The meaning of the Sun, Moon and planets, the four cardinal points, the aspects between them and the fixed stars are the fundamentals of astrology.
Other points worth investigating include the pre-natal moon phases, the lunar nodes, Chiron, Lilith, minor planets, asteroids and calculated points like the Part of Fortune and Vertex Point.
Please stop using Signs and Houses and the rules created to accompany them. They are inaccurate and misleading and have greatly damaged the reputation of astrology and astrologers.
The horoscope was invented around the 7th century BC as a convenient celestial measuring device. Its degrees and signs recorded astronomical data, not astrological activity.
Observation of the effects of the planets for astrological purposes continued to be related to the visible constellations. [Heavenly Imprints, Deborah Houlding]
The meaning of the Signs was taken from the Constellations, but they are a very rough fit. Constellation Virgo is 46 degrees long, while the constellation Cancer is only 4 degrees long across the ecliptic. Plus, the Constellations have moved nearly 30° out of alignment with the Signs because of the precession of the equinoxes.
The following list of planet meanings in astrology is a work in progress. Please use the comments section to make suggestions for me to add.
The Luminaries
The Sun and Moon are the luminaries or lights. They are more significant than the planets and are linked as the conscious, Yang (Sun) and subconscious, Yin (Moon). Along with the Ascendant, they form the basic personality or the core of the horoscope.
The Sun
The Sun is the life-giving force and is your dominant character, ego, the will to live, sense of purpose, self-expression, personal power, pride, authority, self-esteem, self-respect, leadership qualities, the father, men, yellow and the metal gold. The Sun is hot, bright, active and assertive.
In medical astrology, the Sun rules general health, pituitary gland, heart, spine, and vitality. The Sun, new moons and solar eclipses can cause heart and spinal complaints.
The Moon
The Moon represents your receptive nature, emotions, memories,s unconscious habits, moods, reactions, nurturing, maternal instincts, rhythms, home, need for security, the past, the mother, women, white and the metal silver. It is soft, submissive, tender and shy.
In medical astrology, the Moon rules the hypothalamus, stomach, digestive system, body fluids, female organs, and the lymphatic system. The Moon, full moons and lunar eclipses can cause menstruation problems and fluid retention.
The Traditional Planets
The five traditional or visible planets are grouped into personal planets: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The Sun and Moon can also be called personal planets. Jupiter and Saturn are social or transpersonal planets.
Mercury rules communication, speech, hearing, writing, thinking patterns, rationality, wit, reasoning, primary and secondary education, neighborhood, siblings, cousins, short-distance transport, commerce, trade, news, messages, information, brown and the metal Mercury. It is fast, lively, clever, adaptable, variable, unemotional and curious.
In medical astrology, Mercury rules the brain, central nervous system, lungs, tubing of the body, the five senses, and the hands. Mercury can cause nervous, speech or respiratory disorders.
Venus rules love, self-love and how you value yourself, money, harmony, beauty, refinement, affection, equality, the desire for pleasure, comfort, ease, romance, marriage, business partnerships, sex, children, cosmetics, decorating, the arts, fashion, social life, green and the metal copper.
In medical astrology, Venus rules the thymus gland, testes and ovaries, fertility, hormones in general, the throat, kidneys, and sense of touch. Venus can cause urinary disease and sugar imbalance.
Mars represents energy (particularly goal-directed energy), strength, confidence, self-assertion, passion, sexuality, charisma, ambition, anger, aggression, and impulsiveness. It rules sports, competitions, physical activities, martial arts, war, weapons, soldiers, police, metal workers, the color red and the metal iron.
In medical astrology, Mars rules the adrenal glands, iron in the blood, muscles, gall bladder, bile, head, and senses of smell and taste. Mars can cause injuries, cuts, blows, bruises, burns, inflammation, fever, and acute diseases.
Jupiter rules growth, expansion, prosperity, luck, long-distance and foreign travel, big business, wealth, teaching, higher education, beliefs, philosophy, religion, the church, devotion, prayer, priests, law, judges, the urge for freedom and exploration, gambling, merrymaking, orange and the metal tin.
In medical astrology, Jupiter rules the thyroid gland, liver, pancreas (traditional), thighs, feet, growth and cancer (traditional). Jupiter can cause liver disorders and obesity.
