Full Moon May 2014

Full Moon May 2014 Astrology

Expect Delays – Full Moon May 2014

The major astrological influence on full moon May 2014 comes from the planet Saturn. So I could not resist using the image above, a traffic sign in my local town telling us to expect delays on the day of this full moon, Wednesday May 14. A Saturn full moon not only means we can expects delays, but also other limiting conditions affecting the public and women.

More positive attributes of Saturn will surface as a result of this full moon, and these will revolve around friendship and relationships due to a strong Venus in the full moon horoscope. First up I will investigate the challenging aspects to the moon. Then I will look to more pleasing features in the chart which improve the outlook for the fortnight ahead.

Saturn Full Moon

The Full Moon conjunct Saturn suggest some drama involving your home, parents, children or your partner will be very trying on your emotions, leading to feelings of rejection and depression. Men and particularly fathers, as represented by Saturn, will be the source of hardship faced by the public and women, both ruled by the Moon.

The last close conjunction of a full moon to Saturn was on 26 September 1996. On the following day, the Taliban gained control of the Afghanistan capital, Kabul. This forced the US and her allies to wage war against these extremist Islamic terrorists. This longest war in the history of the United Sates has not been about oil or money, but an ideological war against the abhorrent actions of religious extremists, particularly their cruel treatment of women. In 1996, the national pastime in Afghanistan was changed from soccer, to the weekly stoning to death and beheading of women in the arena.

Another example of the effects of a Saturn full moon occurred fours days after that September 1996 full moon. The US Congress banned anyone convicted of domestic violence from buying firearms. In both examples we see Saturn governments and patriarchy applying strict discipline to the public in areas concerning the treatment and welfare of women.

Full Moon May 2014 Astrology

Full Moon May 2014 Astrology

The Sun conjunct the minor planet Sedna stresses the hardship faced by women from this full moon. That post I just linked to concerns the influence on climate change from Sedna, which may become an issue in the following weeks.

Full Moon Cooperation

Now turning to some positive influences we have the full moon at 23 degrees Scorpio conjunct the friendly fixed star Agena. At the personal level this will encourage the more guiding, sensible and stable influence of Saturn to prevail, and Agena has a fortunate influence on love and marriage. A sense of honor and good morals from Agena will influence fathers and governments to stand up for the rights of their wives and daughters. While the spotlight may be on the extremist Islamic terrorists in Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan, those in affluent Western counties should also be looking in their own backyard at domestic violence and the sex-slave industry.

Full Moon May 2014 Times


Los Angeles, USA
New York, USA
London, UK
Delhi, India
Sydney, Australia


14 May 2014
14 May 2014
14 May 2014
15 May 2014
15 May 2014


12.15 pm
03:15 pm
08:15 pm
00:45 am
05:15 am

In the background of the Full Moon May 2014 astrology is the dramatic social and political upheaval caused by Uranus square Pluto. The rebellious and unpredictable side of this square comes into focus with Venus conjunct Uranus. More tension involving women and love. Mercury sextile Venus allows for the tension to be relieved through open and honest discussions. This aspect has a similar influence on friendship and diplomacy to that of the fixed star Agena.

In summary, the restrictive influence of Saturn on the May 14 full moon will bring to our attention the hardship and suffering of women, and the sadness we experience as a result of relationship breakdowns. Venus conjunct Uranus brings unexpected displays of empathy and love which will strengthen the friendly and diplomatic influence of the fixed star Agena. Mercury sextile Venus ensures that friendship and cooperation turn initial Saturn hardship and delays into positive and enduring outcomes for relationships and the treatment of women.