Natalie Rupnow – An Unforgiving Character

Natalie Rupnow Astrology

Natalie Rupnow was the 15-year-old perpetrator of the Abundant Life Christian School shooting in Madison, Wisconsin, on December 16, 2024. The planetary aspects and fixed stars in Natalie Rupnow’s astrology chart explain her troubled past and violent end.

Natalie Rupnow Horoscope

We have no time or place of birth for Natalie Rupnow. But she did post on social media that she was “born on November 7, 2009.” 1 Without an Ascendant to Midheaven, much information is missing from this interpretation. Even the Moon moves 15° in 24 hours.

The orbs for the aspects and fixed stars listed in the interpretation below are the largest possible in Wisconsin during the 24 hours of November 7, 2009. Some will be stronger, and some weaker. However, Natalie Rupnow definitely has these stars and aspects in his chart. These are shown in the aspect lines in the chart below.

Natalie Rupnow Horoscope

Natalie Rupnow Horoscope

Sun and Mercury

Fixed star Zubenelgenubi conjunct Sun (0°44′) and Mercury (2°30′): Zubenelgenubi is symbolically called the Insufficient Price. It causes malevolence, obstruction, an unforgiving character, violence, disease, lying, crime, disgrace, and the danger of poison. It gives an immortal name. However, this comes about more by tragic circumstances than by well-noted success.

This star can give the courage to fight for what is right, but a position of power brings regret, public dishonor or worse. Harshly aspected (square Jupiter), justice takes a back seat to vengeance and frequently causes unfortunate situations, from domestic strife and miscarriages of justice to psychopathic killings that started in the guise of love.

With Sun: The ability to zero in on an objective, mental anxiety and suffering through wrongful accusations, sickness of self and family, disfavor of superiors, loss in business and through fire or speculation, ultimate disgrace, loss and ruin.

With Mercury: Crafty, clever, quick mind, subtle, revengeful, treacherous, bad health, disgrace, poverty or a ward of society.

Sun conjunct Mercury (1°46′) is the most significant aspect in the Natalie Rupnow horoscope. It means that her thinking and communication are critical to her makeup. But this aspect means little on its own because it is heavily influenced by the negative star Zubenelgenubio and a challenging square aspect to Jupiter.

Sun square Jupiter (3°14′) and Mercury square Jupiter (2°04′) amplify the risk of malevolence, vengeance, violence and tragedy caused by the fixed star Zubenelgenubi. This combination gives an abundance of enthusiasm and a sense of adventure that is difficult to control. Lack of concentration and self-discipline would have caused problems learning and trouble with teachers and other students.

A lack of moderation and poor judgment has pushed the boundaries of morals and ethics. It led to extremes and excesses in behavior, ideas, opinions and beliefs. Arrogance, bigotry, and a tendency to be indiscreet would have led to dysfunctional relationships, disagreements, arguments, disappointment, loss and embarrassment.


Venus sextile Pluto (2°27′) made Natalie Rupnow extremely passionate about love and what she loved doing. It brought obsessions, compulsions and infatuations, which have taken a sinister turn because of the harsher aspects in her chart and some particularly nasty fixed stars.

This aspect would have made her quite intense, with a tendency to focus on a particular person or issue. She would have been deeply hurt by any disloyalty, rejection or bullying.


Mars conjunct fixed star Asellus Australis (1°21′): Energy, courage, misapplied powers, public disfavor.

Asellus Australis causes slander, gain and loss of friends, domestic problems, disgraceful actions, reputation loss, an inability to take insults, serious accidents, burns and violent death. Can become moody, self-willed, uncooperative, stubborn, impatient, aggressive, brutal and violent, and put life in danger through lack of caution or by being a dare-devil.


Saturn square Pluto (0°34′) gives a ruthless determination, but stubbornness often derails success. Conservative views and unwillingness to change that verges on ignorance made it difficult for her to evolve spiritually. A lack of flexibility and adaptability would have resulted in painful experiences and crises.

A limiting influence on ethics and morals caused her to hold a minority belief based on an extreme interpretation of a philosophy or religion. It is the main reason in her astrology chart for her hateful, racist, and xenophobic beliefs.

This aspect creates a fear of change that can become debilitating and self-destructive. Steel armor and a cold, calculating attitude could have made Natalie Rupnow lonely and feared and lacking enjoyment from intimate human contact. She had an online boyfriend for two years but never met in person.

A lack of flexibility and adaptability would have resulted in painful experiences and crises and a lack of enjoyment from intimate human contact. She had an online boyfriend for two years but never met in person.


Uranus conjunct fixed star Markab (0°41′): Evil habits, mental disturbances, clever, wanderer, unavailing efforts, a peculiar life, trouble with the parent of the opposite sex and domestic matters, many accidents, violent death, and dangers from fire, weapons or explosions.

Markab can give good fortune, wealth and high honors, but the risk of misfortune, unrealized ambitions, disgrace, fevers, cuts, blows, stabs, fire and violent death.


