Single Ambivalence Aspect Pattern

Single Ambivalence Aspect PatternA Single Ambivalence aspect pattern is also called an Easy Opposition. It is a right-angled triangle formed from a red opposition, a blue sextile, and a blue trine. Red-blue aspect patterns give an ambivalent attitude, a dualistic world outlook, and a tendency to think in black and white terms. A sometimes absolutist “either/or attitude” can lead to arguments.

Ambivalence is expressed in the two colors. The red opposition aspect is full of tension, pressure and conflict. Directly connected with this is a relaxed, pleasure-oriented pole, which forms the apex of this right-angled blue-legged triangle.

The blue side of this figure suggests an ideal world, where you see only beauty and goodness and tension is swiftly despatched along it. The blue-aspected planet forms a third pole to the opposition planets; it indicates a kind of switch point in the correct management of the ambivalent energies.

Living mostly with the planet at the blue apex allows you to enjoy life. It is fairly easy to diffuse the opposition tension along the blue aspects. The apex planet enables a freer view of things, thus making the opposition more bearable. [1]

However, seeking comfort and pleasure by only expressing the apex planet makes you unable to deal with conflict. And reverting to the apex planet when tension occurs means you are running away from your problems. The opposition will always catch up with you if you ignore it. The strong inner restlessness would suddenly take over and embroil you in problems again.

The key to enjoying life and also being successful is to proactively use the apex planet to solve problems as soon as they arise. This not only relieves tension but also gives a sense of balance and direction. The skills and determination provided by this aspect pattern can then lead to great achievements.

Easy Opposition Aspect Pattern

Joe Biden Horoscope

In the chart above for Joe Biden, Neptune is at the apex of the Single Ambivalence, or Easy Opposition aspect pattern. Uranus opposite Ascendant, unfortunately, manifested as the death of his wife in a car accident. He must have relied on his spirituality (Neptune) to help him through such a tragedy. Now he is the “healer-in-chief”, trying to overcome the extreme polarity in his country.


  1. Aspect Pattern Astrology, Bruno and Louise Huber, 2005, p. 155.

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