unreliable, rebellious and easily distracted. The keyword for this aspect is change. It may be sudden, unexpected, radical, disruptive and upsetting. Rapid mood changes, emotional outbursts, nervous disorders, conflict, crises, accidents, explosions, electrocution, rioting, rebellion and revolution are also possible.

However, self-awareness and a proactive attitude can help you channel your restless energy safely. Heightened motivation, intuition, creativity and originality enable you to overcome difficulties and succeed. Open-mindedness, flexibility, sensitivity and patience can help you adapt to changing conditions and find new opportunities and possibilities.

A Full Moon opposite Mercury can cause confusion, emotional bias, disinformation and misunderstandings. These may result in arguments, anxiety, incessant talking, prejudice, racism, and addiction. Therefore, extra care must be taken with negotiations, critical decisions, and sensitive discussion topics. The change and unexpected events associated with Uranus may involve the media, social media and transport.

Full Moon opposite Ceres adds another focus of change on family bonds, relationships and women, especially independent single women and sole parents. It also suggests change and disruption for female reproductive issues, food crops, the harvest, natural resources and the environment.

Full Moon in The Lion

The February 2025 full moon is in the Sign and Constellation of Leo. The Lion is usually associated with confidence, ambition and pride. However, harshly aspected, a full moon in Leo Constellation can cause a disregard for facts, gambling, social climbing, and an excess of pleasure, entertainment and social affairs. People may become conceited, jealous, selfish, overbearing, pushy, arrogant, unfaithful, boastful, insincere, insensitive and ostentatious. [1]

Full Moon February 2025 Meaning

Full Moon February 2025

Full Moon Stars

  • 23♌40 –  Zeta Pyxidis
  • 24♌06 – Full Moon
  • 24♌29 – Alpha Pictoris
  • 24♌36 – Omicron Leonis, Subra

Constellation Pyxis Nautica, the Mariner’s Compass, gives a wise, ambitious and steady nature, good judgment and interest in nautical and geographical matters. [2]

Constellation Pictor the Painter’s Easel gives imagination, artistic ability, frankness and a reliable nature. [2]

Full Moon February 2025 Meaning

The Uranus square is the primary astrological influence on the February 2025 full moon. Sudden changes and unexpected events will cause uncertainty, tension and anxiety.

Mercury and Ceres are opposite this full moon, so communication and relationships will be subject to change, stress and tension. Agreements, treaties and contracts will be broken, and narrow-mindedness, prejudice and racism will increase. The media, transport, women’s rights, food and the environment will also be affected.

The full moon in Leo constellation indicates a disregard for facts, jealousy, selfishness, arrogance, disloyalty, insincerity, and decisions made without concern for those affected.

The best approach to this full moon is to be patient, progressive, open-minded and flexible. You can rely on motivation, creativity and originality to overcome difficulties, adapt to changing conditions and take advantage of new opportunities.

Moon Phases

The influence of the February 12 full moon lasts two weeks until the February 27 new moon. Astrologically, a full moon is influenced by the preceding new moon. The January 29 new moon brings growth, happiness and good fortune to those who deserve it. It gives the self-confidence and enthusiasm for starting something new, increasing wealth and overcoming obstacles. However, there is a risk of loss and disappointment for those who have abused power, been lazy or did not earn their wealth and status.

If the Full Moon February 2025 astrology directly impacts your horoscope, you can read about it in your February horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart, see full moon transits.

Full Moon February 2025 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – February 12, 5:53 am
  • New York – February 12, 8:53 am
  • London – February 12, 1:53 pm
  • Delhi – February 12, 7:23 pm
  • Sydney – February 13, 0:53 am


  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.322.
  2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.44, 58.