T-Square Aspect Pattern

T-Square Aspect Pattern

A T-Square is one of two red aspect patterns; the other is the Grand Cross. Red aspect patterns are called ‘achievement figures,’ as the aspects they form are charged with energy. The energy tension allows people to use it in life, be it in work, to act, or to achieve goals.

Blue and green are missing from the red figures. Without blue, there is no possibility for relaxation; without green, one acts without thinking. Red promotes action, achievement, the attaining of goals, and demonstration. These people are very active, and many work by the motto “act first, think later” and not vice versa, which means that mistakes can be made very easily.

Achievement Triangle

A T-square is a triangle consisting of two squares joined by an opposition. This red triangle is the classic achievement figure. Also called an Achievement Triangle 1, the purposeful cardinal impetus (red) finds its clearest expression. The triangle’s apex and the planet that lies there indicate where the achievement is directed and which planetary principle is used.

In the case of the red square, work is carried out continuously and progressively. In the case of the T-Square, the energy is paralyzed again and again. A person with a T-square should complete their work quickly and successfully so that they can reset it again afterward. After a short or long break, they can return to work with renewed vigor.

A person with a T-square produces a greater output per measurable unit of time than someone with a square. With a square, the performance is regular and constant, taking more time. The dynamic of these two figures is, therefore, very different.

Of course, the square seeks security, constancy and symmetry, while the T-square’s motivation is more flexible and dynamic. Such a person would like to reach their goal as fast as possible. Someone with a T-square can work like mad, and when they are ready, they move on to the next job assertively and highly dynamically.

Energy is stored and bottled up in the opposition. The energy tension produced by the opposing pressures is discharged along both squares and, in fact, from two sides towards one point. In this way, the apex of the T-square (where the squares come together) forms the powerpoint in which achievement is produced and transferred into work by the discharge of tension. An unsuccessful energy transfer leads to rigid states of awareness; one cannot change, and the same mistakes are repeated.

Planets in the T-Square

A T-square acts differently if the red triangle is formed by the hard “planets” or the “weak planets.”

  • Hard Planets: Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and sometimes Jupiter.
  • Weak Planets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and sometimes Saturn.

With the hard planets Sun, Mars and Saturn, the potential within the T-Square can be optimally realized, especially if they are at the achievement apex. In the case of the weak planets, the motivation and the principle of the T-Square contradict each other. Adequate functioning is usually only barely possible, leading to psychological pressures and problems. Such a figure can succeed in the helping and healing professions, where the intensity leads to the danger of “helper syndrome.”


Joan Rivers T-square

Holy Grail

A T-Square is a very tense and challenging aspect pattern that takes some work to master. Eventually, a series of crises, tests, and challenges will perfect the skills necessary to overcome the inherent obstacles, frustration, and conflict of the squares and opposition. Honoring the necessary life skills and learning to relate to others at the emotional level can lead to the determination, fortitude, and life experience necessary for outstanding achievements and success.

The pattern formed by the “T square” can be identified as the Holy Grail. The dynamic of the T square will manifest as a very subjective need to follow, with great determination, that which makes the individual feel emotionally secure. The conflict will be manifesting as a need to relate emotionally in a very spiritual way while maintaining all the security structures around the self. The need to share oneself completely, with another, without denying personal self-gratification, will be challenged, as it is very difficult to be generous and selfish, at the same time. 2 [Elida Natalia Marchison]

Empty Leg

Another thing to note about T-square is the empty leg, where if a planet were to be in a natal chart, it would complete a grand cross aspect pattern. If you have a T-square in your natal chart, any moon phase or planet transiting the empty leg will highlight the areas of life where you feel emptiness, that something is missing, or where you overcompensate for the attention you give to the achievement apex planet.

More Aspect Patterns

  1. Aspect Pattern Astrology, Bruno and Louise Huber, 2005, p.147.
  2. Major Configurations, Elida Natalia Marchison, 1995