Irritation Triangle Aspect Pattern

Irritation Triangle

An Irritation Triangle is an aspect pattern made of an opposition (red), quincunx and semisextile aspect (both green). Combining red and green aspects creates constant inner tension, and relaxation is almost impossible. This energy almost never comes to a halt and is constantly recharging itself.

Missing Blue

Red and green aspects are both stimulating but in different ways. The green aspects are stimulated by the red aspect and always consider new possibilities. But the lack of a third dimension, a blue aspect, means that new possibilities cannot be realized. Green makes you want to know more, and red makes you want to achieve something and reach goals.

The high energy potential of the opposition creates uneasiness and nervousness. This energy is constantly kept on-call by the green thinking aspects, leading to a permanent state of tension and being permanently “on the go”, which can overtax the nerves, especially when the opportunity for resolution and relaxation is lacking.

The need for a third color in the aspect pattern now becomes obvious. The blue aspect is missing, i.e. the possibility to slowly and thoughtfully prepare a structure in which energy (red) and intelligence (green) can appear.


The Irritation Triangle creates motivation to draw on your energies but often makes you uneasy and nervous, sometimes leading to a breakdown. The slightest resistance or inconsistency challenges your conflictive spirit.

A pronounced philosophy of achievement leads to the undertaking of all-out efforts and constant planning of new things. This makes you push and exploit yourself and others. However, it seldom leads to the desired results, or if it does, they don’t last. As the principle of structure (blue) is missing, efforts are often fruitless. Despite many ideas, you need others to help you carry out your plans.

Constant Stimulus

The Irritation Triangle is also called a Stimulus Triangle. It needs constant movement and stimulating activity, which results in short or long periods of hectic overexertion. The energy stored in the opposition looks for a way to resolve the state of the opposing pressures, the blockage of energy flow and the rigid attitude they produce.

The quincunx makes you painfully aware of the liberation of tension as a desperate longing. However, your endeavors are only sufficient for a permanent communication process (semisextile) that predominantly manifests through the planet at the green corner of the triangle.

Fits of Anger

Sudden outbursts of anger can arise as a reaction to external pressures. This defensive behavior does not last long, though. It is over quickly and forgotten again. The ability for flexibility and adaption enables you to be evasive and to quickly make up for the damage caused or hurt feelings. [1]

According to Joyce Hopewell:

These are touchy, tetchy figures and are seen in the charts of people who are flexible, hard-working, and sensitively aware. These people can often take on more than their fair share of work, but sometimes they take on too much, reach a breaking point and explode. Those around them take cover until the storm passes, and then things calm down quickly as the person returns to what they were doing, feeling a whole lot better, having worked their angst and irritation out of their system with the outburst. [2]

  1. Aspect Pattern Astrology, Bruno and Louise Huber, 2005, p.176-177.
  2. Joyce Hopewell Astrological Psychology: Clint Eastwood.

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