New Moon February 1, 2022 – Romantic Surprise

New Moon February 2022 AstrologyThe Aquarius new moon on February 1, 2022, makes a tense square aspect to Uranus. So the spiritual meaning of the new moon February 2022 astrology relates to adapting to change and uncertainty with flexibility, open-mindedness, and higher self-awareness.

The February 2022 new moon also brings opportunities to benefit from changing conditions. Venus trine Uranus can bring an exciting new romance or spice up an exciting love relationship. A surprise financial bonus is also possible.

New Moon February 2022 Astrology

The new moon Tuesday, February 1, 2022, at 12°19′ Aquarius is conjunct Saturn and square Uranus. But for this interpretation, I believe the Uranus aspect is more important for 3 reasons:

  1. The orb for the Uranus square (1°25′) is much smaller than the orb for the Saturn conjunction (3°10′).
  2. Saturn square Uranus (4°37′) has ceased having any influence.
  3. Venus trine Uranus (0°20′) is the tightest planetary aspect in the chart and makes Uranus even stronger.
New Moon February 2022 Astrology

New Moon February 2022 [Stellarium]

New Moon Meaning

Sun conjunct Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. But it also brings emotional balance, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating.

So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

The Aspects

New Moon square Uranus brings tension, conflict and crisis due to sudden and unexpected change. It makes people nervous, anxious, unsettled, unpredictable, impulsive, reckless, unreliable and rebellious. There is the risk of accidents, explosions, protests, revolution and chaos.

Your freedom and individuality may be challenged. But this new moon aspect also amplifies your ego and pride, giving a strong urge to express your true inner self without restraint. Willfulness and arrogance could easily lead to ego conflicts, especially if you take on superiors.

The best way to approach this change and uncertainty is with flexibility, originality, and inventiveness. Open-mindedness and higher self-awareness can lead to a brave new path with unexpected opportunities and exciting possibilities.

Venus trine Uranus brings harmonious change and excitement to your love life, finances and creative outlets. It gives an urge to seek pleasure, amusement, stimulation, and new experiences.

The new moon square Uranus can upset this balanced state. But Venus trine Uranus is stronger. It offers ways to channel your excited impulsiveness, to resolve conflict, and to relieve tension.

The answer is love! You will feel less inhibited and better able to express your unique loving and affectionate nature, as well as your creative flair. This is a good new moon to make new friends, start an exciting new romance, or spice up an existing love relationship.

The influence of the February 1 new moon lasts for four weeks up to the March 2 new moon. The best time for starting new projects is during the two-week waxing moon phase, from February 1 to the February 16 full moon.

If the new moon February 2022 astrology directly affects your Sign you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, for more details about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

New Moon February 2022 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles, January 31, 9:45 pm
  • New York, February 1, 0:45 am
  • London, February 1, 5:45 am
  • Delhi, February 1, 11:15 am
  • Sydney, February 1, 4:45 pm