Saturn represents duty, discipline, responsibility, career, loyalty, dedication, honor, restrictions, limitations, delay, boundaries, patience, wisdom, endurance, practicality, reality, tradition, time, authority, order, systems, structures, hierarchy, stability, lessons, tests, karma, consequences, punishment, pessimism, hardships, fatalism, grey and the metal lead. It is slow, cold and dry.
In medical astrology, Saturn rules the parathyroid glands, skin, hair, teeth, bones, the body’s defenses, and the spleen. Saturn can cause restriction of vessels and nerves, lethargy, narcolepsy, and chronic diseases, and can slow the growth of cancer.
The Modern Planets
The modern or outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto cannot be seen without the technology developed in the last 250 years. These spiritual planets are generational, impersonal, nonmaterial and intangible. They rule mass consciousness, the collective, societies, cultures, processes and cycles.
Uranus rules sudden and unexpected change, higher awareness, excitement, individuality, freedom, originality, ingenuity, genius, psychic awareness, flashes of insight, discoveries, invention, explosions, electricity, astrology, blue and the metal zinc. It’s unique, unorthodox and futuristic but also crazy, unreliable, eccentric, impulsive, erratic and unsettling.
In medical astrology, Uranus rules the amygdala, neural activity, and aura. Uranus is related to ADHD, Aspergers and similar syndromes. Uranus can cause spasms, seizures, accidents and nervous disorders, sudden illnesses, and electrocution.
Neptune rules spirituality, religion, idealism, empathy, sensitivity, illusion, mysteries, intuition, compassion, sacrifice, deception, delusion, weakness, confusion, vagueness, uncertainty, intrigue, scandal, escapism, fantasy, celebrity, entertainment, glamour, dreams, visions, the third eye, inspiration, premonitions, mysticism, divinity, transcendence, psychic ability, magic, enchantment, mirrors, film, liquid, fog, mist, gasses, altered states of consciousness, poison, drugs, alcohol, addiction, hallucinations, hypnotism, paranormal, ghosts, telepathy, symbols, socialism, welfare, communism, entertainment, purple and the metal cobalt. Neptune is strange, elusive, insidious, subtle and intangible.
In medical astrology, Neptune rules the pineal gland, endocrine system, psychic healing, infection, and anesthetics. Neptune can cause weakness and disease in general, and especially contagious infections, addictions, poisoning, hypochondria, sensitivity, immune diseases, chronic illness, misdiagnosis and hard-to-diagnose disease.
Pluto represents transformation and regeneration, destruction and renewal, death and rebirth, power, intensity, crisis, transcendence, obsessions, compulsions, the masses, evolution, genetics, race, personal mastery, wealth, big business, global organizations, surgery, detective work, taboos, dictators, murder and genocide, black and the metal bismuth. It is extreme and ruthless and exposes the dark, hidden and sinister.
In medical astrology, Pluto rules the pancreas (modern), metabolism, elimination, cell death, cancer (modern) and genetics. Pluto can cause compulsions, genetic disorders, and amputations.
The Cardinal Points
The Ascendant (AC) or 1st house cusp is the physical manifestation of your soul. It rules your physical appearance, overall health, how you present yourself to the world and how others first see you. But it can also be a shield or mask to guard your authentic nature. The Ascendant ranks in importance with the Sun and Moon. Along with the Descendant, it makes up the relationship axis.
The Imun Coeli (IC), Nadir, or 4th house cusp represents your roots, history, home and family, one parent (usually mother), and ancestors,
The Descendant (DC) or 7th house cusp represents your one-to-one relationships. It is your partner, intimate, professional, or business, and your open enemies. It can also define your inner partner or what you most want in a partner.
The Midheaven (MC) or 10th house cusp rules your career or calling, ambitions, what you are motivated to achieve, reputation, authority, recognition, social status, public profile, traditional breadwinner, father (sometimes a mother or single parent).
The Lunar Nodes
The lunar nodes represent karma, family relationships, genetic links, karmic relationships, and previous incarnations.
The North Node represents your karmic objectives, soul growth, evolution, the future, and lessons you came here to learn.
The South Node represents the challenges and gifts from previous lifetimes, innate unconscious tendencies, karmic patterns that are generally separative and destructive, and past life hangovers.
