The New Moon on Friday April 5, 2019 at 15° Aries is square Saturn. Although this is a challenging aspect, the new moon is more promising because of the fortunate fixed star Alpheratz.
The April 2019 new moon brings opportunities for honor, wealth, promotion, good friends and business success. But first, any fear, self-doubt or pessimism must be overcome with patience, perseverance and hard work.
New Moon Meaning
A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28 day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.
The effects of the April 5 new moon will last four weeks up to the May 4 New Moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from April 5 to the April 19 Full Moon.
New Moon April 2019 Astrology
The April 5 new moon makes a challenging aspect to Saturn but this is only a very mild influence because the orb is over four degrees. A stronger and more fortunate influence come from the bright fixed star Alpheratz in the Head of the Princess, Constellation Andromeda.
14 ♈ 33 – Fixed Star Alpheratz
15 ♈ 13 – Asteroid 144 Vibilia
15 ♈ 17 – New Moon
20 ♈ 01 – Square Saturn
New Moon Star
Fixed star Alpheratz gives independence, freedom, love, riches, honor and a keen intellect. [1] It also gives a harmonious nature which brings about good relationships and popularity. [2]
Alpheratz conjunct new moon gives honor, wealth, promotion, favors from others, perseverance, many good friends and business success. [1] Popularity and fame are possible but can also be easily toppled over and become unpopular. [2]
Constellation Andromeda bestows purity of thought, virtue, honor and dignity, but can also cause a battle with chimerical fears and a tendency to become easily discouraged. It gives love between husband and wife and reconciles adulterers. [1]
New Moon Planet
New Moon square Saturn with the wide orb of 4°44′ suggests there may be some tests and challenges to overcome before reaching the honor, promotion or happy marriage promised by Alpheratz.
If you suffer from depression, self-doubt, pessimism or low self-esteem, the new moon conjunct Alpheratz may trigger discouragement and “a battle with chimerical fears”. If so, this is a great opportunity to face your fears head on and beat them, once and for all.
Or you may feel that certain duties and responsibilities are holding you back from success. If so, the new moon is also test of your character. Strive to meet your responsibilities with patience, determination and a strong work ethic.
New Moon Asteroid
Asteroid Vibilia is named after the Roman goddess of journeys and traveling, “who prevented people from losing their way”. [3]
Astrologically, Vibilia does seem to relate to all kinds of traveling, especially the frequent, habitual or especially significant kind. [4]
Asteroid Vibilia could also symbolize a spiritual journey to gain enlightenment, self understanding, or happiness and contentment in your soul.
Find asteroid Vibilia in your chart:
- Create your chart HERE.
- Choose “Extended Chart Selection”.
- Under “Additional objects” type 144 in “Manual entry”.
New Moon Summary
New Moon April 2019 offers wealth, happiness and success because of the star Alpheratz. But the square to Saturn means you have try hard and really want it. There can be no short cuts to success with this new moon.
This new moon will help you identify any sadness, fears or inhibitions that stand in your way professional success or companionship. Asteroid Vibilia may bring travel for work or romance, or she may help on an inner journey to get back on the path to success.If the new moon directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, for more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.
- Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon 20 March 2019
- Next Moon Phase: Full Moon 19 April 2019
- 2019 Moon Phases Calendar
New Moon April 2019 Times and Dates
- Los Angeles, April 5 at 1:50 am
- New York, April 5 at 4:50 am
- London, April 5 at 9:50 am
- Delhi, April 5 at 2:20 am
- Sydney, April 5 at 7:50 pm
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.26, 133.
- Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.2.
- Encyclopaedia of Antiquities and Elements of Archaeology, Thomas Dudley Fosbroke, 1843, p.582
- Asteroid 144 Vibilia, Mark Andrew Holmes
Out of curiosity : will the moon conjunct natal Sun increase the meaning of the moon even if Saturn transit is also making a square with natal mercury(22 Aries)?
Would this apply for the whole solar return?
A correction: Vibilia is nr 144. I will also take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent work Jamie!
Thank you Johan, I have corrected it now.
Thank you so much for the work you do and knowledge you share Jamie. Also finally a Jupiterian Venusian stars influence, we would need that after all the mess Mercury RX and Scheat made of March 2019, won’t we?
I know this star is no longer in the constellation Pegasus, but I do wonder if the Norwegian cruise liner, augurs if better newscome…Pegasus associated with ships and Ocean and the cruise liner stopped in the nick of time before running aground…
and the help from helicopters evacuating some of the passengers and hopefully all of them soon, Andromeda’s (head) so being patient and doing what is needed that everyone is safe….it sure would be a change from the bad news of plane accidents and such of the last 3 months. Despite the challenges, this new moon may just be what is needed to return hope to so many people around the globe.
These transits are really impacting on my mental health! Little seems have been discussed about the recent Sun conjunct chiron or mercury playing about in Neptune’s murky waters. I dont know about others experience but this is a really testing time mentally. I am concerned this new moon exactly opposes my Pluto eek! Undertaking counselling at the moment (Saturn & Pluto both currently transiting my 8th house). Looking forward to feeling sane again but must say the purification process is a messy one. Thanks Jamie for forecasts. Best wishes from ‘the edge’, Leo Decan 3
Exact conjunct my mercury ruler of 3th house and opposit my uranus ruler of 7.:(
What can be happened?
I’m scared Jamie, it will aspecting my natal Mars in 9th, 13 degree Capricorn. Squaring
Today i climbed a mountain. Brought along a walking stick, but it broke half way up, discarded.
My ascendant sign is 8Leo08, and my heart was beating strong. You know when your heart is beating strong? You gotta rest and take the time to enjoy the view. My descent later in the day reminded me to go just as slow down as up, because… when you are a Capricorn Sun going down a mountain, it’s hard on the knees.
Vibilia 1Cap43, 143°35″ biQuintile Ascendant.
Meh. I think I will only be over the effects of this Mercury retrograde in Pisces once it’s past Chiron. With the conjunction to Neptune still active, and my own Mercury being afflicted by a square from Chiron (which makes the trine from Uranus in Taurus a bit too intense), this is giving me massive autistic-ADHD executive dysfunction and brain fog (more intense at the end of the day, when I am tasked with anything, no matter how simple, and was worse before it turned direct again), as well as weird dreams. Today my phone died, too, proving that my Mercury is really coping terribly. The square of Mars in Gemini conjunct the Pleiades to my own Mars in Virgo conjunct Regulus and Phecda, which previously helped Mercury through a mutual reception, was the final nail on the cross. Other friends of mine with similar neurotypes have also been feeling it ever since early or mid-February.
I feel your pain… let’s hope this is over soon never to repeat! I have these awful mercury Neptune transits squaring my natal Neptune since mid Feb & Uranus just entered Taurus (ruler of my 12th) Hoping I dont end up in a straight jacket.
Hi Jamie, my generation has Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn. My Uranus is around 14° Cap and Neptune at 16°, therefore it is still influenced by Saturn and this New Moon is squaring it quite powerfully. I think it gives this otherwise wishy-washy (even in Aries!) New moon quite difficult influence for many people around my age. How do you think this New moon will influence these people?