Solar Flare Astrology

Solar Flare Astrology

Did you notice people were meaner last week? I sure did. The behavior of my family members became more extreme. If they were usually a bit moody, they became very moody; if they usually had a short temper, they erupted; and if they were the excitable type, they went off the chart.

I observed a lot of dangerous risk-taking, very nasty behavior, suspicion and paranoia. I could not sleep and became more depressed, anxious and nervous. But my awareness of this weird energy was acute. I felt something different. It was like something sinister and strange was happening.

Much of the negative energy of the last week can be explained by Mercury stationing retrograde on December 13 conjunct fixed star Facies. It explains the nasty words and arguments. And Sun square Neptune on December 16 explains the suspicion and paranoia.

But I knew there had to be another explanation because the end of last week was so disturbing. I imagined some psychic energy weapon had been tested. So, I scanned the online news. Volcanic eruption in Iceland? Nah. Oh well, back to work. Then it hit me. I saw a comment by Paul about a massive Solar Flare.

Solar Flare Astronomy

The solar flare occurred at 12:02 p.m. EST (1702 GMT) last Thursday, December 14, was the most powerful solar flare since September 2017. It was rated X, the most potent category. [1]

Solar Flare December 14, 2023

Solar Flare December 14, 2023 [NASA/SDO]

Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy. Flares and solar eruptions can impact radio communications, electric power grids, and navigation signals and pose risks to spacecraft and astronauts. [2]

Indeed, today’s flare “caused a deep shortwave radio blackout over the Americas.” We could see more solar action soon, for the sun is getting more and more active these days. Solar activity waxes and wanes on an 11-year cycle. The current Solar Cycle 25 will peak between January and October of next year. [1]

Solar Flare Astrology

Solar flares intensity existing behavior. Their energy is volatile, disturbing and upsetting. They amplify the astrological effects of the aspect and fixed star conjunctions at their time of impact.

Their influence on a birth chart is similar to a solar eclipse but way more intense. This powerful solar flare seemed to have a substantial impact for about five days, so I would give category X flares an orb of three degrees.

This particular solar flare resulted in a scary negative energy. But this may have been the amplifying effect on Mercury retrograde and Sun square Neptune. How much was due only to the solar flare, I am not sure. I would like to observe their effects on more positive aspects and fixed stars. Positive aspects from a solar flare to the natal chart bring higher spiritual awareness and increased sensitivity.

Conjunctions to natal Sun are most powerful, and I saw a case last week that has a debilitating effect with extreme fear, despondency, and a COVID-19 infection. Like a solar flare knocking out an energy grid, their effect on humans can knock out those things ruled by the planet affected. In the case of the Sun, that is willpower, confidence, vitality and health.

The solar flare on December 14, 2023, was at 22°25’ Sagittarius. As mentioned earlier, it increased the power of the aspects and fixed star conjunction at that time, including the influence of the December 12 New Moon at 20°40′ Sagittarius.

Solar Flare

Solar Flare December 14, 2023

See Sun Transits for more information on how this and other solar flares affect your chart. Their influence will be more intense, perhaps more negative, and modified by any fixed stars they align with, as well as aspects to other planets.


  1. Sun Unleashes Most Powerful Solar Flare Since 201t, Scientific American, December 15, 2023
  2. Sun Releases Strong Solar Flare, NASA, December 14, 2023