Asteroids, Chiron and Lilith
Asteroids can be very informative, and you can find plenty of information about asteroids and minor planet meanings in astrology online. Ceres (now classed as a minor planet), along with Pallas, Juno, and Vesta, are the four main asteroid goddesses. Asteroid Hygeia is useful in medical astrology. Use the links at the end of this page to learn more about asteroids in your chart.
Chiron represents wounding and healing. It is the deepest wound in your soul and your ability to heal yourself and others through traditional medicine and other alternative healing methods. In Greek mythology, Chiron was the wisest of the Centaurs, depicted as Centaurus Constellation. He taught astrology and herbal medicine and was associated with wisdom and proficiency in botany, music, astronomy, divination, and medicine. In Christian Astrology, Chiron represents Christ.
Lilith, technically Black Moon Lilith, is powerful feminine energy. Mythologically, Lilith was a strong, independent woman. She sought equality but not control and rebelled against subservience. The patriarchy labeled her a demon, but in reality, she is a priestess and counterpart to Chiron. In Christian Astrology, Lilith is Mary Magdalene. She represents feminine wounding and healing, primal and instinctual feminine energy, marginalization, and your shadow side or subconscious personality and darker desires you keep hidden to avoid criticism and rejection.
Lilith rules forbidden fruit, seduction, kundalini, tantric sex, prostitution, pornography, nudist colonies, disobedience, non-conformism, persecution, disempowerment, bullying, alienation, banishment, exile, menstruation, gender issues and LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, the other woman, triangular relationships, shadows, cross-roads, abandoned buildings, bats, suppressed anger, untapped power and the acceptance of pain, sacrifice, grief and suffering. Ignoring Lilith can be unhealthy and destructive. Acknowledging her can bring liberation, healing, and spiritual growth. Exploring and unleashing your Lilith often requires periods of isolation.
Other Points
The Part of Fortune is the happiness of your soul, good fortune, and material success.
The Vertex Point represents destiny encounters and mystical experiences. The Vertex axis is a ‘doorway’ that gives access to other realities. It can open to many different worlds. It can describe that which delights, which gives a touch of magic to life but can bring terror and horror. The Vertex axis tends to intensify anything with which it has contact. Visit Alice Partman for more information.
Thank you!
So if all the planets and house they reside in are incorrect, how can anyone get an accurate reading in the present time.. What and who do we believe can we rely on for accuracy…What system is more precise…
Hi Bob. The Signs and Houses just add more layers of interpretation. They basically have the same meaning as the planets. For example, Jupiter, Sagittarius, 9th House. Just go back to Jupiter and its aspects. It is that simple.
In my experience, Pluto and especially stationing Pluto, has a potent malefic influence on the chart, individually or group…
Yes, I have actually felt the exact moment of Pluto stationing retrograde. Very dark.
Horror story: years ago on the day Pluto went retro on sister’s sun, a texter crossed into her lane right at her, she swerved and the texter swerved back into correct lane. Crash broke both her legs off, one above knee, one below. She had to be cut out of vehicle. On the day Pluto went direct she got released from rehab. It was a life changer. She was not supposed to walk again, but still hobbling around. Most stark thing I have astrologically experienced. Personally, she changed for the better.
It’s Yin not Ying x
I have been struggling to use the houses and signs yet here you are! I don’t use them somehow, still a student btw. That makes sense however the houses are required in solar return readings I guess.
I’ll be questioning this. Thank you!
Hi Jamie i respect your opinion not to use traditional signs or houses. But i think even if you mostly use only fixed stars astrology is still magical thinking and NOT mere exact science. So it is still a esoteric way of thinking in analogies even if we need astronomy for it. If you use only fixed stars and think thats more scientific than houses or ecliptical signs i could say “How should the fixed stars have any scientific proovable influence on humans when even the planets with exeption of sun and moon don’t have ?”
Easy Klaus, stars have energy.
Yeah for sure but from so far away ? Sure, they emit rays of all spectres ok but from light years away the influence is by far lesser than our sun scientifically spoken.
With quantum physics and over ten dimentions, still more likely than lines on a horoscope affecting me.
Now Jamie anyway we see things for me is the only criteria does it work or not. We are not god that we know why in the end it works or not even if we know more and more. And if you write about quantum physics and dimensions we don’t even know if there is a multiverse and where that comes from. Every time humans think now they are close to the whole truth it gets even more mysterious…so i am more with sokrates “what do we REALLY KNOW in the end ?” The rest is religion and believery so what….