Neptune conjunct fixed star Deneb Algedi (0°00′): Easily influenced, psychic ability, superstitious, reserved, economical, some gain through speculation, many enemies, bad early environment leaving a lasting impression, morose and melancholy at the end of life, accidents, death in a fit or by assassination.

Deneb Algedi brings beneficence and destructiveness, sorrow and happiness, and life and death.


Pluto conjunct fixed star Spiculum (0°32′): This star cluster gives refinement, the courage of convictions, ambition, fetishes, self-destruction and illness. Harsh aspects (square Saturn) give a strong tendency towards depression, a negative ‘fear of God,’ a morbid outlook religiously and all manner of problems, psychological and physical.

South Node

South Node conjunct fixed star Pollux (0°09′): This star is the wicked boy or the pugilist, symbolically named A Heartless Judge. It gives a subtle, crafty, spirited, brave, audacious, cruel, brutal, tyrannical and rash nature, eminence, renown, dignified malevolence, an aptitude for getting into quarrels, a love of sports, especially boxing, violence, psychic ability, success in war, business and politics, and is connected with poisons.


  1. Troubled past, violent end: Unraveling Natalie Rupnow’s tragedy, Marta Grzeszczuk,, November 18, 2024.


22 thoughts on “Natalie Rupnow – An Unforgiving Character

  1. Very unfortunate and very interesting I have the aspect Saturn square Pluto in Scorpio 26 3rd and Leo 29 12th respectively and I have never felt as you described Perhaps all the other aspects play off of this square making it very intense

    • We be close Antoinette. Do you know any younger Saturn Pluto squares. I love em. We love each other. As one of my closest said, nobody gets me like you do. Our north nodes are conjunct too.

  2. Yeah, I get that, not relating to saturn pluto square too, sure I got shit on plenty. But to get all angry and ballistic about it seems like alot of work. Maybe my retro mars is too lazy to get that wound up. I have to reserve my energy to get to the fridge to get something to eat. I mean even an online boyfriend I don’t have to see seems like alot of work.

    She had alot going on sounds like. And however do we turn stuff around to survive. She’ll never know. RIP you critter.

      • 🤣🤣🤣I would have to motor around the mess on the floor. 🤣🤣One of my favorite storage places, the floor. I’ve always got projects going en masse. Right now I just finished up phase 1 of a huge document wrap up so there are stacks of paper and scattered refuse pages all over the floor. It is melding with Xmas gift wrapping and wine curing in the crock that I need to get raked and bottled.

        Maybe I am not lazy, just too hard on myself.

          • Always. There has always been a wall of unacceptance I have had to deal with. I am a joy junkie. It keeps me in balance. I can see the beauty around me. It is in stark contrast to the other thing. It brings me to my knees in greatfulness. Sometimes it is so overwhelming I cry tears of joy. The balance of extremes I’d say but joy always wins in the end. My mars rx opp Jupiter is like 10 degrees apart, but everytime I run a chart there it is that opp line between them. There is something going on there I think.

            • Not overthinking Anthony. It’s like I get in it, it happens, and I can’t find my way out. Sometimes it takes a long time. It is very very hard work. Our living situations are not real different at the moment. I considered leaving, but nothing to go to so that means this is it and make it work. Although the universe or whatever is doing its darndest to annihilate me habitat. I read somewhere that what survives a Uranus opp to natal Saturn will last. One more Uranus pass coming up. 🤞🏻

  3. The more I read over this breakdown I hear passion, adventure, intuitiveness. What the heck are her parents thinking sending her to a constructive religion programming school. Yegads I was at one grades 1-6 due to neighborhood one room schoolhouse closing. Thank goodness I got out due to overpopulation of Catholics that were reproducing like bunnies. So her Saturn Pluto square semi squares sun Mercury? I think that implies something. She made it through Uranus opposition the semisquare. Or did she?

  4. I meant constrictive not constructive. No room for individuality there, just compliance. She could never forgive, but needed time to accept. I get that.

  5. The transiting sun was sextiling her Neptune forming a yod with her SN. The answer should have been in her NN. Again, too young, too young. Unseasoned.

    Just read her parents were divorced and remarried twice and she was shuffled back and forth. And sent to therapy. Is that a cancer moon I see. Some security. Shaky.

  6. I was a screwed up teen, rebellious not understanding the wrongs the norms were trying to force on me. I can’t help but think, what if guns were available to teens back then. I can’t think I would do something like this.? Like hurt people like this. But I shudder to think of the remote possibility. And the internet mind control. Aargh. See, more reason to be grateful, being born when I was.

  7. The father in her chart needs to be looked at. He was influential on her, reportedly a “neo-nazi,” and shaped her killer “ideology.”

    • Tasty. I am puzzled when a person totally buys on to parental’s shtick. But I guess it happens with spouses too. Oh dear oh dear. She’s not getting the press that the health care ceo killer is getting. Oh yeah, just another school shooting. Hohum. NOT!

  8. She has a wide square between sun and mars too. It is weak but enforces the quality of matial stars like asellus and pollux. Violent behavior.

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