Mystic Rectangle Aspect Pattern

Mystic Rectangle

The Mystic Rectangle is a complex aspect pattern formed by combining red and blue aspects. It was also termed a Righteousness Rectangle by the Hubers. [1] It comprises at least six aspects; two sextiles, trines and two oppositions. The two red oppositions are sextile to each other and surrounded by the four blue aspects to create a rectangle.

Mystic Rectangle Astrology

Generally, aspect patterns formed by a combination of red and blue aspects give an ambivalent attitude, a dualistic world outlook, and a tendency to think in black-and-white terms. A sometimes absolutist “either/or attitude” can provide a tendency to argue.

In the mystic rectangle aspect pattern, a tense red cross is surrounded by clam blue aspects. The high-energy oppositions produce a lot of tension and activity. The harmonious aspects bring resolution to any conflict but can also mask an unsettled inner nature. This calm exterior may fool others into thinking you have it all together but don’t fool yourself. Recognize or admit the source of your red inner tension and use your blue talents to resolve them.


The rectangle created by the four blue aspects indicates a rich supply of talent that is kept on solid ground by the red aspects. It looks like an envelope in which the inside, charged with the tension of the two oppositions, is protected. The two red aspects are well wrapped up and are not visible from the outside. The blue aspects show the need for harmony and good behavior and give an impression of security so that no one notices the inner tension.

Just as one cannot see the contents of a sealed envelope, a mystic rectangle makes you seem impossible to read or understand. It makes you outwardly calm, balanced, and “righteous” and only rarely betrays your internal tensions and problems.

You are often unaware of your effect on others, as you are too preoccupied with your internal problems. You are busy trying to keep up a good outward appearance. You don’t accept that anyone else can have problems because you don’t want to have any yourself. This attitude is more common in superficial people. On the other hand, if you try to identify your inner problems (oppositions) and solve them, you will tend to suggest the most perfect possible solutions to those around you.

Mystic Rectangle Motivation

The motivation of this rectangle is clear. You want to spread harmony and acquire harmony. This is not always easy in a world full of contradictions and polar energies, but it is reasonable. It is not that you must stop always looking for meaning; instead, you must always recognize the meaning and value of things but have trouble letting go.

If your sensuality is aroused, you react very devotedly, for you can feel pleasure and know the value of relaxation. However, that can be too much, like a wet sponge. You then find a private retreat and brood.

If you suffer, no one notices, for externally, you only show your balanced blue side. You can be very affectionate but still, hold back. You can have a harmonizing effect on those around you, though. When settling disputes, you instinctively ensure everyone agrees with you.

Your great sensitivity enables you to be considerate and responsive and provide constructive energies. You possess a natural therapeutic gift. The two red diagonals mean everything is controlled centrally, and all life processes are ultimately subject to your will.

Mystic Rectangle Astrology

Mel B Horoscope


The mystic rectangle astrology makes you intelligent and practically oriented. Practical thinking and clear standards are combined in the search for meaning. Your receptive and accepting abilities show a special gift of storing sensations and feelings. Your artistic side shows aesthetic sensibility and a feeling for art and beauty.

However, you do have a depressive prevailing mood because life can be so tricky and yet so beautiful. You are a perfectionist who wants to please everybody and also possess a deep understanding of human nature. You are popular, and those around you appreciate your passive presence.

Sometimes you can be controversial to relax other people and to be able to reveal more depth. You can quickly get someone back onto their feet from the depths of despair. You aim to show meaning to life and help to keep a person on track.


As a red-blue rectangle, the mystic rectangle only knows two states of extremes: strong-weak, harmonious-tense, extrovert-introvert, black-white, good-bad, and so on. Your willpower (red) combines with substance (blue), and collected experiences can be changed.

Due to its four-fold symmetry, the mystic rectangle is practically unassailable. You can ride out any storm, mental pressure, or emotional discharge, even when you have previously suffered from it. Your blue “cushioning” lets you weather every blow and return to your familiar form after an adaption phase. You seem to have something unchangeable and constant in your life and therefore behave quite conservatively.

The symmetrical rectangle consists of four triangles. Therefore, the ability to settle conflict and differences is “multiplied” by four. Indeed you know no other way; insight, logic or knowledge are not very helpful by themselves. You either do something and gain valuable experience or forget it.

The four triangles work like a windmill, giving the impression that you are stuck in a perpetual loop. You rarely have to make an effort to decide, and the wheel of life revolves again and brings you the experience anyway.

The mystic rectangle can look like an envelope with a seal in the middle of a window reinforced with two crossbars. This suggests you are guarding something with your impenetrable all-around vision. Secrets, old and forgotten knowledge, or something about another person? Your fascination grows according to how you go about learning about spiritual matters. You probably have a mystical disposition.

The two oppositions give a high energy potential with which the conflict between the inside and outside can be expressed creatively. The internal pressure caused by the oppositions can sometimes lead to a breakdown, and if the inner tension is not diffused, the substance is lost.

Sometimes, the bottled-up internal pressure leads to mental confusion. Then there is a conversion, a transformation. This leads to a wholesale abandonment of everything that was important before, thus enabling a spiritual rebirth. Something of higher inner value is then present that can be given to the world through the blue aspects.

Mystic rectangle astrology is actually helpful. There are four harmonious blue aspects and only two challenging red aspects. When the challenges of the opposition are consciously recognized and dealt with, they can be overcome, and inner harmony achieved. When the talents and potential of the mystic rectangle are realized, significant achievements are possible that benefit many people.

Mystic Rectangle Examples

If you know of others, please tell me in the comments, and I will add them here.

More Aspect Patterns

  1. Aspect Pattern Astrology, Bruno and Louise Huber, 2005, p.162.