Full Moon 6 September 2017 Freaky Synchronicity

Full Moon September 2017 AstrologyThe full moon on Wednesday September 6, 2017 is at 13° Pisces. The astrology of full moon September 2017 suggests confusion, deception and weakness will have an impact on your hopes and dreams and on your love life.

The September 2017 full moon is extra strong due to a pair freaky synchronicities. Full moon September 2017 and the June 2017 Neptune retrograde station are on the same degree. Both charts also have Moon conjunct Neptune on the same degree. The other synchronicity involves Mercury stationing direct at the September 6 full moon on the same degree as the August 21 solar eclipse.

Full Moon Meaning

A full moon is Sun opposite Moon  which highlights opposing forces or polarities in your life. These can include your ego versus emotions, your work versus home, or what you need versus what you want. Inner tension and external pressures can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. Use you increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an objective and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

The full moon influence lasts for two weeks and relates to the previous new moon. Your August 21 solar eclipse goals can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is the first harvest time of this new eclipse cycle. It is time to make emotional adjustments in response to your  goals. The solar eclipse brought bold, confident changes leading to long-term success.

Full Moon September 2017 Astrology

The September 6 full moon at 13°53′ Pisces is strongly influenced by Neptune retrograde at 12°49′ Pisces. The main themes of full moon September 2017 are spirituality, idealism, dreams, illusion, deception, weakness, confusion and vagueness. How will Neptune influence affect your mood and close relationships?

Moon conjunct Neptune increases your emotional sensitivity. Sensing the thoughts and feelings of others can make you feel very uneasy or physically sick. You may pick up the wrong signals so be cautious, you will be more vulnerable to deception and scandal. Dreams may turn into fantasies with a life of their own. Suspicion could spiral into paranoia, guilt or self-destructive habits such as drug addiction and eating disorders.

Full Moon September 2017 is like a double-edged sword. Conscious self-awareness will help you filter out the background noise so you can use your sensitivity for good. While some psychic impressions may inaccurate, your compassion and empathy will be genuine. You can be of great help to the victimized and outcast. Your emotional comfort will have a healing quality.

Hygiene and cleanliness will be important because this full moon is associated with weakness and illness. Higher susceptibility to germs and the effects of drugs, alcohol and anesthetics are likely. There will be an increased risk of exposure to poisons and infectious material.

Neptune stationed retrograde conjunct the Moon on 16 June at 14°15′ Pisces.
This September 6 full moon conjunct Neptune retrograde is at 13°53′ Pisces.

Freaky synchronicity like this can result in deja vu, series of coincidences and strange experiences in general.

Fixed star Achernar at 15°34′ Pisces will have a weaker but more positive influence on full moon September 2017. This bright star in the Mouth in the River acts like Jupiter. It gives kindness, charity, happiness, success by giving good morals, faithful adherence to religious beliefs or a philosophy, and a senior position in the government or church.

Full Moon September 2017 Astrology

Full Moon September 2017 Astrology Chart

Full Moon September 2017 Aspects

Moon-Neptune opposite Sun creates a tense and confrontational environment. Sun opposite Moon brings attention to your close relationships and how they are influenced by confusion and deception. Others may try to bring you down by attacking your private life. The two weeks of this moon phase will be an especially sensitive time. For as well as feeling more emotional and romantic, you may also feel suspicious and vulnerable.

Sun opposite Neptune increases the already high level of confusion, deception, insecurity and discouragement. If you cannot avoid dealing with the harsh realities of life, you will need to take some precautions to avoid loss and disappointment. Weakened defenses can attract psychic vampires. Sneaky, dishonest people who will try to take advantage of you, or sell you stuff you don’t need. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.

Be very clear to yourself and to others about your intentions. There can be no gray areas, only yes or no. Any deception, underhand tactics or lying on your part will be like digging a bigger hole for yourself. If you do face disappointment and discouragement, it may be tempting to escape the harsh realities of life through mind altering substances. Remember, you will be more susceptible to addiction and overdose, as well as being ripped off.

Moon quincunx Venus increases your need for love and affection but it also increases tension between you and a particular loved one. This loved one will often be female or a close relative such as you mother, but may also be an intimate male friend or lover. Relationship tension may rise because of an imbalance involving emotional support and love. The amount of love you receive will be noticeably different to the amount of love you give.

When relationship tensions rise, a critical point is reached where something must happen to restore the balance. This can range from an argument right through to an affair. If one partner does seek satisfaction elsewhere it will involve secrecy and the risk of being caught. Such relationship issues may become a recurring problem with a continual build up then release of tension. A secret friendship or affair would most likely involve a friend, colleague or relative of the partner being cheated on.

Venus quincunx Neptune will complicate already tense love relationships with all the confusion and deception mentioned earlier. It brings the victim/saviour dynamic into the relationship. If you have a poor self-image and don’t like looking in the mirror, full moon September 2017 will bring a tipping point where you are forced to make adjustments. You cannot go on trying to balance a lack of self-love with self-sacrifice or self-abuse.

Mercury stations direct less than 24 hours before the September 6 full moon. This is a critical point in the Mercury retrograde cycle with a greater chance of communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays and lost items. Aggressive or defensive thinking can bring nasty words, arguments, outbursts of temper and impulsive actions. You will not have the patience for anymore excuses for disloyalty, deception or infidelity.

The solar eclipse on 21st August was at 28°52′ Leo.
Mercury stations direct 5 September at 28°25′ Leo.

More freaky synchronicity like this brings more deja vu and strange coincidences.

Full Moon September 2017 Summary

The August 21 solar eclipse is helping you make bold, confident changes for long-term success. The September 6 full moon brings, idealism, dreaming, illusion, deception, weakness and confusion. You may lose faith in your dreams for the future. Confusion and deception may put at risk your long-term success. Relationship problems, illness or financial strain may lead to disappointment. You may feel weak and discouraged but don’t let your loving kindness be mistaken for weakness.

Romance is possible but remember the difference between fantasy and reality. As well as emotion and romance, there will be suspicion and vulnerability. Mistrust, secrets and lies can poison an important relationship. You will likely lose your patience with any continuing problems in your love life or finances. If you do begin to lose hope, remember this full moon is distorting your view of reality. Things are not as the seem.

Focused and acute thinking will clear away the fog and expose the secrets and lies. Discovering the truth may hurt but your ambition and sense of adventure will return. A sense of urgency will bring swift and positive change. Excitement and passion will replace mistrust and disappointment. Determined and sustained effort will bring the growth and happiness you wish for.If full moon September 2017 directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your Monthly Horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Full Moon Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: Solar Eclipse 21 August 2017
Next Moon Phase: New Moon 20 September 2017

Full Moon September 2017 Times and Dates
Los Angeles
New York
September 6 – 12:02 am
September 6 – 3:02 am
September 6 – 8:02 am
September 6 – 12:32 pm
September 6 – 5:02 pm