Grand Cross Aspect Pattern

Grand Cross Aspect Pattern

A Grand Cross is one of two types of red aspect patterns, and the other is the T-Square. Red aspect patterns are called ‘achievement figures,’ as the aspects they form are charged with energy. The energy tension allows people to use it in life, be it in work, to act, or to achieve goals.

Blue and green are missing from the red figures. Without blue, there is no possibility for relaxation; without green, one acts without thinking. Red promotes action, achievement, the attaining of goals, and demonstration. These people are very active, and many work by the motto “act first, think later” and not the other way around, which means that mistakes can be made very easily.

A Grand Cross aspect pattern consists of two oppositions and four squares. The Hubers call this tense configuration an Achievement Square or an Efficiency Square.1 In Grand Cross astrology, energy is stored and collected by the oppositions like a battery. The high tension energy potential created is then discharged through the squares, the four sides of the Grand Cross.

The power and dynamism of the red aspects are molded into a fixed form, making their presence felt. This gives you great potential to achieve your goals. You can work very hard and constantly, with excellent reliability and rigor, giving you security.

Because there are only red aspects in a Grand Cross, it gives power, will, control and self-possession. It makes it hard for you to understand what relaxation and self-satisfaction mean. But you have a great deal of available energy from two almost inexhaustible batteries constantly recharging each other.

You love contradictions, know about the world’s polarities, and live accordingly. You measure your worth by your toughness, your stamina, and the responsibility you have.

Grand Cross Astrology Chart

Grand Cross Astrology

Geena Davis Horoscope

Grand Cross Symmetry

The perfect symmetry of the Grand Cross astrology makes you calm, balanced and unflappable. You are not vacant but very present, ready to act, and can define yourself clearly.

The effect of this figure is similar to a revolving door or a turntable, hence your ability to change the direction of a force and suddenly change from one world to another or to change your mind. As an active and very determined person, you could make a good manager, director, or a decisive decision-maker or adviser who operates behind the scenes, one who pulls the strings.

In both mutually dependant opposites lies the wisdom that it ultimately does not matter which opposite you deal with. You cannot cut yourself off from your inner truth, even if you do everything for others or identify yourself with others. With a Grand Cross, everything is possible. If something does not work, it will be attempted again differently.


Grand Cross astrology indicates an achievement-oriented and practical philosophy and a good memory for work processes, actions and conflicts. This down-to-earth sense of reality can be used constructively (manual ability), and no one should try to stop you from doing this. The energies can be blocked if you cannot live as you want and if conflicts are not settled immediately. It is hard to make a second attempt if things are put off. There is a tendency to repress and block, and decisions are left to be made by fate or other people.

You often trust your own willpower so much that you don’t see other possibilities and advantages and get stuck in habitual work processes. Women, particularly with a Grand Cross, seem to dislike taking up any position of power of their own but are happy to support the power of others with their diligence. They do not want to be leaders but will serve as role models for those around them. They possess the ability to keep others’ spirits up.


Your performance is unrivaled because you work with total calm and self-control but can still achieve a great deal. You control your energy so that you never get stressed because you take all the time you need to complete your work carefully and conscientiously. You do the work of four people! (four squares). As a stonemason chisels a statue out of stone by chipping away indeterminably, you can be so tenacious and persistent that once you have started a job, you can finish it in one go without a break.

You may hate the work that must be done, but you are magically attracted to it and forced to deal with it. Problems can arise with work that has to be done by other people. You must learn that not everyone is like you and that you must occupy a uniquely isolated position in society, preferably a position where you can serve as many people as possible. For with your will, you can accomplish almost impossible things.

Fixed Ideas

Sometimes fixed ideas are problematic, especially in human relationships, where you expect those around you to work and live as competently and efficiently as you do. This causes you, consciously or unconsciously, to put pressure on your work colleagues and partners. In the best case, you serve as an example of an increase in performance. Often, life demands that expectations are reduced, which can be very painful. The Grand Cross astrology has a karmic character and has also been called the “Karmic Cross.”


You take life very seriously, sometimes too seriously. You may become disappointed and embittered if those around you do not recognize your potential or if you do not achieve your goals. This is often the case if one corner is open or one square has a relatively wide orb. In this case, letting go means losing security, making you feel anxious about losing control of your energies. Losing strength is avoided at all costs; you entrench yourself behind what you already have. Learning new things is often considered unnecessary; you are convinced you are right and refuse to change anything.

More Aspect Patterns

  1. Aspect Pattern Astrology, Bruno and Louise Huber, 2005, p.401.