Virgo Horoscope 2014

Virgo 2014 HoroscopeVirgo horoscope 2014 with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

   Virgo Decan 1 – born Aug 23 to Sep 2.
   Virgo Decan 2 – born Sep 3 to 12.
   Virgo Decan 3 – born Sep 13 to 22.

Decan 1 Virgo 2014 Horoscope

A series of confidence boosting eclipse cycles in 2014 are going to put you out there in the spotlight. This is ideal for promoting yourself and achieving your personal and professional goals. However, while there is this positive focus on your personal identity, you may well begin to feel vulnerable and insecure, due to a nebulous Neptune opposition for all of 2014.

Although you may face deception, mischief and confusion from Neptune, the productive eclipses mean that you can root out these horrors in your environment, and some undesirable qualities that have been lurking inside yourself, hidden from your conscious awareness. Neptune will act as a mirror, enabling you to view yourself through the reactions of the people who you interact with on a one to one basis.

All the of eclipses affecting you this year are solar eclipses, so the Neptune mirror will be showing you how people initially see you, their first impressions of your personality, your identity. Now this Neptune opposition can be one of the more scary transits to deal with in general, but these solar eclipses all make soft, harmonious aspects to your decan. Therefore, you can expect less of the deception and confusion associated with Neptune, and more of the positive self-realization and spiritual enlightenment.

The November 2013 solar eclipse was sextile your decan, the April 29 solar eclipse is trine, and the October 23 solar eclipse is sextile your decan. They will all have very much the same influence, giving you more self-confidence and greater ease in expressing yourself, from November 2013 right through till March 2015.

There should be fewer obstacles to success and achievement of your goals, and you can grow spiritually through studying occult fields like astrology, meditation, dreaming and Tarot. Beware of falling under the spell of gurus though, as Neptune might cause you to miss the ulterior motives of con artists. This also applies to over-idealizing people in general, especially love interests.

   Monthly Virgo Horoscope Decan 1
   Virgo 2015 Horoscope Decan 1
   Virgo 2013 Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Virgo 2014 Horoscope

You have a great 2014 to look forward to, and you couldn’t get a better start than with the extremely fortunate Jupiter Sextile. This lady luck transit lasts from November 2013 to May 2014, making this a period of happiness and optimism when good things seem to come more easily.

Things will come even easier for you, with fewer obstacles to success because of the November 2013 solar eclipse. This eclipse lasts for the entirety of the happy Jupiter transits, meaning you can expect not just fewer obstacles to success, but in fact a lot of help along the way. Assistance will come from superiors and men in particular, people who have it in their power to give you a healthy leg up and support.

Increasing your financial wealth, as well as you level of self-satisfaction should be a high priority, but this combination of Jupiter and the eclipse also suggests more travel and perhaps studies to broaden your horizons. Success in your personal relationships goes along with all the other goodies.

The April 29 solar eclipse is trine your decan, having a similar effect to the previous solar eclipse. Although the lucky Jupiter transit has finished by now, you can still enjoy strong self-esteem and favors from others. You can reinforce the gains you made earlier in the year and make them permanent enhancement to your life.

For Virgo born September 3 to 7 only, you have Pluto trine your decan all year. The extreme boost to your ego and confidence levels means that you will be able to make big advances in all areas of life. People will be drawn to your strong presence and charisma and there is no bad karma in taking advantage of this because important and powerful people will genuinely want to team up with you for win-win situations.

For Virgo born September 8 to 12 only, you have Saturn Sextile Sun Transit from the beginning of May till the end of September 2014. This is a time for steady progress toward your longer term goals. You will find yourself taking a more responsible attitude to all your affairs, from work, to partners and your family. This is a great opportunity to express your leadership qualities ;and you may be called on to fulfill important duties.

   Monthly Virgo Horoscope Decan 2
   Virgo 2015 Horoscope Decan 2
   Virgo 2013 Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Virgo 2014 Horoscope

A very productive year ahead for you, plus some good luck thrown in as an added bonus. The productivity comes via Saturn sextile your decan for all of 2014. This will encourage you to work hard and act in a responsible manner. Extra patience and stamina helps you to achieve substantial gains, nothing flashy or unexpected, but solid foundation building.

You may be called upon to take on a leadership role, or take on extra responsibility at work or within your family. Your strong work ethic is going to impress superiors, so promotions or other kinds of recognition are on the cards. The gains you make in your personal and professional life will be lasting, setting you up for years to come.

You can expect the biggest achievements, and recognition, to come in a six to seven week period from late May to mid July 2014. During this time, on top of the achieving Saturn transit, you have the most fortunate Jupiter sextile. Luck is on your side now and good things are attracted to you. The goodies can range from love and money to promotions and travel. Basically, whatever you really desire and work towards, you should enjoy assistance, good luck and ultimate success.

For this entire Jupiter transit, Jupiter will be trine Saturn, an aspect for business success. Not only business dealings, but also financial investments are favored, especially in blue chips and real estate. Your business and professional life will be productive, well-organized and fruitful. If you don’t have a job, then now is the time to sell yourself and land a good one. If you do have a job, ask for a raise or promotion.

   Monthly Virgo Horoscope Decan 3
   Virgo 2015 Horoscope Decan 3
   Virgo 2013 Horoscope Decan 3

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