Eye Aspect Pattern

Eye Aspect Pattern

The Eye aspect pattern is a blue-green triangle formed by two green aspects and one blue one. It is a perception figure that enables sensitive communication. But with no red aspect, there is no active, dynamic awareness. The need to achieve something, to have conflicts or to make decisions is clearly lacking.

The color green, as well as the triangular shape, emphasize the search for meaning, flexibility, and the need for knowledge. The motivations are love, contact and communication. The interpersonal qualities are refined, as is the ability to live in a fantasy world and to strive for abstract ideals.

Blue-green aspect patterns are often a source of inspiration, with which plans can be hatched, intellectual imagination can be trained, and projects can be prepared. But they provide little impetus to put them into practice. Without associated red aspects, nothing can actually be done with your inspiration and intellectual capacity, and you may float above the clouds building castles in the air and avoiding hard work.

Escapist Tendency

If you have predominantly blue-green aspect patterns, you tend to avoid conflicts, tension and stress; you look for the path of least resistance and often escape from reality. You are very inquisitive and interested and have a wonderful, often excessive, imagination.

But when it comes to making a special effort to attain a certain result or to make an important decision, you evade the issue, and your inability shows itself. You become evasive or escapist. The lack of a red aspect often creates a lack of motivation and efficiency. According to the situation, though, this can be offset by your remarkable ability to create relaxed, sensitive, aesthetically pleasing and subtle contact situations and to introduce imaginative points of view and reasoning.


The Eye aspect pattern also called the Information aspect pattern, is a tiny blue-green triangle. It consists of two green semisextile aspects (Mercury-like) and one blue sextile aspect (Venus-like). The Eye’s flexibility, inquisitiveness and alertness produce a state of concentrated attention. It is open to all sides and assimilates more than other aspect patterns.

In the area of the aspect pattern, information is sought and found, everything is observed in detail, and nothing escapes the “eagle eye.” The Eye can also be compared with a radar screen, which rotates to take in all sides, scans the surroundings and records everything it comes across.

Small Sphere of Interest

The Eye is the smallest of all aspect patterns, thus giving a small sphere of interest in which it is very active and expresses the mutable qualities (flexibility and adaptability) in concentrated form. Due to the prevailing Mercurial ability (two semi-sextiles), the Eye works in a very impersonal and unselective way. It often cannot separate the “wheat from the chaff.” Many things are lumped together. That is why it is often difficult to know which information is essential, what belongs together and what doesn’t. This inability to discriminate produces disappointments, misjudgments and naivety.

Both semi-sextiles have a Mercurial quality, so they continually uptake information. This occurs at the horoscope’s periphery and often unconsciously and automatically. Facts and data are gathered in the outside world, and the Eye absorbs everything that comes into reach. Absorbing too much leads to over-stimulation that can become intolerable. Many become so sensitized that they have a “sixth sense.” That is why dissociation from adjacent aspects is necessary.

Radar Screen

In some cases, the Eye can also pick up things that are not visible as if it were a rotating radar screen, producing psychic abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience or clairsentience, especially if the spiritual planets are involved. For some people, this gives them the ability to sense danger and protect others. A deeper insight into motivations and life patterns can also be gained, which is why they often have a particular aptitude for teaching and counseling.

Several sides of all issues are taken in mainly unconsciously so that they see more than normal perception allows. It is something like an “instinctive intuition.” Most people find it challenging to determine where the sudden knowledge comes from, which is why they often seem untrustworthy. People with a “Little Eye” should always aim to be mentally discriminating and look for provable facts.

Sextile Aspect

The blue aspect is helpful. The Venus sextile aspect can take in the information and process and assimilate it to be sorted for future use. That is why the Eye aspect pattern can accumulate much information. However, if the planets at either end of the sextile aspect are not up to assimilating and sorting everything, it can lead to a nervous breakdown.


Sidney Gottlieb

A strong active impulse is associated with the constant effort of gathering and assimilating information and broadening your point of view. What you do with the information depends on the planets involved and your level of awareness. You may merely be inquisitive or someone who also transfers information like a writer or journalist.


The apex of the Eye aspect pattern is where the two green semisextile aspects meet. The apex planet is where information is most easily absorbed and where it is most useful. It is also where you are most perceptive.

In the case of spiritually-oriented people, the perceptive abilities can be very pronounced. The Eye aspect pattern enables them to perceive things that others hide. Other people may gain inspiration by experiencing nature at a higher, more holistic level.

More Aspect Patterns


  1. Aspect Pattern Astrology, Bruno and Louise Huber, 2005, p.194.