Jamie, what are your thoughts about the asteroid that will be moving around the Earth for the next two months?
Do you think it will be significant enough to effect us from an astrological perspective?
I doubt it, Asteroid 2024 PT5 is too small to be seen with a normal telescope. It is about the size of a bus.
While this little asteroidlet is very far indeed from being in the class of the one that probably killed the dinosaurs, and is not even comparable to Chelyabinsk, I still passionately hope it doesn’t hiccup and make landfall near any people or buildings… a flaming “star” the size of a bus would still seriously mess up our lawn.
Difficult for me to get a visual on this. I can read about earth wobble and precession but cannot get a head visual on it yet. But apparently, it has changed the appearance of the sun passing by the constellations? It seems like it is the premise for the house/sign calculations that is no longer true. Systems are not designed to work but to control things. We need them to function. It’s where I fall into the Virgo defined category. Especially in the job force, illogical thinking, faulty premises, I just can’t work that way. So I get it.
But hey, I love the levels and dimensions, so whatever gets a person there, it’s okay either way with me.
I am intrigued by the vertex. Of course I am. Thanks for the reference.
So the vertex is an axis? One writer likens it to another asc/desc?
I am well aware of what seems like magical encounters that deeply affect me or change me or the other. I am so happy when it happens for the other and they go off and running. And when it happens for me I am awestruck.
I cannot explain it to the other, they don’t get it. Once I told someone about it and he said so now you owe me. Yegads, he doesn’t get it.
Hey Vic i think we will never explain everything. So if the other person does not understand and get it be happy if you feel this magical connection ..
Anyway yeah i know this virgo thing of mercurial rationalism our society seems to be founded on but how is it for real ? Human behaviour is 10% conscious and 90% unconscious hypno therapeuts say. I know a famous german astrologer who said you can make predictions as an astrologer if you know most people work on the primitive and unconscious level.
I was not referring to a ‘rational society’. I was speaking to functioning in the day to day. What I work to. Square peg in a tound hole kind of thing. For example, I worked a job in a company that had in place a customized software because of the uniqueness of the business. But business manager sold owner on a generic software because you could just push a button and get some reports she wanted. But there was no way to get the data into the software . The reports are generated from the data. That sort of thing.
Elsewise interesting that my number one destructive pain in the arse sib has natal sun that conjuncts my anti vertex. That has been severely painful at times. Borderline downright scary. She mesmerizes others. They get all glassy eyed like they are somewhere else.
Anyway, vertex will be fun to explore.
The other one I have not looked at before is POF. Natal POF in opp to natal mars rx. I really get sick of astrologers defining mars rx as meaning I am a sore loser. Maybe because there is a loose grand trine between mars venus and Saturn. I mean I learn to live with what was born with. It’s who I am. Now the freaky dreams of being in all kinds of war battles in days of yore settings, those I could do without. However they have seemed to happen at times of dire happenings with the people in my life at the time characters in the dream. Could be that subconcious thing happening and formulating.
Haha. Mars rx in Pisces per house system. Battle dreams in other times. I guess that system makes me laugh at myself.. Will have to look for fixed star(s) specifically at the mars rx location.
Jamie, you said,
“Please stop using Signs and Houses and the rules created to accompany them. They are inaccurate and misleading and have greatly damaged the reputation of astrology and astrologers.”
Am I missing something here? Or maybe just misunderstanding? First, the “rules” were discovered, not created. A prediction concerning planets in the 10th or wherever can be very accurate and not at all misleading. I would like you to help me understand what you mean. You also used the word “caused” a couple of times. That implies determinism. I’m ok with that but it does bump up against the free will argument, which I would love to have. Also, you said stars have energy. So does a rock in my backyard but the rock usually doesn’t “cause” me to do anything. When theorizing about how astrology works, it is just theorizing. No one knows how the energy of a star affects us or why it does. And to the post about ‘just believery’: it’s more than just that as you can watch the manifestation of the energy take place and it can be measured. It’s the difference between the 9th house and the 8th and 12th. Oh wait. Please stop using houses.
A star is a great ball of fire that emits energy. Very different than a rock.
No one knows how the energy of a star affects us or why it does.